Re-Inventing the US Army: Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership (Re-Inventing National Security Book 3)

5 Star, Ethics, Force Structure (Military), Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Kindle Page

We have, with the election of Donald Trump,a once-in-a-century opportunity to rethink, reinvent, and reinvest in our national military concepts, doctrine, human capital, organizations, technologies, and command structures, while eradicating much of the waste that is characteristic of a “government specifications cost plus” approach to contracting. Donald Trump won against all odds, against both parties, without the support of the military-industrial complex. Donald Trump is “unshackled” (his word) – his instincts on costly foreign entanglements and the utility of organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are on display.

Wars are won or lost in the decade or two before those wars begin. Whether countries have a Grand Strategy or not; evaluate all high-level threats or not; devise a coherent force structure in which all services and civilian agencies are complementary, inter-operable, and sustainable or not; invest in the human factor for leadership and solider agility or not – these will determine the outcome of future wars a decade or two before the first shot is fired.

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Winslow Wheeler: Pentagon Hiding $125B in Waste — and the Report It Asked For… + Waste Reference Library

Corruption, Military
Winslow Wheeler
Winslow Wheeler

Bottom line up front: one quarter, 25%, of the Pentagon's annual budget, is spent on overhead, not on troops or weapons or mobility systems.

As a businessman, President-Elect Trump should understand that more money for a system this sick is a step in the wrong direction and that a take-no-prisoners manager (with a proven record for same) as the #2 in the Pentagon (as Deputy Secretary) is a must.

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

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Betty Boop: YouTube (13:27) Clinton – Pedophilia – Epstein Round-Up Ties in Catholic Church and Justice Scalia — The Yoga Connection…

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental

betty boop hotAlert Reader says: Many of Epstein's girls claimed to be “Yoga Instructors, ” am wondering if Hillary Clinton's deletion of so-many emails about Yoga had something to do with over-age lesbianism as well as pedophilia in accepting charity sex from Epstein's hired hands cum child sex slaves (puns intended).

13 Minute RT Video and Links Below the Fold

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Patrick Tucker: Original Flynn – Open Source Flynn

Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Patrick Tucker
Patrick Tucker

The Other Michael Flynn

This new greater emphasis on open-source data aided by computational analysis discomfited older, less technically astute intelligence professionals at DIA and in the broader intelligence community, McCulloh said.

“What that does is it largely disqualifies a lot of old intel guys in favor of people who have more technical skills. That was not happy for them. They wanted to wait him out. Screw him over,” he said. “Anybody who would say that he’s crazy or wrong, that’s an intel person who should be fired.”

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Yoda: Deep State – Satanic State – Pedophilia State

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military

yoda with light saberSeriously, this fellow take we.

Frank Bacon (P) writes:

Pedophilia, as horrific as it might be, may actually be the least of the great crimes that are being ignored by the US Government and other governments precisely because all these governments are servants to the elite rather than representatives of the public interest.

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David Isenberg: The Real Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election – The Military Industrial Complex

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military
David Isenberg
David Isenberg

The Real Winner of the 2016 Elections

Although political and media analysts will be parsing the election results for months to come one winner is blatantly obvious, and it is not Donald Trump. Rather, it is something all tax-paying Americans support, even if they don’t think about it: the military-industrial congressional-complex (MICC).

To confirm that one need look no further than the stock market on November 9. As Defense One reported, military contractor stocks soared:

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