Event: 16-18 July 2010 NYC NY The Next Hope

Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Computer/online security, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Geospatial, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools


The Next Hope (2010)

Pre-Registration Now Open

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Phi Beta Iota: Hackers are like astronauts, pushing the bleeding edge of the envelope.  If the US Government had listened to us in 1991-1994, cyberspace would be secure today, and we would not be spending $12 billion a year on the cyber-scam game–outsourcing to beltway bandits fighting for the 100 folks that actually know how to do this stuff and can qualify for clearances.  Our solution for the regional networks is gong to be multinational and open everything.  This event is specifically recommended for young teens who show signs of intelligence and curiosity, and for mid-career officers beginning to realize that 80% of what they do is without merit, seeking a better way.  This is where we do the right things righter, not the wrong things righter.

Photo Gallery (Yahoo) Photo Gallery (Google)

See also:

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Search: “translators without borders” scam telelanguage fraud

Methods & Process, Technologies, Tools

This pair of searches is of concern.

To the best of our knowledge, both Translators without Borders and Telelanguage.com are reputable organizations and have nothing to do with fraud or scams.  We happen to think very highly of Telelanguage.com, which among many other innovations made its software “open source” for potential future expansion.  Both of these organizations are positioned to replace–bury–the antiquated US and NATO translation systems that rely on “trusted” citizens with clearances.  No such thing–indeed, trusted citizens with clearances usually screw up the translations and create more dangerous problems in so doing.

The “scam” that gullible Americans are rocketing around the Internet is more of an urban myth and also a very well known scam going back through the ages, of the “overpayment” in advance and then the request.  Few people seems to realize that cashing a check provides little protection against the check being rescinded.  In any event, there is no connection between these two reputable companies and the gossip-fraud report that is circulating, as far as we know.

Journal: White House Nightmare, Insanity, or Ignorance?

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Policies, Policy, Reform, Strategy, Threats
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White House nightmare persists

At the end of Barack Obama’s worst week since taking power a year ago, the US president’s fortunes look set only to deteriorate over the coming days.

Phi Beta Iota: We find it quite remarkable that there is absolutely no “intelligence” in the sense of decision-support anywhere in this story.  The last two Administrations (Bush-Cheney and now Obama-Biden) have been noteworthy for the completely absence of strategy, intelligence, Whole of Government management, balanced budget–just about everything a public has a right to expect from its elected and appointed and paid government.

Nightmare is the wrong word–this is self-imposed insanity based on willful ignorance and the absence of a national Open Source Agency (OSA) with a degree of independence equal to that of the Judiciary.  In the Age of Information, information itself has become the Fourth Estate, and the Administration either needs to get a grip on reality and start governing with informed maturity, or watch as others pass them by–Brazil, China, India, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela, for example.

See also:

Election 2008 Chapter: The Substance of Governance

Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform

Journal: Haiti History, Interim Report, Prognosis

01 Poverty, 07 Other Atrocities, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence

To Heal Haiti, Look to History, Not Nature (New York Times)

On Jan. 1, 1804, when Dessalines created the Haitian flag by tearing the white middle from the French tricolor, he achieved what even Spartacus could not: he had led to triumph the only successful slave revolt in history. Haiti became the world’s first independent black republic and the second independent nation in the Western Hemisphere.

Alas, the first such republic, the United States, despite its revolutionary creed that “all men are created equal,” looked upon these self-freed men with shock, contempt and fear. Indeed, to all the great Western trading powers of the day — much of whose wealth was built on the labor of enslaved Africans — Haiti stood as a frightful example of freedom carried too far. American slaveholders desperately feared that Haiti’s fires of revolt would overleap those few hundred miles of sea and inflame their own human chattel.

Haiti Numbers (Daily Gleaner Canada)

* Number of homeless in Haiti: 2 million, European Commission estimate.

* Total death toll roughly 200,000, estimate by the European Union, quoting Haitian officials.

* Other aid: UN World Food Programme has distributed 1.4 million ready-to-eat food rations, says 100 million will be needed over next 30 days to reach three million people in desperate need.

Major aftershock hits Haiti; assessment team making contact (Baptist Press)

The team arrived in Port-au-Prince Wednesday (Jan. 20) after a 17-hour, 160-mile trip in a four-vehicle caravan from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

More than 40 significant aftershocks have hit since the Jan. 12 quake killed an estimated 200,000 people, injured 250,000 and left 1.5 million homeless.

The truck drivers are less and less willing to [drive into the city] as the situation in Port deteriorates.

Officials are concerned that the desperation people feel will boil over into violence. Looters by the hundreds have been fighting each other with broken bottles, clubs and other weapons over whatever goods they can still find in damaged stores.

Haiti DR planning slated Jan. 26 in Miami (Baptist Press)

Another assessment team member, Don Gann, disaster relief director for the Mississippi Baptist Convention, said the situation in Haiti remains fluid, chaotic and difficult. “[T]he traffic in Port-au-Prince is unbelievable,” Gann said. “Today, it took us three hours to go seven miles.

“There are security issues the teams need to be aware of. The situation is still precarious. A medical team or a feeding team could be overrun just because the people here have such great needs.”

Another assessment team member, Don Gann, disaster relief director for the Mississippi Baptist Convention, said the situation in Haiti remains fluid, chaotic and difficult. “[T]he traffic in Port-au-Prince is unbelievable,” Gann said. “Today, it took us three hours to go seven miles. ”

Haiti Earthquake update: cardboard communities

In this Haiti Earthquake update, The Christian Science Monitor reports that Haitians are building new homes after the earthquake with little more than cardboard and plastic in refugee camps. It's estimated that there are 250 such camps in existence.

The rich have left Haiti's capital city of Port-Au-Prince, leaving the poor to fend for themselves. Haiti Earthquake relief efforts are building, but with 3 million people in need of aide and a crumbled infrastructure, it's a challenge.

Update From Haiti: A Little Hope Today

Today felt like we made more progress and were able to create a little hope. We received some food from the United Nations and the Sisters of Charity, but most isn't getting to the people. Most is still in warehouses

Updates on the Crisis in Haiti

The volume of cases was truly overwhelming. We ran 2-3 operating rooms for 12-14 hours at a time, and didn’t even make a dent in the case load.

He added that “it was somewhat unclear” who was in charge of bringing patients injured to the hospital from hte earthquake zone. “

Update on the Progress of the US “Invasion”

Members of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit launched two helicopters to resupply a U.N. distribution site with water.

Then came the earthquake victims, injured one week ago, ferried onboard by several helicopters. In all, the ship took in 19 patients after getting three Tuesday.

Phi Beta Iota Prognosis: In our over-all experience, absent a sea change in how the world community is approaching this, at least half the aid will be stolen or misappropriated; half the remaining aid dollars and materials will never get to the Hiatians at all.  The prospects of a plague, riots, and other human break-downs increase every day.  At this point in time neither the US nor Brazil nor the Cubans appear to have any of the following:

1.  Multinational Information-Sharing and Sense-Making Center

2.  Multinational Strategy, Operations Plan, or Tactical Lines of Engagement

3.  Phase Plan for leveraging every air and sea entry point that makes sense

4.  Phase Plan for actually getting minimal water and food to each of three million people for each of the next 30, 60, 90 days

5.  Strategy, Campaign Plan, or Logistics for applying aid dollars to the bottom-up reconstruction of Haiti in a manner that aggressively relocates 400,000 people not to temporary camps but to permanent opportunities with a virtually infinite supply of building materials aided by every Red Hat, See Bee and Army Engineer unit we can muster.  This needs a Berlin Airlift degree of seriousness, a Marine Expeditionary Force level of complex simultaneous attention to detail, and a Whole of Government Multinational Engagement mind-set that we are simply not seeing.

6.  We know that the US Government is trying to share imagery and other information with selected partners both national and non-governmental but we don't see a coherent island-wide Information Operations (IO)  endeavor, and we see ZERO in the way of “Strategic Communications” outlining in militarily precise terms where the bodies are, what percentage have been fed, etcetera.  The absence of this information causes us great sadness, for it suggests that in all probability the US military is not treating this matter with the deep seriousness that it merits from a multinational public information-sharing and sense-making point of view.

Journal: Haiti Rolling Directory from 12 January 2010

Journal: Real Time Intelligence in Two Way Energy Grid

Earth Intelligence, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Technologies


Eltel Networks Smart Meters A Good Example for Middle East Countries to Follow

For those who are not aware of this technology, a smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using two-way digital technology to control appliances at consumers’ homes to save energy, reduce cost and increase reliability and transparency.


It includes an intelligent monitoring system that keeps track of all electricity flowing through the system. A smart meter enables accurate electronic measuring of energy being used, and are much more accurate than standard meters which simply estimate the amount of energy being used. They enable the calculation of flexible energy tariffs that measure consumption over set time periods.

They also enable the capability of selling unused energy back to the supplier, i.e. the utility company, and will enable better usage of renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines.

Phi Beta Iota: It will probably take another twenty years, but “smart” grids are coming along.  The real break-through will be when “true costs” of every product and service are clearly visible at the press of a button on one's cell phonoe.  Open Spectrum is also inevitable, along with Open Money.  See the  Graphic: Open Everything.

Journal: Open-source hydrogen car

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Methods & Process
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Alex McDonald 20th January, 2010

Cars are evil, right? But what if they ran on hydrogen, did 300 miles per gallon, were leased rather than owned, and were produced under an open source business model…

Riversimple’s network electric car is a hydrogen fuel cell powered car, with unique technologies that enable it to run on a 6kW fuel cell, with a fuel consumption equivalent to 300 miles per gallon and greenhouse gas emissions at 30g per km, well-to-wheel – less than a third of that from the most efficient petrol-engine cars currently available.

It also has the potential to be 10 times cleaner still if the hydrogen is produced from renewable energy.

Phi Beta Iota: “Open Everything” is not just a meme, it is the gameplan for the simple reason that open everything abolishes scarcity and makes it possible to create a prosperous world at peace.  Intelligence-driven peace and prosperity.  What a concept.

See Also:

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Journal: Intelligence & Innovation Support to Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, & Acquisition

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Geospatial, History, InfoOps (IO), Information Operations (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Real Time, Reform, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, True Cost
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Chuck Spinney is still the best “real” engineer in this town–almost everyone else is staggering after fifty years of government-specification cost-plus engineering.  Also, as Chuck explores in the piece on Complexity to Avoid Accountability is Expensive we in the “requirements” business are as much to blame–Service connivance with complexity has killed acquisition from both a financial inputs and a war-fighting relevance outcome point of view.  The Services have forgotten the basics of requirements definition and multi-mission interoperability and supportability.

The Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) was created by General Al Gray, USMC (Ret), then Commandant of the Marine Corps, for three reasons:

1.  Intelligence support to constabulary and expeditionary operations from the three major services was abysmal to non-existent.

2.  Intelligence  support to the Service level planners and programmers striving to interact with other Services, the Unified Commands, and the Joint Staff was non-existent–this was the case with respect to policy, acquisition, and operations.  The cluster-feel over Haiti and the total inadequacy of our 24-48 hour response tells us nothing has changed, in part because we still cannot do a “come as you are” joint inter-agency anything.

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