Berto Jongman: Alexis C. Mardrigal on Obama’s Technical Team – Soul of a New [Chicago] Machine

Advanced Cyber/IO, Software
Berto Jongman

Extreme detail.

When the Nerds Go Marching In

Alexis C. Madrigal

The Atlantic, 16 November 2012


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“The real innovation in 2012 is that we had world-class technologists inside a campaign,” Slaby told me. “The traditional technology stuff inside campaigns had not been at the same level.” And yet the technologists, no matter how good they were, brought a different worldview, set of personalities, and expectations.

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SchwartzReport: Sanity in Seattle – Legalized Marijuana Ground Rules

09 Justice, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence

Marijwhatnow? A Guide to Legal Marijuana Use In Seattle

JONAH SPANGENTHAL-LEE – Seattle City Government

It is fascinating to watch what is happening with the vote in Washington and Colorado to legalize marijuana. Suddenly sensible policies are emerging; the hysterical misinformation purveyed by governments for decades is disappearing. This is the first announcement from the Seattle city government, Washington's largest city.

The people have spoken. Voters have passed Initiative 502 and beginning December 6th, it is not a violation of state law for adults over 21 years old to possess up to an ounce of marijuana (or 16 ounces of solid marijuana-infused product, like cookies, or 72 ounces of infused liquid, like oil) for personal use. The initiative establishes a one-year period for the state to develop rules and a licensing system for the marijuana production and sale.

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DefDog: Anonymous Attacks Israel

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Hacking, IO Deeds of Peace, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence

Anonymous takes down over 550 Israeli sites, wipes databases, leaks email addresses and passwords

When the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) this week began taking military action in the Gaza strip against Hamas (as the IDF announced on Twitter), Anonymous declared its own war as part of #OpIsrael. Among the casualties are thousands of email addresses and passwords, hundreds of Israeli web sites, government-owned as well as privately owned pages, as well as databases belonging to the Bank of Jerusalem and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Read comments, claims, and press release.

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Mini-Me: Petraeus as CIA Says Benghazi was Terrorist Attack — NSA Behind on Relevant Intercepts; DIA Not Being Allowed to Think, Zero HUMINT Sucks

Government, Ineptitude, Military

Short Persistent URL:Ā

Who? Mini-Me?


Petraeus tells Congress that Benghazi attack was terrorism

By and ,

Washington Post, Friday, NovemberĀ 16

Former CIA director David H. Petraeus told Congress on Friday that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, was clearly an act of terrorism, but he did not resolve the question of when the agency reached that conclusion, according to lawĀ­makers who attended the closed-door sessions.

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According to accounts provided by intelligence officials, the CIA concluded early on that Benghazi was a terrorist attack by definition, because any assault on a U.S. government installation with heavy weapons and substantial firepower could not be classified otherwise. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

Read full article.

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Berto Jongman: Princeton Focus on Financial Ecosystems, Finds that Big Banks Trample Economic Habitats and Spread Fiscal Disease

Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman

In financial ecosystems, big banks trample economic habitats and spread fiscal disease

Posted November 14, 2012; 09:00 a.m.

by Morgan Kelly, Office of Communications


Lead author and Princeton mathematical epidemiologist Nimalan Arinaminpathy explained that the paper represents part of an effort to examine how tumult such as the 2007-08 global financial crisis can spread throughout a banking system. Prior to the crisis, regulators typically judged banks on their individual health rather than their potential threat to the overall network, he said.

“In terms of regulation, there was really very little attention to how the financial system worked as a whole,” said Arinaminpathy, who is a postdoctoral research associate in Princeton's Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

Read full communique.

John Robb: Global Economic Reset — And Surviving It

Communities of Practice, Officers Call, Policies, Resilience
John Robb

A Global Economic Reset? Don't Wait to Find Out. Build Something Better

By John Robb

Building a resilient life, home and community is its own reward. Ā It's simply the best way to live a good life.Ā  However, there's also another reason to do it. Ā It's where the global system is headed, and the penalties for not starting early are steep.Ā  To really understand this, here's a well-written and detailed report on how and why a collapse of our global financial and economic systems are likely to occur.

It's a new report called, “Trade Off” by David Korowicz.Ā  Here's a quick summary:

  • The global financial and economic system is now a network. Everything is connected.
  • This system has become VERY big and VERY complex. It's simply beyond what government bureaucracies and markets were designed to manage/control.
  • Inevitably, as with all unstable systems that can't be manged/controlled, it will collapse. It will shrink to a size that can be managed through markets and bureaucracy.

As reports on this topic goes, it's very well written and provides quite a bit of conceptual detail.Ā  However, as with ALL reports on this topic, it doesn't offer a solution.Ā  Why? There simply isn't one available for the system as it is today. No fix. No patch. No tweak that will auto-magically fix our system's problems.Ā  So, what happens when the global system resets? Nobody really knows, but….

Continue reading “John Robb: Global Economic Reset — And Surviving It”

Ron Paul: 32 Questions – One More Fight?

Ron Paul

32 Questions That All Americans Must Answer

Activist Post, 16 November 2012

Ron Paul, in his historic farewell speech to Congress this week, asked 32 thought-provoking questions addressed to his fellow Americans.

It's very clear upon examination of these questions that something is very wrong with our government. Ā Below are his questions:

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