Tom Atlee: Thoughts on strategic thinking in our current crisis

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics

Thoughts on strategic thinking in our current crisis

There is much debate in my circles about how to respond to the the current crisis in democracy and our social fabric. I’m sensing some patterns among independent approaches being promoted separately. In this post, I attempt an initial overview of these and the necessity to validate all of them, especially from the perspective of broader and narrower visions of social change, and the gifts and limitations they bring.

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Wayne Jett: Globalist Election Thieves Are Now The Hunted

Civil Society, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Globalist Election Thieves Are Now The Hunted

For those who may think Trump has been defeated – has even conceded defeat – in the U. S. presidential election of November 3, 2020, neither assertion is true.  President Trump and his family departed the White House after the counting of electoral votes on January 6-7 and have been in secure military facilities since that time, except for his recent visit to the wall along the southern border.

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Yoda: Alert Reader on Silence, Reconciliation, Truth . . .

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Alert Reader sends in:

Thank you for putting out work that people like me can follow on the day-to-day situation.  Some 400 years of silence preceded the birth Jesus.  In parallel, every uninformative media source is defended as holy, whether on the left or right.  This is history also rhyming with 1950s religious bigotry.  The believer must take stock of information sources and be humbled before the task of knowing the truth.

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Martin Geddes: The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved the World)

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved The World)

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
― George Orwell

We are in an information war where a psychopathic system is attempting to draw the majority into a “hive mind” (communism is one label), whereby the group is elevated over the individual. This suits psychopaths who see themselves as “keeps of the hive”, with no concern for the individuals or their autonomy. They are seeking to impose their own moral relativism via the corruption of science, media, politics, industry, and religion.

Read full article.

See Also: Geddes @ Phi Beta Iota

Martin Geddes: Reflections on Web 3.0 – Mind Shift Needed

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

As received and aggregated from various emails as Web 3.0 Apostles get to work.

The core problem is the relationship between the human and the data about/from the human.

This is a paradigm shift. The end of IT (information technology; human as computer peripheral to be harvested for AI training data). The start of HT (human at centre, and sovereign control over identity).

Until people become conscious of the paradigm they are in they cannot break out of it. The hardest thing for a fish to describe is water.

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Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 (North America) in Print

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental
Amazon Page for USA — UK and others should search on their regional Amazon pages.

#1 Best Seller in Child Advocacy Family Law
Best Sellers Rank: #404 in Books (20210110)

When Lin Wood, one of the top defamation lawyers in America talks openly about the possibility that both Mike Pence and Chief Justice John Roberts may be pedophiles who have been blackmailed by foreign powers, the world has changed. Pedophilia, child abuse including torture, and murderous pedophilia have been the most “taboo” topic in the civilized world.

This book, Book 4 in the series, focuses on North America. The United Kingdom, covered in Book 2 and the Rothchilds covered in Book 3, remain the center of the Satanic Ritual Abuse ((SRA) and murderous pedophilia regime, but the “colonies” have been deeply corrupted by the UK and the Rothchilds. Book 5 will focus on the rest of the world including Australia, where the Prime Ministers at the national and provincial levels are richly deserving of measured public scrutiny.

Additional Description and Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

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