Berto Jongman: Iraq Suicide Bombing Results + RECAP

09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Military
Berto Jongman

Open source assessment of a devastating terrorist tactic.

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2011-09-03 Iraq Suicide Attack Study

200 coalition soldiers were killed in 79 suicide bomb events during 2003–10. More Iraqi civilians per lethal event were killed than were coalition soldiers (12 vs 3; p=0·004).

Suicide bombers in Iraq kill significantly more Iraqi civilians than coalition soldiers. Among civilians,
children are more likely to die than adults when injured by suicide bombs.

Phi Beta Iota:  The US Government is delusional if not maliciously deceptive in focusing on Al Qaeda and on suicide bombing as a “threat.”  Terrorism is a tactic, and nothing more than a traffic accident in the larger scheme of things.  Suicide bombings are also directly correlated with the invasion and occupation of foreign Muslim countries by US forces.  Duh.  In passing, we grieve to observe that we now have more military personnel committing suicide than are being killed in action.

See Also:

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Koko: CIA and Libyan Intelligence VERY Close, Including Rendition–meanwhile Fran Townsend Excels at Being a Vacuous Bimbo

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War

Koko Sign:  Who is this blond vacuous bimbo that keeps appearing on television with nothing serious to say?  Yes, we gorillas know that vacuous bimbo is a tautalogical redundancy, it just seemed appropriate.

Documents shed light on CIA, Gadhafi spy ties

From Ben Wedeman, CNN

September 3, 2011 7:15 p.m. EDT

Includes video.

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) — Documents seized at the Libyan intelligence headquarters have revealed a surprisingly close relationship between the CIA and their counterparts in the Gadhafi regime.

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Fran Townsend, CNN counter-terror analyst who worked as President George W. Bush's homeland security adviser, said that when suspects were transferred to any country, not just Libya, U.S. officials asked the government for assurances that they wouldn't violate human rights of the person in question.

Read full report…

Phi Beta Iota:  CNN lost its integrity when Ted Turner left, and it has not had anyone really serious on the national security account for a while.  Koko is right–Fran Townsend is an idiot who knows nothing.  These are trying times–if CNN is serious about getting back into analytics, they need to change their linen.

Chuck Spinney: Hill Staffer Expose of the GOP

11 Society, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, InfoOps (IO), IO Deeds of Peace, IO Impotency, Methods & Process, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Threats
Chuck Spinney

My very close friend Mike Lofgren, and Republican of the Old School, one of the smartest people I have ever met, backs out of the Capital Hill Saloon with both guns blazing.  Knowing the truly dedicated people like Mike in government over the years is one of the things that made my 33 years in government service both a privilege and honor for which I will remain ever thankful.

Chuck Spinney
Ste Maxime, France

Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult

by: Mike Lofgren,

Truthout, 3 September 2011

Barbara Stanwyck: “We're both rotten!”
Fred MacMurray: “Yeah – only you're a little more rotten.”
– Double Indemnity (1944)

Those lines of dialogue from a classic film noir sum up the state of the two political parties in contemporary America. Both parties are rotten – how could they not be, given the complete infestation of the political system by corporate money on a scale that now requires a presidential candidate to raise upwards of a billion dollars to be competitive in the general election? Both parties are captives to corporate loot. The main reason the Democrats' health care bill will be a budget buster once it fully phases in is the Democrats' rank capitulation to corporate interests – no single-payer system, in order to mollify the insurers; and no negotiation of drug prices, a craven surrender to Big Pharma.

But both parties are not rotten in quite the same way. The Democrats have their share of machine politicians, careerists, corporate bagmen, egomaniacs and kooks. Nothing, however, quite matches the modern GOP.

Full safety copy with added emphasis below the line.

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Marcus Aurelius: AmEx CEO Blasts Obama and Buffet

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence
Marcus Aurelius

MSNBC had Mr. Golub on the Dylan Ratigan show yesterday. The Clintonesque sub for Ratigan was aghast that Golub did not want to buy into higher tax rates and that he advocated making the 50% or so of Americans who pay no taxes pay their share. The follow-on segment had three talking heads, at least two of whom were also aghast that Golub might want to keep more of the money he earned.

My Response To Buffett And Obama


Wall Street Journal, 22 August 2011

Before you ask for more tax money from me, raise the $2.2 trillion you already collect each year more fairly and spend it more wisely.


Today, top earners–the 250,000 people who earn $1 million or more–pay 20% of all income taxes, and the 3% who earn more than $200,000 pay almost half. Almost half of all filers pay no income taxes at all. Clearly they earn less and should pay less. But they should pay something and have a stake in our government spending their money too.

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Cynthia McKinney: Don DeBar With Truth on Libya

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Military
Cynthia McKinney

Don DeBar has been instrumental in sharing the truth on Libya.  Here is his latest interview.

BSNews interviews Don DeBar

Don DeBar is an independent journalist who has recently travelled to Libya before the NATO invasion. BSNews emailed him some questions regarding the conflict.

1/  We know that the intervention in Libya was not humanitarian – some suggest oil others, including Ellen Brown, have suggested it was more to do with money and central banking. Do you have a theory on the real reasons for the invasion?

Don DeBar, Morning News Headlines Editor-in-Exile

There is first and foremost the geopolitical consideration – that the US and EU are determined to take direct control of Africa's resources. Libya was – and, thus far, remains – the single largest impediment to this effort, with Gadhaffi personally being the single human being who is the largest obstacle.

Begin with the fact that one of Gadhaffi's first acts after deposing the western puppet King Idris was to evict the US from its only military base on the continent. This act, taken four decades ago, left the US in the position of having to base its AFRICOM force, established in October, 2008, in Stuttgart, Germany, laying bare the nature of this “alliance.”

More immediately, in terms of geopolitical irritations, Libya has heavily invested in African infrastructure, such as telecom system construction, an African satellite, and other communications projects. The revenue which now stays in Africa – hundreds of millions of dollars a month – comes directly out of the pockets of US, EU and other global telecom companies, a trend that is in exactly the opposite direction sought by US/EU power elites.

Even more to the point is that Gadhaffi has been pushing for – and funding the enabling of – an independent and united African economic entity that could rival the EU and other global economic powers. Among the tasks underway at the time of the invasion was the creation of an African sovereign bank and an African currency printed in Africa under African control. This would wrest control over African resources from the French and others whose power to print African currency translates into economic and, ultimately, political control.

One more extremely important point: Libya since 1969 has offered an economic and political model to Africans and others suffering colonial control that stands in stark contrast to the models of such as Nigeria and South Africa. The country's natural wealth has been directly applied to the economic needs of the population, with the result that every Libyan owns their home – without mortgage encumbrance or rent or property tax burdens; a first-rate health care system was built and operated that is free and available to all; a first-rate education system was built and operated through the post-graduate level that is free and available to all; the oil revenues are distributed to the people in the form of a monthly stipend in the thousands of dollars; and public infrastructure – such as roads, water systems, electricity, etc., were constructed and operated efficiently and made available to all.

So the threat is a.) a plan to democratize control of Africa's wealth and b.) a successful example of doing this in Libya, demonstrating that it is possible and offering a “how-to” model to the people of the continent. A serious threat to colonial ambition that is perhaps unmatched in the world at present.

DefDog: Skilluminati Invocation–Manifesto for Action

07 Other Atrocities, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Disgust is gaining traction…..

An Invocation Against the Inevitable

1 September 2011

“There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening.” – McLuhan

Skilluminati Research has been a very cynical project…until now. Change of policy: there are no sufficient excuses for inaction. There is no point to all this research if I'm not capable of using it for something real. What interests me now is Synthesis. How can we build a politics that takes all of this horrible shit for granted and still provides a master plan?

In 2011, Hope and Change are hollow brand names and representative Democracy itself is hollowed out, broken for decades. Distrust of government has gone from a fringe position to a bipartisan consensus. If you think all that adds up to a “Now is the Time” pep talk, you're not hearing me at all. We are more fucked than ever. The situation is not “ripe,” it is fundamentally out of control and irreversible. …so what then?

The Machine is bigger than you can think. It snakes through every aspect of your life, it networks an entire planet of political powerbrokers, banking cartels, intelligence agencies, arms dealers, cult leaders, secret societies and royal families. From cynical operatives to true believers, from corporate boardrooms to secret bases, the Machine is too vast an ecosystem to model accurately. Both in human terms and hardware specs, much of the infrastructure is classified — and that's just the stuff the military is doing. Every serious effort to reform this system to date has gotten nowhere. …so what now?

Read full manifesto….

Safety copy (text only) below the line.

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