Integrity Emergent: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

Advanced Cyber/IO, DoD, Ethics, Officers Call
Capt Wayne Porter, USN

NEW:  Strategic Narrative Featured at Woodrow Wilson Center led by Hon. Director Jane Harman, watch the video.

Captain Wayne Porter discusses “A National Strategic Narrative”

Posted: Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Institute of World Politics

Captain Porter explained that US policy could benefit from adhering to a coherent strategic context. He was concerned that our leaders increasingly are becoming captive to temporal urgency without being able to consider a wider strategic perspective. We need to appreciate the interconnectedness and complexity of our strategic environment – better described as a strategic ecology. He said that this argues for a whole-of-nation, functional approach to development, diplomacy and defense, versus simply treating these as organizational stovepipes. He pointed out that such a functional approach has now been recognized in the National Security Strategy, the Quadrennial Defense Review, and the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review.

Reference: National Strategic Narrative

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Journal: Cheery Waves Flags How Supercomputers Alter Science

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, History, info-graphics/data-visualization, IO Mapping, IO Sense-Making, Key Players, Maps, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Real Time, Research resources, Serious Games, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, True Cost, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Cheery Waves Recommends....

Digging Deeper, Seeing Farther: Supercomputers Alter Science


New York Times, April 25, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO — Inside a darkened theater a viewer floats in a redwood forest displayed with Imax-like clarity on a cavernous overhead screen.

The hovering sensation gives way to vertigo as the camera dives deeper into the forest, approaches a branch of a giant redwood tree, and then plunges first into a single leaf and then into an individual cell. Inside the cell the scene is evocative of the 1966 science fiction movie “Fantastic Voyage,” in which Lilliputian humans in a minuscule capsule take a medical journey through a human body.

There is an important difference — “Life: A Cosmic Journey,” a multimedia presentation now showing at the new Morrison Planetarium here at the California Academy of Sciences, relies not just on computer animation techniques, but on a wealth of digitized scientific data as well.

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Comment and Seven Graphics Below the Line…

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Search: osint: graphical overviews


WordPress cannot handle the colon and requires precision, for example:

Graphic: OSINT

but, since this entire site is about OSINT, M4IS2, intelligence re-invention, and Smart Nations, you are much better off actually reading the middle column and learning to use it.  The single best posting is:

AA Graphics List (1)

you could also look at the categorization of the 321 graphics posted as of today:

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Identity Authentication–People, Data, Context

About the Idea
Robert Steele

Contribution to Google Group Next Net

There are eight intelligence tribes, each of which has its own authentication procedures at top and sub-levels..  Academic, civil society (including hybrid networks, labor unions and religions), commerce (both legal and illegal), government (at all levels on all issues), law enforcement (including badge versus non-badge), media (including bloggers), and non-governmental/non-profit.

Here are two graphics on this.

Graphic: Information Commons & Eight Tribes

Graphic: The UN and the Eight Tribes of Intelligence

We also need authentication of true cost information and all research from the point of creation to the point of aggregation.  That can be a combination of individual, group, and time place certifications.

Now to relate this to knowledge, here is a graphic from Dick Klavans and gang, on the state of knowledge today: fragmented to insanity:

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Massimo Pigliucci on Ignorance Today

04 Education, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, IO Sense-Making
Who, Me?

Ignorance Today

Massimo Pigliucci


NEW YORK – Ignorance is the root of all evil, according to Plato, who also famously gave us a still-current definition of its opposite: knowledge. For Plato, knowledge is “justified true belief.” That definition is worthy of consideration as we reflect on the perils of ignorance in the twenty-first century.

Plato thought that three conditions must be met in order for us to “know” something: the notion in question must actually be true; we must believe it (because if we do not believe something that is true, we can hardly claim that we know it); and, most subtly, it must be justifiable – there must be reasons why we believe the notion to be true.

Consider something that we all think we know: the earth is (approximately) round. This is as true as astronomical facts get, particularly because we have sent artificial satellites into orbit and seen that our planet is indeed roundish. Most of us (except for a lunatic fringe of flat-earthers) also believe this to be the case.

What about the justification of that belief? How would you answer if someone asked you why you believe that the earth is round?

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