Journal: Four-Dimensional Digital Maps

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Geospatial, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats
Four Dimensional Digital Maps
Four Dimensional Digital Maps

The graphic can be enlarged.  Two key points:

1.  We are finally getting to where geospatial and functional data can be merged in near-real-time.

2.  Intelligence Online remains our only “must read”

The question that is NOT being addressed is this one:  What will it take to create an infinitely scalable and drillable digital map of the Earth, using open source software and open to all, to which all manner of data in all languages can be appended, validated, and integrated?

Worth a Look: CitizenTube

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence
CitizenTube Home Page
CitizenTube Home Page

Phi Beta Iota: We love this, even though it is very time and bandwidth intensive.  As voice to text matures (China is rreported by Atlantic Monthly to be much further ahead than Google) it will become much easier to aggregate citizen views into the Global Game, and to create a “level playing field” for true democratic self-governance acrosss all issues and boundaries–it's called Panarchy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kofi Annan, Thomas Friedman to join CNN/YouTube Climate Debate panel

Last week, we announced the CNN/YouTube Climate Debate in Copenhagen, an effort to make sure that your voice is included in the climate debate – and that your questions are posed to decision-makers on an international stage.

These leaders will include Kofi Annan, Thomas Friedman, Yves de Boer, and Bjorn Lomberg.

To submit your question, upload a short video of yourself posing the question and submit it here: We've already seen some top-notch video questions like this one from Mo in Florida who is concerned about the cost of going green:

Journal: Dumb Crowd Sourcing–Good Start

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats
Full Story and Video Online
Full Story and Video Online

Pyramid scheme lets audience vote for climate solutions

A worldwide audience will decide the planet's fate in game-show format during the Copenhagen climate summit by suggesting and voting on climate solutions and how they will be funded.

Phi Beta Iota: This is exactly the right idea in the wrong venue with the wrong frame of reference.   We love it, it is a good start.  What they should be doing is creating a Global Range of Need Table that spans all ten high level threats to humanity, across all twelve core policy areas, with preference given to the eight major humanities.  See  Strategic Analytic Model and also Earth Intelligence Network.  Below is the two-pager circulating in United Nations and BRIC circles.

UN World Brain Institute and Global Game Talking Points (2 pages)

Journal: HP After Real-Time Mix and Match

Methods & Process, Real Time

PRESS RELEASE:  New Breadth of Data Virtualization Middleware and Services Now Available to Global Enterprises Facing Complex Information Challenges

Organizations today need the flexibility to break down existing information silos with both virtual and physical access to more timely and accurate information. This collaboration combines Composite’s data virtualization middleware and services with HP Business Intelligence Solutions to accelerate delivery of real-time intelligence for complicated supply chain, risk and customer environments.

Composite Software, with its Composite Information Server™, will provide customers with a means to virtually integrate critical enterprise data that resides outside their HP Neoview Advantage enterprise data warehouses. In combination, the two approaches—virtual data integration and physical data consolidation—enable enterprises to achieve significant cost reductions across their entire information infrastructure.

Journal: Citizen Cyber-Detectives on the March

10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Mobile, Peace Intelligence, Real Time

Video 9:40 Min
Video 9:40 Min

The Internet Detective – Switzerland

There is a new breed of super-sleuth emerging in the virtual world of the web. For both petty criminals and major terrorist groups, internet detectives are fast becoming a force to be reckoned with.  Making it his business to track down criminal activity through the web, Guido Rudolphi, the Sherlock Holmes of the cyber world, considers himself a legal hacker. “So much more information can be accessed, quite legally, than the individual user would ever imagine.” Rudolphi has taken advantage of this new free-flow of online information to catch paedophiles, fraudsters, and even unearth international cells of Al-Quaeda. He demonstrates how it takes less than twenty minutes to establish a persons credentials, locate them and hand them over to the police. “People seem to think theyre anonymous online, that nothing can happen to them there thats very naive.”

World-Changing: Evolutionary Activism

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Policies, Real Time, Reform, Threats
Book Home Page
Buy Book from Author (1-Many)
Once again, Tom Atlee offers a fresh, and penetrating perspective–connecting our understanding of evolution, consciousness, and activism into a new and compelling synthesis for making a difference in today's challenged world.
—Juanita Brown and David Isaacs, The World Café

Reflections on Evolutionary Activism

Essays, poems and prayers from an emerging field of sacred social change

A seed sown by Tom Atlee, toward the emergence of a movement of conscious evolutionary activism

Read Robert Steele's Review

The full price for one book is $15 (plus shipping).

For 20% off orders of 5 or more, use discount code 5RZTA9AG.  The cost of these books will be $12 each.

For 34% off orders of 10 or more, use discount code TNWGX3AP.  The cost of these books will be $9.90 each.

Buy Book from Publisher (1 copy only)

Worth a Look: MicroPlace Giving to the Poor

11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Gift Intelligence, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence, Real Time, Threats
MicroPlace Giving to Poor
MicroPlace for Poor

Level of poverty

Financial  My financial return 1% – 3% | 4% – 6%

When I get repaid Anytime | < 1 yr | 1 – 3 yrs | > 3 yrs

My money is going to Single institution | Multiple institutions

Support small coffee growers in the mountains of Nicaragua

Support Fair Trade Coffee Farmers in Tanzania

Phi Beta Iota: Evidently an EBay initative with a PayPal front end, this impresses us.  Subject to audit, it is precisely what we were thinking of (see our Denmark Briefing) as a means of connecting the one billion rich (80% of whom do not give to charity now) with the five billion poor at the household item level of need.  The major FLAW with with implementation is that it relies on intermediaries that will suck off 50% or more of the actual value.  Still needed: the Global Range of Needs Table. This would also benefit from a Twitter application and a near real time “close by can do easy” option.