Patrick Meier: Real Time Crisis Map of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Attrocities in Central Africa

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Geospatial, Hacking, Non-Governmental, Policies
Patrick Meier

Real Time LRA Crisis Map Tracks Mass Atrocities in Central Africa

My colleagues at Resolve and Invisible Children have just launched their very impressive Crisis Map of LRA Attacks in Central Africa. The LRA, or Lord’s Resistance Army, is a brutal rebel group responsible for widespread mass atrocities, most of which go completely unreported because the killings and kidnappings happen in remote areas. This crisis map has been a long time in the making so I want to sincerely congratulate Michael Poffenberger, Sean Poole, Adam Finck, Kenneth Transier and the entire team for the stellar job they’ve done with this project. The LRA Crisis Tracker is an  important milestone for the fields of crisis mapping and early warning.

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G.I. Wilson: Killer Drones, Moral Disengagement, + War Crimes RECAP

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence, DHS, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Col GI Wilson, USMC (Ret)

The Psychology of Killer Drones – action against our foes; reaction affecting us

G. I. Wilson

Fabius Maximus, 28 September 2011

Summary:  We now have enough experience with drone warfare to study its effects.  Just as in physics, our actions affect ourselves as well as our targets. Social science research shows that drones are a gateway to moral disengagement dehumanization, and deindividuation. The great distances drones operate over, manipulated by faceless-nameless-lawyeristic-voyeurs, creates an emotional, mental, and physical divide between “us” ( i.e. our government) and the enemies we kill. Drones allow us to dissociate our actions from our values, a useful high-cost and high-tech justification.  At the end are links to gain more information about this new form of warfare.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
— Newtons Third Law of Motion, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687)


  1. Moral Disengagement
  2. Dehumanization
  3. Deindividuation
  4. For more information

Read full article with many supporting links and references.

Winslow Wheeler:  His article gives a chilling rebuke to those who glibly see them as “the future of warfare” and essential for counter-terror operations without acknowledging the consequences.

Robert Steele:  The US Government has lost both its intelligence and its integrity.  This has been a consistent theme of this web site, and while I have distanced myself from the day to day operations of Phi Beta Iota–they now have a life of their own–G. I. Wilson is one of the original Marines in this era able to demonstrate both intelligence and integrity, and one of the original gurus on asymmetric warfare.  That he got to be a Colonel is a credit to the Marine Corps.  “Authority” in the U.S. Government is now irrational, illegitimate, and out of control.  Even from a practical stand-point, the bandwidth for remote killer drones costs more than human pilots would, and human pilots would have the added advantage of situational awareness, something that simply cannot be achieved from a one-dimensional cockpit in the middle of the USA.  From killer drones to JSOC assassinations to the totally illegal war on Libya, the US Government is now a monstrous collage of atrocities being perpetuated against its own public (22% unemployment, 18 veterans a day committing suicide, just under 16% under the poverty line) as well as foreign publics from Palestine and Libya to Central Asia to the Southern Hemisphere.  What is being done “in our name” is unaffordable, reprehensible, and long over due for presentation to the International Tribunal with a long list of “by name” perpetrators that should run from Congress and the White House down to the individual pilots and squadron commanders that have betrayed their Oaths of office.  What we are doing every day is neither patriotic nor moral.

See Also:

Continue reading “G.I. Wilson: Killer Drones, Moral Disengagement, + War Crimes RECAP”

Tom Atlee: Whole System Conversations – Voice of the Whole

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Blog Wisdom, Collaboration Zones, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), IO Sense-Making, Key Players, Methods & Process, Open Government, Policies, Strategy, Threats
Tom Atlee

Whole System Conversations – and the Voice of the Whole


by Tom Atlee

Consciously convened conversations have many functions. Many seek simply to get people talking with each other. Others try to bring together what they call “the whole system” to address that system's collective issues or dreams. Who is involved in these “whole system” conversations?

A “whole system”, in this case, involves all the parties who play – or could play – roles in some social unit or situation. The social unit could be a family or relationship, a group or organization, a community or a whole society. A situation might be, on the one hand, an issue, a problem, or a conflict – or, on the other hand, an inquiry, an opportunity, a shift, or simply a periodic reflection about what's happening. We can convene conversations around any of these things.

So how do we decide who the parties or players are? How do we “cut the pie” of the whole system? And, if we're ambitious, how do we elicit a “voice of the whole”?

I see four different approaches to defining who “a whole system” includes. Each approach has its own rationale and appropriate usages. They are not mutually exclusive, but are usually used more or less separately. Perhaps being aware of them and building synergies between them would enhance the power and wisdom of our conversations. These approaches include:

Read full essay.

Phi Beta Iota:  Tom Atlee is in our view the living founding father of Epoch B–there have been others before him, and there are other now, but for us, he is the spiritual center of gravity for doing the right thing now, here, in America.  Please support his work on behalf of all of us.

Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440  /
Please support our work.  Your donations are fully tax-deductible.

Koko: American Patriot Del Spurlock Speaks to the NAACP in Oberlin, Ohio

07 Other Atrocities, Blog Wisdom, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Koko Signs:  A small sign of life within the comatose US democracy.


A Speech Given to the NAACP

at the Oberlin Inn

September 24, 2011


Delbert L. Spurlock, Jr.

Mr. Spurlock was introduced by Robert K. Jones (B.J.), Chief of Police, Retired Oberlin Police Department.


We live in a country that has mutated a new confederate virus, wiping out the rights fought for and won against terrible odds by the NAACP, and the unbelievably brave black plaintiffs of the South.

It is a virus that works to obliterate the memory of the contributions of the white southern judges of the old Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

It is a virus that has spread to Ohio through word of mouth in right-wing mega churches and by hypodermic injections of rigged electronic voting devices.

We live in a country that raises its young to be economic units incapable of escaping from a lifetime of paying off the company store.

The days ahead will be very difficult for our America and worse for its human citizens. The country we bequeath to our young people is a country without bearing, without antecedent, a country with a government most resembling the disfunctionality of the slavocracy, which all people of Oberlin should recognize.

Full Presentation Below the Line.

Continue reading “Koko: American Patriot Del Spurlock Speaks to the NAACP in Oberlin, Ohio”

John Robb: Parking Lot Gardens, Five Banks that Destroyed the Global Economy, Mafia Governance (Including USA), and Cyberwar Fact Check

Blog Wisdom
John Robb

Case study. Turning a parking lot into a garden.

Too big to fail. Five banks account for 96% of $250 trillion in derivatives.

Cyberwar fact check. “Nearly all SCADA systems are online.” and “747's are big flying Unix hosts.”

NGO leader looks at the rise of ‘mafia governance.'

See Also:

Paradigms of Failure

Legitimate Grievances (US Internal)

Legitimate Grievances (Anti-US Global)