NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Moves In on North Korea

02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Strategy

North Korea-China: North Korea will develop the islet of Hwanggumpyong on the Yalu River Delta linking Sinuiju with the Chinese city of Dandong as a special economic zone in cooperation with Chinese businessmen, Chosun Ilbo reported 18 January. North Korean Cabinet already approved a law on the development that will be announced in March or April.

Comment: This is another example of Chinese business tutelage for North Korea. All other special economic zones have either failed for lack of investors or been troubled by North Korean government meddling. In the last category are the Mount Kumgang resort on the east coast and the Kaesong joint industrial park, north of Panmunjom.

One would surmise that a joint venture with the Chinese would be relieved of the unpredictability of North Korean leadership whims, which have undermined the profitability of the joint ventures with the South Koreans. More importantly, every Chinese economic lifeline tossed into the North Korean economic morass is a burden on China and a restraint on North Korea.

The Chinese are moving slowly, but steadily based on their understanding of the magnitude of North Korean economic mismanagement. Thus far, they appear to be helping North Korean enterprises that have prospects of profitability, such as textiles, and Chinese enterprises that benefit from North Korean geography, such as ports and infrastructure on the Sea of Japan.

North Korea never has been self-reliant and its condition of dependency on the global economy has steadily deepened under Kim Chong-il. The Chinese appear determined to salvage what they can and rebuild the rest of North Korea in a different, more sustainable direction, slowly, by converting some North Korean activities into extensions of China's economy.


Phi Beta Iota: The Chinese are out-thinking and out-maneuvering the USA on all fronts, and in a fascinating twist, may be egging the USA on to the same military-industrial death march that led to the end of the Soviet Union.  The above development should be studied in relation to WASHINGTON RULES: US-Korea-China-NK NAFTA.  In both instances, leaders are making strategic moves for reasons they consider valid, but that have nothing to do with the well-being of their respective publics.


01 Agriculture, 02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Methods & Process

A project of Americans for Free and Fair Trade

Dear Citizen:

Barack Obama is pushing a NAFTA-Style Korea Free Trade agreement that would undermine America's sovereignty, laws and economy. This deal would:

  • Allow foreign corporations to drag the U.S. before U.N. and World Bank tribunals to enforce special trade privileges and to demand compensations from the U.S. Treasury.
  • Undermine states rights with hundreds of state laws and regulations subject to review and alteration.
  • Kill almost 160,000 jobs in the U.S.

Six things you can do right now:

1.    Add your organization's name to our coalition letter (attached)
2.    Ask your members to sign our petition
3.    Add this widget to your homepage and e-communications
4.    “Like” on Facebook
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Thank you for your commitment to authentic free trade!

Joseph McCormick
Americans for Free and Fair Trade
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Phone: 541.531.0530

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Below the Line: Top Ten Reasons KORUS is Not Free or Fair Trade

Continue reading “WASHINGTON RULES: US-Korea-China-NK NAFTA”

WikiLeaks VI: 2,000 Offshore Bank Account Names

Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth
Rudolf Elmer Home Page

WikiLeaks to Publish Data From Ex-Julius Baer Banker

Bloomberg, 17 January 2010

WikiLeaks plans to release data on about 2,000 cross-border bank accounts provided by a former Julius Baer Group Ltd. employee, who says they may have been set up to evade taxes.

Rudolf Elmer, who was dismissed as chief operating officer by Julius Baer Bank & Trust Company Ltd. in the Cayman Islands in December 2002, handed over the information today, including data on 40 politicians, to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

“There will be a full revelation,” Assange told reporters today in London, adding that the data will take at least two weeks to check and disseminate. Elmer “is a whistleblower and he has important things to say,” he said.

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Structured Web Hits

“I was an expert in the offshore business,” Elmer told reporters at the meeting. “I am against the system. I want to let society know what I do know, and how this system works, because it’s damaging society.”

Elmer will be tried on Jan. 19 in Zurich, charged with several counts of attempted duress, including threats to Julius Baer and its employees, as well as breaching Switzerland’s banking secrecy laws.

The former employee “embarked in 2004 on a personal intimidation campaign and vendetta against Julius Baer,” the Zurich-based bank said in a statement. “He also used falsified documents and made death threats against employees.”

Also of Note:

WikiLeaks Kills Off Tunisian Tyranny (With Facebook, Twitter, Blogger Help)

Earlier WikiLeaks Rolling Updates:

Wikileaks III-V Rolling Update CLOSED

Wikileaks Round II (Iraq) Rolling Update 20101105

Other Postings About Wikileaks Impact at Phi Beta Iota (about 45)

Opposition to US-Korea [North Korea-China] NAFTA Rises

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Michael Ostrolenk Recommends...

A broad cross-section of stake-holders appears to be coming together to oppose the elite proposal for a US-South Korea NAFTA.  Among early discoveries are that it includes China and North Korea; and that it gives foreign corporations the right to challenge US laws.  From Donald Trump to Lori Wallach and others, the public–as opposed to the sponsoring elites–has not been consulted and does not gain from this special interest arrangement.

Home Page

Chinese View of Internet + Internet of Things = Wise Earth aka World Brain and Global Game

02 China, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, Key Players, Maps, Methods & Process, Policies, Real Time, Threats

GeoWeb and the “Internet of Things”

Written by shughes on Dec-3-09 4:51pm


In a recent trip to China, I discovered something of the direction of the national policy of that country towards the development of the Internet.  In a speech in Wuxi, the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao spoke of the drive to build the “internet of things” and provided the interesting equation:

Internet + Internet of Things = Wisdom of the Earth


The parallels between this statement of policy and the GeoWeb are striking. The GeoWeb has been viewed from a vareity of perspectives, a few of these are:

  1. As the integration of all business processes that deal with the physical world, i.e. that deal with our understanding of, and action in/on, the physical world.
  2. As a Web of interconnected documents that describe the physical world.
  3. As a Web of systems by which we control and manage our actions and interact with the physical world.
  4. As a planetary accounting system that helps us all understand the “state of things” at the local, regional, and global level – whether that be the state of arctic polar bear habitat, or that of crowding in the city of Mumbai.
  5. As a sort of Digital Nervous System for the planet that alerts us to changes in the state of our world.

Read more….

Economics of Happiness: Going Local

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, 12 Water, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Reform

the Economics of Happiness

A film by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick & John Page

‘Going local' is a powerful strategy to help repair our fractured world – our ecosystems, our societies and our selves. Far from the old institutions of power, people are starting to forge a very different future…

FeaturingVandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Michael Shuman, Juliet Schor, Richard Heinberg, Rob Hopkins, Andrew Simms, Zac Goldsmith, Samdhong Rinpoche

Film Trailer & Web Site

See Also:

Continue reading “Economics of Happiness: Going Local”