Journal: NIGHTWATCH Extract France & Citizenship

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence

NIGHTWATCH HOME.  France: For the record. Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on 3 February he would sign a decree barring a Moroccan man from receiving French citizenship because of his insistence that his French wife conform to the strictest Islamic practices. Fillon said that the man “has no place in our country.”

The French authorities describe the case as being about a religious radical who requires his wife to wear the burqa (the head to toe covering with eye slots); he insists the separation of men and women in his own home, and he refuses to shake the hands of women,” Fillon said.

On 2 February, Immigration Minister Eric Besson said that during checks into the man's application for citizenship, he explicitly stated that he would never allow his wife to leave the house without wearing a full veil and that he believed a woman is “an inferior being.”

Earlier this week a parliamentary panel called for a law to ban the wearing of full Islamic veils in public institutions such as schools, hospitals and transport. “It's French law,” Fillon told Europe 1 radio. “The Code Civile has for a very long time provided that naturalization could be refused to someone who does not respect the values of the French Republic.

A Reader could conclude that political correctness in France favors the Republic’s interests over the individual’s right of self expression and even personal religious observance. In this case, the Republic places respect for women and women’s rights over male dominance prescribed in religious texts. This is a study in democracy.

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Journal: Haiti Catastrophe Updat 2 Feb 10 AM

08 Wild Cards
Full Story Online

Haiti aid operation still has way to go, U.N. says

Providing shelter to an estimated 1 million homeless is first priority now that search and rescue efforts have ended and most life-threatening injuries have been treated, John Holmes said.  “We still have a significant way to go before reaching everybody who needs food, and on the shelter side as well,” the U.N.'s emergency relief coordinator told a news briefing.  “This is a potentially volatile environment and we have to make sure it doesn't degenerate from fights over food into more serious civil unrest,” he said.  Some 7,000 tents have been distributed and another 50,000 tents are in the pipeline.

Phi Beta Iota: They appear to be feeding 140,000 or so a day (out of two million) and now tell us that 50,000 tents are planned for two million homeless who will not be under real shelter for 1-2 years.  40 people per sent, no sanitation, this just gets better and better.

Triage Big Air Elsewhere, Use ALL of the Air and Sea Ports

Red Cross: Haiti airport remains major bottleneck

WASHINGTON — American Red Cross officials in Washington say there is a waiting list of 1,000 flights to land at Haiti's airport, hindering the delivery of relief supplies.

Phi Beta Iota: What part of triaging big air into little air and big boat cargo into small boat cargo are we not understanding here?  The LAST place we need 1000 airplanes full of supplies is in Port-au-Prince.  There is also no reason why we cannot be doing drive-by C-130s with pallets of water, food, tents, and sanitation tools and supplies.  TWO MILLION out of ten million.  This seems a fairly obvious challenge of scope and depth , what are we missing here, almost three weeks after these people were rendered homelesss?  If the Red Cross were serious, which it is not, with 230 million of new dollars in the bank, it would be hiring fleets of small aircraft and logistics helicopters, gridding the island with an advance strategy created with the government and the US military, and putting the supplies where the people need to go to get out of the center of catastrophe, Port-au-Prince.

Continue reading “Journal: Haiti Catastrophe Updat 2 Feb 10 AM”

Journal: Apocalypse to Viet-Nam–Worth a Look

03 Economy, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, Peace Intelligence

Berto Jongman Recommends...

Afghanistan: Mullah Omar Ready to End Al Qaida Ties (Video)

Apocalyptic thinking and the signs of the coming apocalypse by sheikh IMran N. Hosein

Book announcement: how enemies become friends

Book Reviews, Books by Ronald Crelinsten by Tim Stevens

Conflict in N Dimensions Excellent blog by Tim Stevens

Cyber-War and Critical Infrastructure I

Cyber-War and Critical Infrastructure II

Cyber-War and Critical Infrastructure III

Cyber-War: The costs of databreaches in US and UK

Islamic thinking on the role of money and islamic banking by sheikh Imran N. Hosein.

Peace after  war New study

Terror Risk High as Obama Ponders Afghan Fiasco (November Prediction of Christmas Day False Flag Operation by Christopher Bollyn) November 18, 2009 The risk of another false-flag terror attack like the terror atrocities of 9-11 is currently very high. This is not a prediction but a warning based on my analysis of 9-11 and the predicament that the U.S. and NATO find themselves in as they try to “pacify” occupied Afghanistan, a nation of fighting men who have always resisted foreign occupiers since Alexander the Great conquered the region and built Kandahar (Alexandria) in 330 B.C.

Terror: New study of the WODC (Scientific Research and Documentation Center of the Ministry of Justice) on Dutch jihadists. For the first time reserachers had access to twelve police investigative files on cases in the periode 2001-2005. An English summary can be found on pages 166-171.

Terror: Remarks on terrorist financing

Vietnam new study on role of CIA

Journal: US Office for Contingency Operations

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Military, Peace Intelligence
Haiti Watch Thread


The idea of a new agency for S&R ops was put forward a few months ago by Stuart Bowen, IG for Iraq reconstruction. After reviewing DoD and DoS efforts there, he proposed a US Office for Contingency Operations (USOCO). A whole of government agency to unify command and avoid the situation mentioned above between USAID and SOUTHCOM. Makes too much sense to get very far.

“That proposal may be controversial in some circles — particularly in areas the development community, where there’s concern that USOCO might represent a more cumbersome bureaucratic structure. But Bowen’s idea is attracting some powerful allies, like the widely admired former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker. “I do support the concept,” Crocker, the incoming dean of the George Bush School of Government at Texas A&M University, emailed me. “The current situation requires a perpetual reinventing of wheels and a huge amount of effort by those trying to manage contingencies.”

Proposal Circulates on New Civilian-Military Agency

Iraq Reconstruction Inspector General Urges Office to Report to State, Defense

As the United States’ special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, Stuart Bowen has blown the whistle on millions of dollars worth of waste, fraud and abuse. But one of his final acts in the job will be to address something more fundamental: the way U.S. civilian officials interact with their military counterparts during the complex wars of the future.

Maybe a role for the “fourth battalion.”

USASFC Command Reorganisation By Sean D. Naylor

Meanwhile, the fourth battalion will convert to a special troops battalion. This will include ele¬ments previously in the group support company, such as the Spe¬cial Forces advanced skills compa¬ny, the signals detachment and the regional support detachment. New organizations will be added, including a military intelligence company, an unmanned aerial systems platoon, two human intelligence sections, a signals intelligence section and other ele¬ments, according to a slide brief¬ing Repass provided to Army Times.

Continue reading “Journal: US Office for Contingency Operations”

Journal: Haiti Update 31 January 2010 PM

08 Wild Cards, Peace Intelligence

Aid organizations are announcing with great pride that they will feed two million over the new two weeks.  What they don't say is that is 143,000 a day–assuming best case circumstances, sucks for those they don't reach in the last ten days of those fourteen days—the last day of which will be roughly thirty days after they stopped getting food and water in the first place.

Full Story Online

Haiti: How to Turn Disaster into Catastrophe

The underdevelopment of Haiti is the underlying cause. Bipartisan U.S. policy for decades (and that of plaint Haitian regimes) has been to displace the rural poor to the capital where they can serve as an extremely lowwage labor force. For one, the destruction of Haiti’s rice farmers, who were unable to compete with U.S. agribusiness, forced many peasants off the land.


Phi Beta Iota: Above are sub-titles.  The single best overview we have seen, the only three things they miss are the Israeli organ and orphan harvesting,  the tragic farce of US AID civilians, clearly not the normal AID professionals, and the utterly criminal farce of the Red Cross–“we're not ready, give us your money.”

Continue reading “Journal: Haiti Update 31 January 2010 PM”

Worth a Look: 1989 All-Source Fusion Analytic Workstation–The Four Requirements Documents

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Historic Contributions, InfoOps (IO), IO Sense-Making, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Reform, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools

The software chapter in Book: INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH–Chapter 22 Technical Intelligence Enablers Loaded is being doubled up as our smarter colleagues churn it around, it will probably be extended several pages and have more linked references.

Here are the four requirements documents for the all-source fusion analytic workstation converging in 1989–we do not have this today because no one has ever tried to manage the US Government's approach to IT–distributed chaos and centralized ignorance just will not do.

1989 Webb (US) CATALYST: Computer-Aided Tools for the Analysis of Science & Technology

Reference 1989 Analyst 2000

1988 Generic Intelligence Center Production Requirements

Reference: 1989 USMC Work-Up for JNIDS VI All-Source Fusion Analytic Workstation

See also:

Graphic: Analytic Tool-Kit in the Cloud (CATALYST II)

1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

2001 Porter (US) Tools of the Trade: A Long Way to Go

Journal: Chinese Military Bases in Pakistan, Elsewhere

02 China, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards

China to Open Military Bases Worldwide. There’s a New Kid in Town.

By: Pluto Saturday January 30, 2010 1:10 am

How China Sees World--One View

This we know.

It has been speculated upon in open-source intelligence circles for years. So, there is little surprise for the rest of the world when it hears of China’s first major foray in its new role as a Superpower.

Americans might be surprised. That is, if they even hear about it before the Juarez, Mexico base goes live.

China mulls setting up military base in Pakistan

BEIJING: China has signaled it wants to go the US way and set up military bases in overseas locations that would possibly include Pakistan. The obvious purpose would be to exert pressure on India as well as counter US influence in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Well, why not?

Phi Beta Iota: Highly recommended for a full reading.  The triangle of the USA, India, and Israel is morphing into the “death run” of Cold War governance and spending, and bodes ill for all three parties.  The Chinese do not actually see the world as the cartoon depicts, here is a more accurate rendition, and it is most interesting to see the world from this perspective.  China is not stupid–they understand the costs of overt military bases–they are probably ramping up their long-haul airlift, something the U.S. Air Force has refused to do for decades, and we would not be at all surprised if they have submarine troop transports as well as coherent plans for mobilizing the Chinese diaspora in self-defense forces with robust communications impervious to local outages.

See also:

Continue reading “Journal: Chinese Military Bases in Pakistan, Elsewhere”