ZeroHedge: Russia Readies Own Web To Survive Global Internet Shutdown

IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency

Russia Readies Own Web To Survive Global Internet Shutdown

Russian authorities and major telecom operators are preparing to disconnect the country from the world wide web as part of an exercise to prepare for future cyber attacks, Russian news agency RosBiznesKonsalting (RBK) reported last week.

The purpose of the exercise is to develop a threat analysis and provide feedback to a proposed law introduced in the Russian Parliament last December.

The draft law, called the Digital Economy National Program, requires Russian internet service providers (ISP) to guarantee the independence of the Russian Internet (Runet) in the event of a foreign attack to sever the country's internet from the world wide web.

Read full article with graphic.

Review: The Future Is Asian by Parag Khanna

5 Star, Atlases & State of the World, Culture, Research, Diplomacy, Economics, Future, History, Intelligence (Commercial), Public Administration, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
Amazon Page

SHORT URL (tell others, please):

Parag Khanna

5 Stars – Utterly brilliant insights and data, but publisher should have invested in graphics to match

Parag Khanna is for me the single best observer and reporter on the substance of Asia which he takes great pains to point out is not just China (a third of Asia’s population) but includes particularly vast swaths of Russia, India, Central Asia, Southeast Asia including Indonesia and Australia, and Turkey.

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Mongoose: Full Text of Core Book on Freemasons, “Architects of Destruction”

Corruption, Non-Governmental

Freemasons can be a force for good, but in their present configuration with the Satanic evil above the 31st degree, they are not. Ignore the anti-Christian rhetoric and read with a degree of skepticism. A point of reference.

Architects of Deception (Full Text Free Online)

Table of Contents Below the Fold

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Berto Jongman: New Research – Four in Five Catholic Priests Are Gay

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims

French journalist’s book is a ‘startling account of corruption and hypocrisy’, publisher says

Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active, it is claimed in the book, In the Closet of the Vatican.

The 570-page book, which the French journalist and author Frédéric Martel spent four years researching, is a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican”, according to its British publisher Bloomsbury.

Read full article.

Event: Transition Town Consciousness Festival, Media, PA 20-23 April 2019


Climate, Consciousness and Community

A Kosmos Summit

Join us! | April 20-23, 2019

We invite you to join us for four days of deep learning, healing, and sharing, in Media, Philadelphia for the Kosmos Climate, Consciousness, and Community Summit. Engage in intimate dialogue and reflection as we confront truths and feelings about the converging crises we face on Earth, our home. We will convene in the beautiful, thriving Transition Town of Media, Pennsylvania.

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BREAKING: False Flag Planned for Venezuela to Justify Invasion — Replay of Panama?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Diplomat warns false flag brewing under cloak of humanitarian convoy for Venezuela

I believe this.  I ran a false flag for CIA, they are very easy to set up and because the media goes along with whatever story they are given, difficult for most in the public to recognize as a false flag.

We should not be pursuing the Zionist agenda against Iran or Venezuela. President Trump's decision to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan is a step in the right direction. I pray he is simply giving the Zionists and neocons (unregistered agents of a foreign power) enough rope to hang themselves.

Continue reading “BREAKING: False Flag Planned for Venezuela to Justify Invasion — Replay of Panama?”

ZeroHedge: How About A Red, White And Blue New Deal? Support your own damn self and leave me the hell alone.

Cultural Intelligence

How About A Red, White And Blue New Deal?

Support your own damn self and leave me the hell alone.

Now, one of the virtues of my innovative proposal is its simplicity. It requires no “massive” mobilization of our whole society in a collective campaign to pursue some arbitrary goal that a bunch of liberals who never ran anything but their lying mouths picked out for us. It requires no additional national debt. It requires no huge, unresponsive deadweight bureaucracy to implement. In fact, it requires nothing at all besides what you and me have always done – work for a living.

Here it is again, in its entirety:

Support your own damn self and leave me the hell alone.

Read full Red, White, & Blue manifesto.