Chuck Spinney: Killing the A-10 Hog (VII): Close Air Support Fly-off Farce

Corruption, Military
Chuck Spinney

Killing the Hog (VII): Close Air Support Fly-off Farce

Ask any battle-hardened American soldier or marine what the best close air support airplane is — especially if his unit is in close-quarters combat and in danger of being overrun — and his most-likely response would be the Air Force's A-10 Warthog, affectionately known to grunts and pilots alike as the Hog.

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Mongoose: “Non-Lethal” Directed Energy Acoustic Weapons in the USA — Words in Your Head, Words in Your Mouth… The Ultimate False Flag Scripting

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call

Alert Reader says:

This was the technology being released and in current use in 1992 timeframe. What is now used is incredibly advanced and best described as remote induction (soft-style) no voices heard but attitudes shaped in mass population very slowly and subtly except for controlled experiments like the DNC demonstrations of college students who leaders are paid and the followers are targeted with mass (soft) remote induction. Remote soft induction is now the norm, but voice to skull is periodically tested and deployed to see how effective it capabilities can be in selected unstable or mentally ill targets.

Phone calls can be totally  or partially simulated in the alleged speaker's true voice or single words changed to sound exactly the same as the speaker, all done by high speed quantum based A.I. logarithms. There is a lot more to all this now, depends on how much you want to know. This jives with the Comm 12 Briefing Report and the Finders docs referred to in the US News and World Report (USN controlled).

Two documents below the fold.

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Steven Aftergood: Pentagon Audit Underway, “There Will Be Unpleasant Surprises”

Ethics, Military
Steven Aftergood


For the first time in its history, the Department of Defense is now undergoing a financial audit.

The audit, announced last December, is itself a major undertaking that is expected to cost $367 million and to involve some 1200 auditors. The results are to be reported in November 2018.

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Mongoose: Iranian Military Reports US Ship with Chemical Cargo

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call

Iranian Military Reports Mystery US Ship With Chemicals Onboard in Persian Gulf

Iranian Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Bolfazl Shekarchi reported Sunday that a US cargo vessel with chemicals onboard escorted by a warship had entered the Persian Gulf.

See Also:

Syria False Flag @ Phi Beta Iota

Bill Binney: Edward Loomis Jr. Letter to TIME on “The Spy Masters” by Massimo Calabresi

Corruption, Government, Media, Military

Letter to Time on June 11, 2018 Time Issue
The Spy Masters by Massimo Calabresi

This letter provides comments on Massimo Calabresi's article, The Spy Masters, based on his interviews of Michael Hayden and James Clapper conducted in May at the Watergate Hotel.

Continue reading “Bill Binney: Edward Loomis Jr. Letter to TIME on “The Spy Masters” by Massimo Calabresi”

Norie Huddle: Amy Benjamin on The Many Faces of Secrecy Especially Political Secrecy

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
Norie Huddle


The End of Transparency – and Democracy

Amy Baker Benjamin

William & Mary Policy Review, 8.2, 2017

For secrecy, properly understood, is everywhere today. It is the mind-numbing norm rather than the emergency exception, and it has seeped into many key aspects of our political, economic, and legal decision-making structures.

Continue reading “Norie Huddle: Amy Benjamin on The Many Faces of Secrecy Especially Political Secrecy”