Ed Jewett: Review of Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men – The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Science & Politics of Science, Technology (Bio-Mimicry, Clean)

The Baylonian dragon of chaos
“sirrush” or mušuššu (??? )

There is a book published in 2011 which will provide background and textual substance to the news of the Chinese CRISPr creation of twins, the Neanderthal project on PBS and this recent discussion about cosmic fascism.

Amazon Page

It is Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell and I commend it to you.

It is about “ancient accounts of chimeras and monsters”, and “genetic engineering technology” — including “the engineered creation of mankind itself”.  Religions were promoted by these elite engineers “as tools of cohesion, conquest, and a considerable degree of obfuscation; as “commerce and contact between civilization and grew — often fostered by these very same elites —so to did religious agendas change, often violently, but just as often subtly.“

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Review of Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men – The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell”

David Vine: Letter to President Trump on Closing US Military Bases Abroad to Save Money & Improve National and International Security

Peace Intelligence

Transpartisan Letter on Closing U.S. Military Bases Abroad
to Save Money & Improve National & International Security

cost billions, largely obsolete, entangle US in foreign wars, support dictators, cause blowback, damage the environment, damage America's reputation and inspire protests, bad for families.

Continue reading “David Vine: Letter to President Trump on Closing US Military Bases Abroad to Save Money & Improve National and International Security”

Robert Steele: POTUS Truth Channel Fake News? Comment

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Ethics
Robert David STEELE Vivas

A Fake News item that is conceptually sound but factually incorrect, has been published, President Trump Begins Purge Of Main Stream Media – Finally.

According to this article, the elements of the Trump Truth Channel will be as follows, all as allegedly included in the National Defense Act (false):

Continue reading “Robert Steele: POTUS Truth Channel Fake News? Comment”

Tom Atlee: Deep Democracy and Community Wisdom

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

Deep Democracy and Community Wisdom

A community has more potential capacity to generate wisdom than any individual. But that potential can only be realized to the extent the community creatively utilizes both its diversity and the tensions and disturbances that arise within it. The most potent forms of leadership and governance thus involve nurturing the conditions that help that happen.

Read full essay.

SPECIAL: Trump Appoints Top Drug Smuggling Assassination Operative from Bush Crime Family to be Attorney General UPDATE 2

Government, Idiocy
Kevin Barrett

Trump’s Attorney General nominee Barr a drug dealing assassin?

According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was involved in many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and dozens of others. Ironically, Trump—who tossed a few rhetorical punches at the Bush Crime Family during the 2016 Republican primaries—has just nominated a man who represented the Bush CIA drug cartel, both within the CIA itself (1973-1977) and later when he served as “Opium Poppy” Bush’s Attorney General.

Gunderson: Well, isn’t that interesting? …so we have Vice President Bush, we have Ollie North, we have William Barr involved in the drug-operation. It’s that simple, isn’t it?

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Trump Appoints Top Drug Smuggling Assassination Operative from Bush Crime Family to be Attorney General UPDATE 2”

Charles Hugh Smith: Pathfinding Our Destiny (Summary by Adam Taggart

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Amazon Page

Authored by Adam Taggart via PeakProsperity.com,

There's mounting evidence that the Age of American Exceptionalism is grinding to an end…

My book's conclusion at the higher, systemic level is that it's critical for people today to understand that we're not going to be able to reform the current system as its structured and that we're going to have to radically de-centralize power, wealth and capital. And we're going to have to open the doors, so to speak, to a bunch of experimentation to find out what works best.

Read full summary.