Howard Rheingold: News Filters for the Future – Technical Services or Human Networks?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Collective Intelligence
Howard Rheingold

Everyone wants to be a news filter now

Mathew Ingram, 21 September 2011

As the avalanche of information coming through social networks and real-time tools like Twitter continues to grow, the need for filters to make sense of that tsunami of data also increases, and it seems as though everyone has a different way of trying to solve that problem. Facebook threw its hat into the ring this week with what it says is an improved “newspaper-style” news feed that highlights important content, while Digg has just launched “newsrooms” aimed at doing the same thing, and online influence-ranking service Klout is rolling out topic pages based on what’s being shared by those with influence. But will any of these be able to solve the filtering problem, or will they just add another source of noise?

Read more….

Phi Beta Iota:  Neither Google nor Facebook “get it” on the distinction between math hacks and stupid counters, and the nuanced capabilities of the human brain in networks that are in turn nuanced by time, space, and topic.  The recent Facebook “make-over” has bombed.  Google still does nothing to “make sense.”

See Also:

Graphic: Intelligence Maturity Scale

Graphic: Jim Bamford on the Human Brain

Graphic: Tom Atlee on Whole-System Intelligence

Graphic: Tony Zinni on 4% “At Best”


Jon Lebkowsky: Jean Russel on Thrivability

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Jon Lebkowsky

Worldchanging Interview with Jean Russell on Thrivabiliity (2009)

In September 2009, Worldchanging published my interview with thrivability consultant Jean Russell. I’m republishing the interview here in its entirety. Jean and I have had many conversations since, and I’m persistently intrigued by her well-grounded positive vision of a world in which we humans not only survive sustainably, but thrive. (Last February, Jean arranged for Todd Hoskins to interview me – that interview’s at

Technology consultant, entrepreneur and thrivability theorist Jean Russell joined Jerry Michalski’s August 3 Yi-Tan Conference Call for a conversation about thrivability as a conceptual replacement for sustainabilty. After that talk (which you can hear via the above link), I asked Jean to join me in a brief but enlightening Worldchanging interview.

Jon Lebkowsky: Let’s start with the definition of thrivability I found at, that it’s “our path out of unsustainable practices toward a world where all people have a high quality of life, a voice, and a nurturing earth supporting them. Using whole systems approach, it demands that we evolve our way of being together, of collaborating, so that our collective wisdom and action bring forth a flourishing world and thriving life.”

What’s the origin of this definition, and what led you to start thinking about “thrivability” vs sustainability?

Continue reading “Jon Lebkowsky: Jean Russel on Thrivability”

Howard Rheingold: 30 Sep to 11 Nov Online & Live Course on Literacy of Cooperation

04 Education, 11 Society, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, Hacking, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Non-Governmental, Offbeat Fun, Peace Intelligence
Howard Rheingold

Announcing a new Rheingold U course: Toward a New Literacy of Cooperation

For the past ten years, I've worked with Institute for the Future to track the emergence of a new story about how humans get things done together. The old story of survival of the fittest, competition, rational self-interest is changing as new knowledge comes to light about cooperative arrangements and complex interdependencies in cells, ecosystems, economies, and humans. In 2005, I delivered a TED talk about this subject; the video has been viewed more than 182,000 times. In the same year, I co-taught a seminar at Stanford with Andrea Saveri of Institute for the Future, “Toward a Literacy of Cooperation.” This six week Rheingold U course builds on the texts, videos, and other materials developed over the past ten years. Under my direction, co-learners will inquire, collaborate, discuss, co-construct knowledge about the building blocks and conceptual frames of a new literacy of cooperation. The course will run September 30 – November 11

The syllabus
The schedule of live meetings

Continue reading “Howard Rheingold: 30 Sep to 11 Nov Online & Live Course on Literacy of Cooperation”

Robert Steele: Why the Elite Don’t Want Troops Home

Blog Wisdom
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Two posts by others:

Owl: Financial Terrorism in USA Against USA by Wall Street and 400 Specifically Named Most Wealthy

and then a day later:

Mini-Me: 57 Finance Ministers Creating New Financial System–Over 50,000 Bankers to Be Held Accountable

have taken on a life of their own and inspired more emails to me personally than I have ever experienced over anything at Phi Beta Iota.

One of the most interesting of those emails referred to the perfect storm–Israel about to attack Iran, Iran having covertly implanted suitcase bombs (e.g. exploding apartments) in Tel Aviv, all on top of a meltdown of both the global economy, and state and local economies in the USA.  The super-rich (the top 400) probably feel immunized if not oblivious from all of this, but the lesser rich (3 million millionaires in the US,  over 10 million on the planet) are now officially terrified.

This leads me to speculate that one of the reasons the New York elite are working so very hard to keep the troops overseas is their fear that returning US troops will quickly see what has happened (most of them from the pathos of unemployment) and this could spark a nation-wide conflagration in which fragging of the rich becomes a national sport.

There is only one clean path forward that I can see.  The super-rich must agree to break the backs of the two-party tyranny, and support a coalition presidency campaigning on three core promises: electoral reform, coalition governance, and an end to corruption in Congress and the Executive.  In return, no confiscation of ill-gotten gains, a new Automated Payments Transaction Tax (APT) eliminates all personal and corporate income taxes, and a Truth & Reconciliation Comission focused on restoring the integrity of the Republic in all its forms.

The government does need to be cut in half, beginning with the dismissal of all those drawing retirement pay and a second full salary.  In principle, every  person now unemployed, and every person to be dismissed from the government, should receive one year's severance pay combined with free training for a new information-era or restored manufacturing, infrastructure, or education position.

This is not rocket science.  All it requires is integrity.

Journal: Reflections on Integrity

Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This?

Semper Fidelis,
Robert Steele

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Robert David STEELE Vivas

Seth Goden: Emergence is Liberty Revived

Blog Wisdom
Seth Godin


Emerging is when you use a platform to come into your own. Merging is when you sacrifice who you are to become part of something else.

Merging is what the system wants from you. To give up your dreams and your identity to further the goals of the system. Managers push for employees to merge into the organization.

Emerging is what a platform and support and leadership allow you to do. Emerging is what we need from you.

Confusing obedience with self-control

It’s an expensive confusion.

We organize our schools around obedience. Tests, comportment, the very structure of the day is about training young people to follow instructions.

We organize our companies around obedience as well. From the resume we use to hire to the training programs to the annual budgets, revenue targets and reviews we create, the model employee is someone who does what he’s told.

And the rationale for this appears to be that at some point, obedience transforms into self-control. That at some point, people start obeying themselves and become leaders. Self-control is without a doubt one of the building blocks of success, a key element of any career worth talking about. We need self-control if we’re going to make a difference.

But help me understand why obedience is the way to get there? Compliant sergeants rarely become great generals.

Phi Beta Iota:  Precisely.  The current two-party system seeks to assimilate all those with views divergent to their corrupt monopoloy of the public spoils, while flag officers and other bureaucrats confuse loyalty to the chain of command with loyalty to the Constitution.  One is treason, the other is patriotism.

Mini-Me: 57 Finance Ministers Creating New Financial System–Over 50,000 Bankers to Be Held Accountable

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Key Players, Law Enforcement, Military, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Who? Mini-Me?

This begs to be noticed.  Being passed around in gold recovery circles.


by Benjamin Fulford

August 30, 2011

from Kauilapele Website

For the past week, a secret meeting of 57 finance ministers aimed at setting up a new international financial system took place in a large ship on international waters near Europe, according to White Dragon Society representatives who were there.

The meeting, hosted by Switzerland, deliberately excluded representatives from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary, France, Italy, the UK, Germany and Japan.

Countries like Russia, China and the Netherlands were among the 57 represented.

Representatives from the Pentagon and the U.S. agencies at the meeting promised to bypass the Federal Reserve board and use their access to codes for the international collateral accounts to finance the U.S. military industrial complex in conjunction with the new system.

The Swiss used their financial intelligence to refuse would-be participants who were in any way associated with either,

the Bilderberg Group

the Council on Foreign Relations

or the Trilateral Commission

Among those refused entry were Naoto Kan (still Prime Minister of Japan as of last week), IMF head Christine Lagarde and U.S. Senator J. Rockefeller.

Rockefeller was actually physically prevented from boarding the ship, according to two eye-witnesses.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: 57 Finance Ministers Creating New Financial System–Over 50,000 Bankers to Be Held Accountable”

Owl: Financial Terrorism in USA Against USA by Wall Street and 400 Specifically Named Most Wealthy

03 Economy, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Book Lists, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, True Cost, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Who? Who?

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion

Editor’s Note: The following report includes adapted excerpts from David DeGraw’s book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.”

Release Date: 9.28.11

Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America
By David DeGraw, AmpedStatus Report


The following report is a statistical analysis of the systemic economic attacks against the American people.

Currently, at least 62 million Americans, 20% of US households, have zero or negative net worth.

Recently, the National Academy of Science released their latest findings, backing up my claim by revealing that 52,765,000 Americans, 17.3% of the population, lived in poverty in 2009.

In 2005, 25.7 million Americans needed food stamps, currently 45.8 million people rely on them.

…counting the total number people in need of employment, you get a current unemployment rate of 22.5%, which is an all-time record total of 34 million people currently in need of work.

Continue reading “Owl: Financial Terrorism in USA Against USA by Wall Street and 400 Specifically Named Most Wealthy”