Economic Double-Dip Predicted–and Concealed

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
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Patrick McConnell: Government of Deceit–A sobering analysis…

• The “entitlement programs” have an unfunded liability of greater than $104 trillion. Your share is $367,000. (Every man, woman and child owes the same.)
• At the end of 2009, $3.2 trillion of the $12.9 trillion National Debt was spent, but never on the government's general budget. Where did 3.2 Trillion dollars go?
• In 2010, the federal government is borrowing 52 cents of every dollar that it spends on general operations. Just to balance the budget, spending will have to be cut by 52%.
• Over the next four years, the federal government needs to borrow at least $3.9 trillion and the world is basically running out of money for us.

Robert Reich: The Economic Truth That Nobody Will Admit: We're Heading Back Toward a Double-Dip

Washington, meanwhile, doesn't want to sound the economic alarm. The White House and most Democrats want Americans to believe the economy is on an upswing.

Republicans, for their part, worry that if they tell it like it is Americans will want government to do more rather than less. They'd rather not talk about jobs and wages, and put the focus instead on deficit reduction (or spread the lie that by reducing the deficit we'll get more jobs and higher wages).

Joseph E. Stiglitz: Why I didn't sign deficit letter

I believe the Bowles Simpson recommendations represent, to too large an extent, a set of unprincipled political compromises that would lead to a weaker America — with slower growth and a more divided society.

Jim Quinn: “Extend and Pretend”: The Severe Ramifications of Wall Street's Game

We now have an economy in which five banks control over 50 percent of the entire banking industry, four or five corporations own most of the mainstream media, and the top one percent of families hold a greater share of the nation’s wealth than any time since 1930. This sort of concentration of wealth and power is a classic setup for the failure of a democratic republic and the stifling of organic economic growth.

Nomi Prins: Top Ten Ways Things Could Get Worse from Here

The government has nearly convinced the public they have everything under control, when that’s far from the case. In fact, everything could go downhill fast. Here are ten all-too-likely scenarios I look at in my book, It Takes a Pillage:

1. The actual bailout has quietly ballooned to $16 trillion dollars (not including over $3 trillion set aside for money market funds), most of it given out with no strings attached. Wall Street firms could continue to tout the myth that ‘talent’ must be paid for – now with stupid sums of bonus money, funded by the American People.

2. The stock market, which has rallied substantially since the government started giving out free money to the banking industry, could tank on the realization that if that money needed to be paid back any time soon, the banks wouldn’t be good for it.

3. Because bigger is better still seems to be Fed policy, JPM Chase could acquire Bank of America – Merrill Lynch, creating one of the largest, federally subsidized banking firms in the world.

4. Because the bigger just can’t help getting badder, JPM Chase could also acquire Citigroup, and we’d be living with a monopoly economy.

5. We could sink into the delusion that the Obama administration has actually done something to restrain Wall Street, lulling us into a false sense of security. Then the remaining big banks will screw us again.

6. Congress could continue to ignore history and never reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act. That act made banks smaller, more specialized, easier to regulate and less expensive to bail out. Repealing it lead to this mess, and there’s barely a whisper heard in Washington of bringing it back.

7. As a Fed approved bank holding company, Goldman Sachs could buy a lot of small banks just to get access to all the money in savings and checking accounts to gamble with. Plus they’d have that great $250,000 FDIC guarantee they get per account. This would make them the biggest bank in the country.

8. Every bank and government agency with access to some aspect of a federal bailout could max out their subsidies chips at once – pushing the full bailout cost to over $26 trillion.

9. Many mid-sized and smaller banks didn’t need a bailout and have been better at allowing consumers access to credit. The largest banks, flush with federal funding and a poor record of helping average Americans, could buy them all up.

10. The Fed could continue to operate in secrecy, despite multiple moves by Congress to push for a full audit of its largesse. Right now, only the Fed knows what the real worst case scenarios might actually be.

Citizen Intelligence on Food & Health Fraud

01 Agriculture, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
John Steiner

Expose Foul Conditions at Factory Farms? Go to Jail!

March 29, 2011

Alliance for Natural Health

Iowa and Florida are considering bills that make it illegal to film or photograph inside factory farms without permission. Are the CAFOs afraid their unhealthy conditions and animal cruelty will be exposed?  Help us put a stop to this madness!

Two weeks ago we reported on the way the FDA is blocking journalistic freedom of speech through the information embargoes they impose. Freedom of speech is taking another hit, this time from state legislatures.  Read more….

* Fight Healthcare Monopolies

* Food and Supplements Are Not Drugs

* Protect Our Children

* Real, Not Phony Food Safety

* Stop Censoring Medical Science

Phi Beta Iota: It appears that some governments now believe that they have a right to legislate the censorship of truth.  Arsenic and antibiotics and other toxins associated with the industrialization of agriculture are a major cause of human illness, deformity, allergies, and other unnatural conditions.  This is all part of the “true cost” paradigm for the redesign of society to emphasize the wellness of humans and the sustainability of the Earth.  Governments so foolish as to deny that the truth at any cost reduces all other costs should be voted out of office or ignored.  Truth is a public power, a public good, and a public right.

What Google Needs to Do–Besides No Evil….

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), IO Impotency

Well worth the read….

I don't think this is so much about Google as it is about fostering innovation and good overall business practices, taken from the standpoint of a former Google employee.

There are many good nuggets in here — my favorite being the “NIH” (Not Invented Here) Syndrome and the like.

What Larry Page really needs to do to return Google to its startup roots

Posted on March 24, 2011 by slacy

I worked at Google from 2005-2010, and saw the company go through many changes, and a huge increase in staff.  Most importantly, I saw the company go from a place where engineers were seen as violent disruptors and innovators, to a place where doing things “The Google Way” was king, and where thinking outside the box was discouraged and even chastised.  So, here’s a quick list of things I think Larry could do to bring the startup feel back to Google:

Read detailed posting….

Phi Beta Iota: The post is not only credible, but the comments are spectacularly reinforcing.  It is also with sadness that we observe how quickly Google acquired all of the bad habits of its start-up funding partner and continuing co-conspirator in institutionalized ineptitude, the US secret intelligence community.  We continue to emphasize that Corruption–and Integrity–are about much more than individual honor or good intent–they are systemic.  Corrupt feedback–and losses of integrity in small things–are cumulative.

George Soros Buying Across Africa

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government, Key Players, Law Enforcement, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Strategy
DefDog Recommends...

Heads up on the article about George Soros remaking the world's economic system.  Here is an overview from Intelligence Online…as well as the document found under Guinea…..

A look behind presidential doors

GUINEA: Rio Tinto’s friends talk Conde around
GUINEA: How Soros is backing new leader
IVORY COAST: Sponsors give generously
NIGERIA: Soros to the Rescue?
CONGO-K: Soros Targets Katanga Operators
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE:  Conflict of Interest for Soros?
AFRICA/UNITED STATES:  Soros Ups Investment
SOUTH AFRICA: Soros initiative in South Africa

More information on each below the line….

Continue reading “George Soros Buying Across Africa”

George Soros Remaking the OLD Global Economy NEW: Clyde Prestowitz in Favor with Reasons

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Corruption, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests

George Soros

Why Are the Media Ignoring Plans By George Soros to Remake the Entire Global Economy?

By Dan Gainor 

Published March 23, 2011

Two years ago, George Soros said he wanted to reorganize the entire global economic system. In two short weeks, he is going to start – and no one seems to have noticed.

On April 8, a group he’s funded with $50 million is holding a major economic conference and Soros’s goal for such an event is to “establish new international rules” and “reform the currency system.” It’s all according to a plan laid out in a Nov. 4, 2009, Soros op-ed calling for “a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order.”

Read more….

NEW: Clyde Prestowitz Comments

Continue reading “George Soros Remaking the OLD Global Economy NEW: Clyde Prestowitz in Favor with Reasons”

Spot-Light on Coca Cola as Evil Incarnate

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 12 Water, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Amazon Page

The Coca-Cola Case

By Maria Popova

What Colombian laborers have to do with American foreign policy and the history of soda.

Labor rights are among the most pressing human rights issues in industrialized nations. But what makes the subject most devastating is how remote it feels to most of us yet how deeply infused our everyday lives are with its enablers, from the inhuman factory conditions in the Chinese factories that churn out our favorite shoes to the impossibly low wages of the Indian farmers who grow our afternoon tea. The Coca-Cola Case is an unsettling feature-length documentary by directors German Gutierrez and Carmen Garcia exploring the subject through the lens of America’s favorite soft drink, investigating the allegations that Coke orchestrated the kidnapping, torture and murder of union leaders trying to improve working conditions in Colombia, Guatemala and Turkey.

After months of investigation into Coca-Cola, all evidence shows that the Coca-Cola system is ripe with immorality, corruption and complicity in gross human rights violations, including murder and torture.”

Read full review with video inserts…

Phi Beta Iota: Home and host country issues with multinational corporations were deeply studied in the 1970's, and then the universities were commercialized, distracted, bought off, you name it, they did everything except think holistically.  The fragmentation of knowledge is the equivalent of mass human insanity.  Coca Cola is representative of the broader issues, but like Nestle and others that sell “liquid,” it is particularly evil with respect to draining public water aquifers without regard to the “true cost” of that untaxed and unregulated behavior.

Mother Jones: Who Screwed the Middle Class?

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Sense-Making

Who Screwed the Middle Class?

— By Kevin Drum

| Fri Mar. 25, 2011 3:00 AM PDT

EXTRACT:  A lot has happened over the past 30 years, but if you're looking for a single political sea change that's had the biggest impact on middle class wages—more important than union decline, more important than NAFTA, more important than the end of Glass-Steagall—it's the political consensus that underlies the Fed's reluctance to allow labor markets to stay tight enough to generate wage increases in the real economy. And it's something we're seeing all over again right now, as the DC chattering classes have almost unanimously decided that inflation is our real enemy right now, even though core inflation is running around 1% and unemployment is still near 9%.

This is a policy beloved of the business community, which prefers loose labor markets that keep wages low and executive compensation high, but it hasn't always been the Fed's policy and it's not written in stone that it has to be now. Tight labor markets and rising middle-class wages are, to a large extent, a choice we make. Politics took them away 30 years ago, and politics can return them to us if we want.

Worth a full read….

Continue reading “Mother Jones: Who Screwed the Middle Class?”