Robert Steele: OccupyWallStreet Message and Method

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Hacking, IO Deeds of Peace
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Now that the labor unions have joined the General Assembly (an amorphous ever changing coalition of the concerned across the Republic), the way is open to begin focusing on what is to be done in the next six months.

My view of the Core Message:

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.

ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.

SUNSHINE CABINET is the method.

INTEGRITY is the core value.


My view of the Core Method:

Merit.  Be right.  Non-violence and moral conduct at all times is vital UNLESS attacked illegally, at that point you “rush and crush.”  Offer Truth & Reconciliation, not revenge and certainly not confiscation of assets outside the rule of law.  The point here is to achieve a “cease and desist” on government corruption and financial terrorism.

Message.  Electoral Reform

Money.  Big Bat for the Republic.  25 million times $10 is $250 million.  50 million times $20 is 1 billion.  100 million times $40 is 4 billion.  Wall Street cannot match a public combination of money and mass.

Means.  Use mass power on individual Senators and Representatives.  Any Senator, any Representative, and any Governor that fails to introduce Electoral Reform Act for national and state passage should be toast–run out of office.  Create coalition cabinets and balanced budgets at every level from zip code and municipality to county, state, bio-region, and national.

Reflections: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

11 Society, All Reflections & Story Boards, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Hacking, IO Deeds of Peace, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

This is an updated version of the 2002 original, “Citizen in Search of a Leader.” We are now in Epoch B. Instead of leaders, we need facilitators, and the leadership comes from within the larger collective as it achieves ethical transparent consensus.

Summary of Qualifications

America needs a facilitator that is balanced, thoughtful, integrative, supportive of dissent and debate, and above all, educated enough to craft a national strategy for security and prosperity that will stand the test of time.  I want a facilitator who is at least as committed to the future of my children as to the passing security and prosperity of the moment.   Individuals obsessing on being elected or re-elected need not apply.

In my view as a citizen, there are four areas where the right individual, as a team builder rather than a personal icon, could help America restore its balance.  These four areas are: 1) electoral reform, 2) intelligence reform, 3) global issues & national security reform, and 4) governance reform inclusive of corporate ethics and accountability.

I would sum up the objective of all four reform initiatives with the phrase: “Creating a Smart Nation, Of, By, and For the People.”

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Event: 6 Nov Washington DC Encircle the White House One Year Before Election Day – Oppose Tar Sands and Restore Public Power

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of Peace

Join us November 6th in Washington DC

On Sunday November 6 the Tar Sands Action will return to Washington DC to send an unmistakable message to the President.

Exactly one year before the election, we want to encircle the whole White House to ask President Obama to reject Keystone XL and live up to his promise to free us from the tyranny of oil. In doing so, we want to remind him of the power of the movement that he rode to the White House in 2008. This is bigger than any one person – President or no – and we will carry on, with or without him.

Learn more.

Phi Beta Iota:  November 6th is also a useful target date for demanding that Congress and the White House accept for action the public demand for Electoral Reform.

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.

ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.

SUNSHINE CABINET is the method.

INTEGRITY is the core value.


Mini-Me: Anti-Corruption Protests Gaining Momentum?

03 Economy, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace

‘West revolts far from global narratives'

Interview with Jonathan Fryer, broadcaster and journalist

American Awakening?

As many political analysts believe recent revolts in the US and Europe against the ruling economic systems are part of a global movement, some other observers argue that the uprisings simply seek personal demands.

Watch and Read More.

Phi Beta Iota:  Excellent lead-in video, video interview with three figures, focus on global banking system optimized to fraudulently confiscate wealth.  Transcript also included.

Further Note:  The well-intentioned mobs are falling apart for lack of a narrative and organization scheme.  They need to get a grip, to include having articulate spokespersons to counter the Wall Street narrative now playing out, that they are spoiled mis-behaving children who will go away once it gets cold.

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.

ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.

SUNSHINE CABINET is the method.

INTEGRITY is the core value.


Cynthia McKinney: US Finances Terrorists in Libya

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, DoD, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Strategy, Threats
Cynthia McKinney

This week, I will begin with the scandal of Operation Gladio that climaxed in the murder of former Italian Prime Minister, Aldo Moro, who on the day of his kidnapping, was to announce a coalition government that would include the Italian Communist Party. Leader of the Christian Democratic Party at that time, Francesco Cossiga, admits in the 1992 BBC Timewatch documentary about Operation Gladio, that he chose to “sacrifice” Moro “for the good of the Republic.” Not unlike the targeted assassinations that our government engages in around the world, where someone extrajudicially makes decisions on who lives and who dies. In the three-part documentary, Cossiga states that the decision caused his hair to turn white.

Operation Gladio is the ugly real-life tale of the U.S. government's decision to hire members of the state security apparatus of various European countries, and in collaboration with recruited community allies, wreak terror on innocent citizens by blowing up train stations, shooting up customers in grocery stores, even killing police officers in order to convince populations in Europe to give up their rights in exchange for certain security measures and enhanced state power. Yes, Operation Gladio, along with Operation Northwoods and U.S. policy toward Libya, show us that the United States is willing to create terror groups in order to justify a fight against terrorists! Sadly, this has become the modus operandi of our government in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Europe and Africa. And the U.S. government, after 9/11/01 has become like a “Gladio laboratory” of state policies that rip the Bill of Rights to shreds and lie to the public.

Click on Image to Enlarge

The beginning of the end of Operation Gladio occurred when the existence of the U.S. program was revealed. Characteristically, instead of stopping such insanity, the Europeans joined in creating multiple other “Operations Gladio.” Placed in this context, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya's second installment in a 4-part series reveals how U.S. policy in Libya falls right in line with U.S. actions in the past. In my opinion, Libya will not be the last location for such illegal activities unless we stop our government.

Along with French videographer Julien Teil, Nazemroaya weaves the incredible-but-true scenario of U.S. finance of alleged terrorists, wanted by Interpol, who became the chief protagonists in the NATO genocide currently unfolding in Libya.

Mahdi, Don Debar, and I will discuss this piece and more tonight on KPFK's Freedom Now starting at PACIFIC time 5:00 pm. Tune in to and listen live or I'll send you the link for listening at another time at your convenience.

Here is the Teil/Nazemroaya piece:

Click on Image to Enlarge

Washington is Conquering Africa using France, Human Rights, Terrorism, and the National Endowment for Democracy

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Julien Teil

A repeat of the disorder and pandemonium generated inside Afghanistan is in the works for the continent of Africa.   The United States, with the help of Britain, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, created the brutal Taliban and then eventually waged war on its Taliban allies. Similarly, across Africa, the United States and its allies are creating a new series of future enemies to fight, but after initially working with them or using them to sow the seeds of chaos in Africa.

Washington has literally been helping fund insurgencies and regime change projects in Africa.  “Human rights” and “democratization” are also being used as a smokescreen for colonialism and war.  So-called human rights and humanitarian organizations are now partners in this imperialist project against Africa

France and Israel:  Is Washington Outsourcing its Dirty Work in Africa?

Continue reading “Cynthia McKinney: US Finances Terrorists in Libya”

Koko: Leaderless Mobs – Occupy Wall Street & Occupy Freedom Plaza in Limbo

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth

Occupy Wall Street protesters driven by varying goals

Almost two weeks into an anti-greed sit-in, the ‘leaderless resistance movement' is at a crossroads.

By Tina Susman

Los Angeles Times

September 29, 2011, 5:48 p.m

Reporting from New York—

Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon have dropped in. A seasoned diplomat dispenses free advice. Supporters send everything from boxes of food and clothes to Whole Foods gift cards. They even have their own app, for the legions of fans following them on iPhones and Androids.

Day 13 of Occupy Wall Street begins with a march through the streets of Lower Manhattan around the time the opening bell rings on the stock exchange. (Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times / September 30, 2011)

Nearly two weeks into a sit-in at a park in Manhattan's financial district, the “leaderless resistance movement” calling itself Occupy Wall Street is at a crossroads. The number of protesters on scene so far tops out at a few hundred, tiny by Athens or Cairo standards. But the traction they have gained from run-ins with police, a live feed from their encampment and celebrity visits is upping expectations. How about some specific demands, a long-term strategy, maybe even … office space?

So far the group, which generally defines itself as anti-greed, has none of those.

Read full article.

See Also:

Continue reading “Koko: Leaderless Mobs – Occupy Wall Street & Occupy Freedom Plaza in Limbo”

Mini-Me Greek Default both Inevitable and Necessary

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Strategy
Who? Mini-Me?

Mini-Me:  Not only is the Greek default both inevitable and necessary, it may be the best possible catalyst for a new financial system combined with a massive global legal attack on Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and others that–with the full complicity of the US Government–“exploded” the global economy.  Cases are starting to pop up that include racketeering charges (triple damages).  My best guess is that Goldman Sachs, the IMF, the World Bank, and the Federal Reserve will cease to exist within 4-6 years.

YouTube: The Greek Debt Crisis Explained in Four Minutes

Why Greece Should Default on Debt and Leave the Euro