Neal Rauhauser: Special Ops Look at Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser
What most will not realize is that the insights in the document are relevant to the growing anger and potential domestic insurgency in the USA. We have 2.5 million veterans from OEF/OIF, assuming 20% in combat that's 500k, Army/Marines are about 20% black if I recall, so that's 100k guys who have “seen the elephant”. And then you have the Hispanics, many with gang connections but most clean cut and ready for righteous revenge. We got the D.C. Sniper and Oklahoma out of 38 days of ground combat in Desert Storm when vets came back to a roaring economy. Now we have guys who did three and four tours that came back to America in a tailspin.So, you tell me what happens when the next time a cop shoots a guy in the back because he had a broken tail light, and his brother has that CBI badge and a couple of equally fed up friends? Terrifies me, but we are headed that direction at a good clip and I see no signs of change.

PDF (138 Pages): JSOU Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks


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Berto Jongman: Flawed Terrorism Research Driving Flawed Counterterrorism Programs? PBI: Or Just Plain Dishonesty?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Is Flawed Terrorism Research Driving Flawed Counterterrorism Policies?

More than thirteen years after the U.S. intelligence community named the prevention of terrorism its number one goal, it seems to have little understanding of what drives terrorism, or how to counter it. And, if the recently increasing criticism is correct, the government’s investment in academic terrorism research isn’t helping. It may be because the government is continuing to fund research supporting discredited theories of terrorist radicalization, rather than objective empirical analyses.

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Owl: Martial Law & Foreign Troops in the USA? Jade Helm — Comments on JFK versus Kent State verus Repression Today

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Military
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Article (link only) is pretty good, but see the even better acid reply (in full below the fold) from a reader.

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In America?

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Stephen E. Arnold: Google in Three-Front War

Commerce, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Google: Three Elephants Preparing to Fight Among Themselves

I love the Google. I found two unrelated articles interesting for one simple reason: Google is getting ready for its own version of Wrestlemania. Read more.

Phi Beta Iota: Google, like Microsoft and Standard Oil, needs to die. It is only corruption that keep subsidies for fossil fuel and tolerance for the information-era equivalents of fossil fuel, alive.

Robert Parry: CIA at 50 – Politicized & Lost

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Robert Parry
Robert Parry

CIA at 50, Lost in the ‘Politicization’ Swamp

From the Archive: Almost 20 years ago – even before the Iraq WMD fiasco – as the CIA was celebrating its half-century anniversary, the impact of a Reagan-era “reorganization” was being felt in the “politicization” of intelligence, Robert Parry wrote in 1997. Now, a new reorganization could make matters worse.

By Robert Parry (Originally published in 1997)

Read full original article.

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