Thierry Meyssan: Will Donald Trump Bring Peace?

01 Poverty, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Military

Will Donald Trump Bring Peace?

After two and a half years in power, President Donald Trump is about to impose his views on the Pentagon. The one who put an end to Daesh’s “Sunnistan” plan is to end the Rumsfeld / Cebrowski doctrine of destroying state structures in the wider Middle East. If it succeeds, peace will return to the region as well as to the Caribbean Basin. However, the peoples who have survived military imperialism will still have to fight for their economic sovereignty.

Betty Boop: Pentagon Paid $540M for Fake Terrorist Videos — Tell Me This Is Not So!

04 Education, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Pentagon Paid $540mn to PR firm Bell Pottinger to Produce Fake Terrorist Videos

This dodgy contract was signed off by White House and the General David “The Surge” Petraeus, which is particularly interesting when considering that the firm was also paid to created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided.

Chuck Spinney with Pierre Sprey & Winslow T. Wheeler: Bankrupt and Irrelevant – the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military

Bankrupt and Irrelevant: the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending

In the almost 12 hours of Democratic Party presidential primary debates on June 26-27 and July 30-31, the words “Pentagon budget” or “defense spending” were not uttered, except for a fleeting, unanswered comment from Senator Bernie Sanders. Nor did any of the cable news moderators ask a single question about the more than $1.25 trillion dollars spent in 2019 for national security.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney with Pierre Sprey & Winslow T. Wheeler: Bankrupt and Irrelevant – the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending”

Robert Steele: James Mattis — A Leadership Failure?

Corruption, Ineptitude, Military

There is an excellent overview of the new book by James Mattis, Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, and I recommend the overview to one and all:

In Book, Former Defense Chief Mattis Sideswipes President Trump's Leadership Skills

I will not be spending time or money on this book because I know from experience that General Mattis, who means well, simply does not get it. President Trump was absolutely right to fire him. Below are a few of my thoughts.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: James Mattis — A Leadership Failure?”

Owl: Bradford Hanson Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites – Is Donald Trump Owned by the Zionists?

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites

Jewish intermarriage into non-Jewish power elites is a significant but under-researched aspect of Jewish strategies to maintain and expand influence.

In fact, within a century the scale of Jewish intermarriage with the British aristocracy was such that it led L.G. Pine, editor of Burke’s Peerage from 1949–1959, to write in 1956 that “the Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual.”

Continue reading “Owl: Bradford Hanson Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites – Is Donald Trump Owned by the Zionists?”

Mongoose: DNA and Mind-Control Targeting

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military

Total Individual Control Technology – Insider Exposes How You and Your DNA Are Being Targeted

Total Individual Control Technology is a type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) mind-control technology that is being experimented with and deployed by the military industrial complex against segments of the American population. Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate weapon of control, since it can targets your individual DNA. Those attacked by this electronic stalking are known as TIs (Targeted Individuals).

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