SPECIAL: Nuclear Emergency in Texas — Possible Deep State Zionist False Flag (Framing Saudis) for Stealing Weapons Grade Nuclear Pits

08 Proliferation
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: This could be as minor as a routine alarm over a car emitting alarming signatures and as major as a successful theft of weapons grade nuclear materials.  I tend to think that this is either being way overblown OR it is a Zionist attempt to frame the Saudis just as they framed Muslims for 9/11 — they see 9/11 Truth looming and are terrified.  Houston is a major Mossad center of operations and in my view, if there is a worst case, the Zionists are central to the narrative. If there is a lesson, it is how open (vulnerable) the Pantex nuclear materials plant is. I doubt they could stop a serious attack from the air or even an 18 wheeler loaded.

Afterthought: this is reported to have been the place where the Zionists stole the nuclear artillery pits used in the Twin Towers on 9/11.

Exclusive/Breaking: Did Saudi’s Just Rob Pantex, Did They Steal a Dozen H Bombs?

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Jon Rappoport: Don’t Like Illegal Immigrants? There’s a Drug for That (Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance…)

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society
Jon Rappoport

Outrageous chemical-dosing experiment to force friendship toward migrants: not science fiction

I really hope you understand this. It is not a fantasy. It isn't science fiction. It isn't satire. It is Brave New World, but not the Huxley novel. It's happening now. It's a published study that appears on the website of the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

The title of the study is, Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection.” (Reference: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Aug 29;114(35):9314-9319.)

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: Don't Like Illegal Immigrants? There's a Drug for That (Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance…)”

Marcin Jakubowki: Open Source MicroFactory Workshops

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Offered by Open Source Ecology

Our immersive workshops bring together vision, people, and materials to fuel real creative innovation.

Click to see 3d Printer, Plastic Grinder, Filament Maker, Laser Cutter, CNC Circuit Mill

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Stephen E. Arnold: World Brain / Memex Cloud

Advanced Cyber/IO
Stephen E. Arnold

The World Brain Idea is Back

Remember when the Internet was innocent and also a dangerous place? Now the Internet is a necessary tool and an even more dangerous place. World Brain wants to change that. World Brain wants to make the Internet troll free, end the dissemination of false news, users enjoy privacy, and freedom to choose their providers for the best service. I say World Brain is idealistic and naive, but maybe not.

WorldBrain.io is an open-source software collective with the mission of making it 10X+ faster for people to organize, recover, share and discover the most useful and knowledge-expanding content on the web.”

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Yoda: Russia Woos White Farmers

01 Agriculture, 06 Russia, Earth Intelligence

Russia ‘tries to woo white South African farmers to live there in the hope they will boost the country's agricultural industry amid land seizures in their homeland'

According to The Daily Star Vladimir Poluboyarenko, a government liaison from the Stavropol region in southern Russia, said: ‘I want them to know that Russia can be their mother country, too.'

The Russian Government have also removed the tourist visa requirements for South Africans enabling them buy potential homes.

Mongoose: Daniel Estulin on Trump vs The Deep State (Video 29:30 & Text Summary)

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence

Text summary (bullets) below the fold.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Daniel Estulin on Trump vs The Deep State (Video 29:30 & Text Summary)”