Robert Steele in Defence and Intelligence Norway: The Russians Did Not “Hack” the US Election – a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

The Russians Did Not “Hack” the US Election – a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

– I am deeply offended by the lies being told by the US Government – and more specifically, by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the explicit approval of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the President – with respect to the Russians “hacking” the US election. 

– I am reminded of the 935 now-documented lies told by Dick Cheney to justify a $5 trillion war and multiple occupations from Afghanistan to Niger – or in more Nordic terms, the falsification by the Swedish military, in collaboration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA, of a Russian submarine that never existed, allegedly “invading” Swedish waters.

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Phantom Phixer: Henry Kissinger on NAFTA as Foundation for New World Order

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government

With NAFTA, U.S. Finally Creates a New World Order By Henry A. Kissinger FULL TEXT (18 July 1993, Los Angeles Times)

“It will represent the most creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries since the end of the Cold War, and the first step toward the even larger vision of a free-trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere.” “Since the end of the Cold War. fear of communism can no longer serve as the cement of international order. ” “NAFTA. What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system.” “the vital first step for a new kind of community of nations”

See original and read full text.

Tom Atlee: Reality, Truth, & Consequences

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Reality, truth and consequences

Truth and reality are not as obvious and easily established as we might think – especially in a world of diverse perspectives, competing special interests, and cognitive stumbling blocks. But there’s a level of reality which exists regardless of what we think about it, and that level of reality has the capacity to produce consequences. We all know this, even as me miss the mark in terms of actually understanding the fullness of reality in and around us. Thus it is vital that we clarify – and clear away – some of the growing fog around what is real and true so we can better navigate the complexity of “real reality” and improve our chances for success in a world filled with inevitable uncertainties.

Read full post.

ZeroHedge: Charles Hugh-Smith on Fake News, Mass Hysteria, and Induced Isanity

Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Media

Fake News, Mass Hysteria, And Induced Insanity

The “fake news” is that we've never been healthier, healthcare costs are under control and our economy has fully “recovered.”

We've heard a lot about “fake news” from those whose master narratives are threatened by alternative sources and analyses. We've heard less about the master narratives being threatened: the fomenting of mass hysteria, which turns the populace into an easily manipulated and managed herd, and induced insanity, a longer-term marketing-based narrative that causes the populace to ignore the self-destructive consequences of accepting the fad/ ideology/ mindset being pushed as “good” and “normal.”

In terms of “fake news,” it's hard to beat the mainstream media and its handlers' attempts to whip up mass hysteria via unsubstantiated claims that Russian hackers working for Putin deprived Hillary of the presidency.

Continue reading “ZeroHedge: Charles Hugh-Smith on Fake News, Mass Hysteria, and Induced Isanity”

Lance Schuttler: Philippines President Duterte Slams Vatican for Pedophilia and Gold Hoarding,

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime
Lance Schuttler

Philippines President Duterte Calls Out Vatican For Pedophilia & Gold Hoarding

The Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte is not backing down. Just one day after calling out U.S. ambassadors as “CIA spies,” Duterte has now criticized the top of the elite’s pyramid: The Vatican.   . . .   While Duterte has been speaking his mind for awhile now and publicly distancing himself from the U.S. and aligning with Russia and China, this latest call out of the Vatican for gold hoarding, incest and pedophilia takes it to the highest level.

Jan Helge Kalvik: Managing the Boundary Zone – a Swedish Perspective on Intelligence in the Balkan Wars

Peace Intelligence
Jan Helge Kalvik

Managing the Boundary Zone – a Swedish Perspective on Intelligence in the Balkan Wars

Defence and Intelligence Norway

The experiences we have described illustrate the role of social relations in the intelligence function. These are marked with trust, distrust or some mixture of both. However, in system terms, despite hostile relations between two or more parties, they still belong to the same system or at least co-exist in its boundary zone. So, instead of extending the intelligence community, its functions and operations simply on the basis of technical or instrumental relations, we suggest instead that the considerations of social relations and trust be brought into the architecture of technical systems. Without trust, even the best equipped NIC will be useless. In other words, no matter how significant the SIGINT investment, the subsequent signal analysis will depend on operators’, analysts’ or policymakers’ expertise, intentions and attitude. Are they motivated, and for what? What a phenomenon is or looks like can vary a lot depending both on the context – one’s interpretive framework – on the observer and the author of a report. This is ultimately the often hidden political side of the intelligence coin.

Full article with endnotes.

Russ Baker: Trump and the Deep State

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call
Russ Baker

Trump and the Deep State

That’s our target: the unelected power structure that defines and controls so many of the government’s actions and our political “choices.” One thing clear about President-elect Trump: notwithstanding his “outsider” rhetoric, he has quickly embraced many aspects of the Deep State — perhaps without even knowing the concept. Indeed, we see no indication that Trump has longstanding ties to the Deep State. But he would not be the first president who ended up ceding power to these elements while in office — or, by resisting their influence, found himself out of power one way or another.