Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

UPDATE 1: Our lead engineer explorer comments. Please note that Thin Thread from Pretty Good Knowledge will be the backbone of our global search and sense-making engine.

The malicious digital assassination of Gab has energized funders and plans are advancing for a calculated integral displacement of the entire #GoogleGestapo ecology that should be — but is not — under RICO investigation.

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Berto Jongman: AI Ethics – Mission Impossible or Easier Than Most Realize?

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Establishing an AI code of ethics will be harder than people think

Indeed, technology often highlights peoples' differing ethical standards—whether it is censoring hate speech or using risk assessment tools to improve public safety.

Establishing ethical standards also doesn’t necessarily change behavior.

Click on Image to Enlarge (or Visit Article Directly)

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Robert Steele: Could Oracle Figure Out True Cost Economics on Top of Its Blockchain Applications?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Liberation Technology, Software, True Cost
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ORACLE delves deeper into blockchain with four new applications

This bit caught my eye:

The four applications involve supply chain-transaction data including a track and trace capability to follow a product through its delivery from inception to market, proof of provenance for valuables like drugs, intelligent temperature tracking (what they are calling Intelligent Cold Chain) and warranty and usage tracking. Intelligent Cold chain ensures that a product that is supposed to be kept cold didn’t get exposed to higher than recommended temperatures, while warranty tracking ensures that a product was being used in a proscribed fashion and should be subject to warranty claims.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Could Oracle Figure Out True Cost Economics on Top of Its Blockchain Applications?”

John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo

Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Corruption

The Myth of Free

86 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 513

The task is urgent: the Myth of Free is not benign. It has misled courts into granting protected legal status to Free-product suppliers in cases ranging from contract disputes to antitrust and privacy litigation. It has also motivated policy proposals that call for eliminating market interventions—or competitive markets themselves—without adequate justification in either case. Moreover, policies designed for a post-scarcity world necessarily overlook the persistent problems attendant to scarcity, thereby creating substantial allocative inefficiencies. This Article seeks to dispel the Myth of Free before it can wreak further harm to societal welfare and the rule of law.

Continue reading “John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo”

Penguin: Swarm – Ethereum’s 3rd Shot at Decentalized Internet

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Swarm: Inside Ethereum's Push to Create a Decentralized Internet

The Lead Developer of the Swarm team, Viktor Trón, has announced the immediate release and deployment to the public testnet of Ethereum’s Swarm client v0.3, which represents the third proof-of-concept (POC3) installment of this tool.

Decentralized Technologies like Ethereum, Swarm, and Whisper, which Trón calls “The Holy Trinity”, will revolutionize how we share information, who owns it, and who can profit from it. However, there is still a lot to accomplish before this is possible.

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Robert Steele: Pre-Amazon Crypto Black Swans

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas

IDEN A is not John McAfee but of equivalent substantive stature. This is the pre-Amazon calculation. The future of block chain will be known as BA and AA — before and after Amazon. It is not clear if PayPal, among others, sees the threat as well as the possibility of burying Amazon.


Memo and Excel file, below the fold.

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