Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

04 Education, Augmented Reality, Mobile, Technologies

There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening.

Open Courseware, Audio and Video:
Open Courseware Consortium
M.I.T. Open Courseware
M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel

List of courses by subject (May 2007)
The University of Chicago on iTunes U
University of South Carolina at iTunes U,
Stanford at iTunes U, Depaul at iTunes U,
Univ of South Florida at iTunes U,
Harvard “Extension” at iTunes U
Khan Academy (videos)

“World In Time”

+ Gutenberg Project (for text)
+ Scrape Torrent (books, videos, etc)
+ Clips and Documentaries at YouTube (and the YouTube Time Machine), Google video, Journeyman Films, TED, live online courses.

Video talks
Sir Ken Robinson: school kills creativity
Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning — creating conditions where kids’ natural talents can flourish.

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution
Entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

Jesse Schell: Visions of the Gamepocalypse (entertaining and fascinating)
Jesse Schell explores the social, cognitive, and technological trends in computer game design and use.

+ Affordable mobile devices, tablets
+ Example of a digital textbook

Continue reading “Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots”

Journal: Microsoft Down, Apple Up, WHERE Is the Band?

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Collaboration Zones, Computer/online security, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Reform
Full Story Online

Phi Beta Iota: Industry colleagues point out that Ballmer took over at the top while Jobs came back in at the bottom.  Our own view is that a convergence is occurring that will be settled between the personal device and the cloud–who comes up with the most secure reliable personal device (e.g. an eye-screen with earpiece/mike and voice or virtual keyboard or pointer) and the most global affordable mix of call centers, intelligence centers, and M4IS2 softwares, services, and sense-making within the cloud.  Google and Oracle and IBM (and their Brazilian, Chinese, and Russian counterparts) are on the same court, but none of them are truly focused on the end game: a World Brain with a Global Game in which we connect all humans to all information in all languages….an open self-organizing world in which profit comes from cost avoidance, truth, reconciliation, and non-zero outcomes.

Journal: Open Mobile, Open Spectrum, Open Web

Augmented Reality, Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Geospatial, Methods & Process, Mobile, Real Time, Reform, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Tools
Open Moko Home

Openmoko™ – Open. Mobile. Free.

Openmoko™ is a project dedicated to delivering mobile phones with an open source software stack. Openmoko is currently selling the Neo FreeRunner phone to advanced users and will start selling it to the general public as soon as the software is more developed.

Phi Beta Iota: We've had our say on “Open Everything” GNOMEDEX and again at “Open Everything” UNICEF, and it just keeps getting better and better.  The cell phone is the principle device for Hacking Humanity, in part because it enables micro-everything including directed micro-giving and micro-trading with Open Money.

Below are two related items:

Updated Chart on Mobile Phone Applications (by sunset eastern)

Trip Report from Burning Man's Open Cellular Network

EXCERPT: Today I bring you a story that has it all: a solar-powered, low-cost, open source cellular network that's revolutionizing coverage in underprivileged and off-grid spots. It uses VoIP yet works with existing cell phones. It has pedigreed founders. Best of all, it is part of the sex, drugs and art collectively known as Burning Man. Where do you want me to begin?

The Open Source Subnet
Cell towers that blend vs. those that offend

“We make GSM look like a wireless access point. We make it that simple,” describes one of the project's three founders, Glenn Edens.  The technology starts with the “they-said-it-couldn't-be-done” open source software, OpenBTS.

Journal: YouTube Time Machine, Future of Education

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Historic Contributions, History, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), International Aid, IO Mapping, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Key Players, Maps, Methods & Process, Mobile, Open Government, Policies, Reform, Research resources, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, YouTube

YouTube Time Machine

YouTube Time Machine

Right now the Categories include, in this order:  Video Games,  Television,  Commercials,  Current Events,  Sports, Movies,  Music.

Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine this in all languages, available on the cell phone, as an educational tool that also harnesses the cognitive surplus–the distributed intelligence–of the Whole Earth.  Our view of YouTube is now such that we consider it more important than Google.

Also see YouTube.com/leanback (use search at top of leanback page)

Video: Visions of the Gamepocalypse, Possible Futures, Waking Up, Thinking, and Creating a Better World

04 Education, Augmented Reality, Corporations, Cultural Intelligence, Geospatial, Peace Intelligence, Technologies
See the "Long Short" (short video) on gaming and Jesse Schell's presentation

Jesse Schell: Visions of the Gamepocalypse

Hosted by The Long Now Foundation

This is a provoking and entertaining presentation.
After the short video called “Pixels” prior to the presentation, Jesse Schell starts off with what if life becomes, not Orwellian, but Huxleyan (Brave New World) where pleasure achieved through technology grips the whole lives of citizens. Imagine sensors attached to commercial products from toothbrush to television (and electric tattoos linked to Facebook) collecting data + wi-fi connections uploading behavior data to the Web.  People can earn “points” like in a gaming environment depending on their behavior and habits and these points can be used for coupons, deals, and other corporate profit-pursuing conceptions.

Soon the presentation gets into prediction and if the more one practices at predicting the future, the better one can become.  Other parts of the presentation:

  • The upward trend of mobile gaming application sales versus console gaming systems, and how micro-transactions of money (Zynga, Playdom, Playfish, Bigpoint) in connection with social networking will be like peanut butter + chocolate.
  • Dream states (REM sleep) as un-tapped territory that most likely advertisers will reach first.
  • Virtual money such as “Farm cash,” and World of Warcraft gold was mentioned to attract product attention.
  • A stat was shown of commercial ads on television rising from 13% in 1950 to 36% today.
  • “Battlefield of the 21st century” as how you spend your day and carving up those percentages to target your behaviors

Continue reading “Video: Visions of the Gamepocalypse, Possible Futures, Waking Up, Thinking, and Creating a Better World”

Journal: 21st Century Data Convergence

11 Society, Augmented Reality, Collective Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process

Jon Lebkowsky

21st century data convergence: surf or swim

by jonl on August 30, 2010

A Times UK piece, 10 ways data is changing how we live, says that “the availability of new sets of data” is changing the way we live.

Five years ago at IC2 Institute in Austin, we were talking about digital convergence, and those talks spun off an organization called the Digital Convergence Initiative, the idea being to build a local business cluster of convergent companies. We were ahead of our time, and it was hard for many to get their heads around how such a “horizontal” cluster would work. We were onto an effect of convergence that could be pretty interesting: the edges of verticals will blur, and companies that before convergence had nothing in common will find affinities and synergies that create new forms of business.


Phi Beta Iota: We have been beneficiaries of Jon Lebkowsky's good-hearted genius and will start following his blog, which is being added to Righteous Sites today.  The ten areas covered by the cited article include Shopping, Relationships, Business Deliveries, Maps, Education, Politics, Society, War, Advertising.  The bottom line for the public is that accountability and transparency is virtually inevitable, and we will eventually eradicate corruption including fraud, waste, and abuse.  The only question is how soon and will it be soon enough.  We think it will.  Like Jon, we are optimists.

Here are the last two paragraphs with the links recommended:

Linked data and the future

The examples of data mentioned in this article are innovative, exciting and life changing, but the best is yet to come. The majority of the information that we use in our daily lives is “dumb”, or unconnected. The next step is “linked data”, or data that talks to each other. In the UK, Tim Berners-Lee and the team behind Data.gov.uk are aiming to create a linked database of Government information. By providing all data the Government produces in a linked format, individuals will be able to pull in different sets of data to produce new and innovative ways of understanding how our Government and the world works.

FluidDB, a start-up company run by Terry Jones, and with backing from Tim O'Reilly and Esther Dyson and others, is tackling this field from a different angle. FluidDB wants to create a “writeable world”, where physical objects have virtual identities, which can be updated and called upon by any individual with access to the internet. That could mean tweets and status updates about everything from a brand of toothpaste to the Eiffel Tower could contribute to a collective database. The possibilities for collaboration are endless.

See Also:

Reference: Data Is the New Dirt–Visualization

Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

Journal: World’s Top Risk Data Managers

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, info-graphics/data-visualization, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Policies, Research resources, Strategy, Threats, Tools

Berto Jongman Recommends...

A Safety Net for Global Capitalism

Inside Munich Re, the World's Risk Center

By Uwe Buse

EXTRACT 1:  An endless supply of data, probably unparalleled in its breadth and depth, flows from every continent to a cluster of buildings on the edge of the English Garden in Munich. An encyclopedia of life, its dangers, its injustices, its coincidences, is being assembled there. There is probably no other place on Earth where the risks of the modern world are being studied more intensively and comprehensively than at the headquarters of Munich Re, the world's risk center.

EXTRACT 2: Today Munich Re wins accolades for its restraint, while its shareholders are eagerly awaiting the results of a new project. The goal of the project under development in Oechslin's department, more comprehensive than any other project before it, is to redefine the limits of knowledge by developing a global risk model.

Full Story Online

Phi Beta Iota: This is a superb article that ably documents how much can be known–and shared–that most governments and international organizations are simply not conscious of, or if conscious, exploiting microscopic bits of the data for nefarious purposes.  These are the kind of people that could and should be at the heart of creating a World Brain and Global Game.