Ed Jewett: US Government Domestic False Flag Operations? UN Agenda for Disarming US Citizens?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement

First read this:

Motive For Staged School Shootings Solved by Judicial Watch

And then read this:

OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools

How the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program Creates ‘Mass Shooters’ and Turns ‘Lone Gunmen’ Into Patsies

Rebecca Campbell: Tesla Free Zero Point Energy — a Trump Go Ahead?

05 Energy, Advanced Cyber/IO

Visiv, the new company soon testing this Zenneck wave-based Tesla free zero point energy-based technology, has two retired USAF generals as corporate officers, as well as a respected Tesla-like long-time electrical engineer/inventor, a former energy company executive and a CFO who has both accounting and legal credentials.

They specifically state on their website, indicating that this form of wireless may not only be vastly more efficient, elegant and safer than all existing wireless electrical technologies — including the hazardous 4G/5G now on the market — but that it will soon be allowed by major market forces to displace its existing less viable, less safe competition:

Continue reading “Rebecca Campbell: Tesla Free Zero Point Energy — a Trump Go Ahead?”

Review: The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis

6 Star Top 10%, Best Practices in Management, Budget Process & Politics, Complexity & Catastrophe, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Information Operations, Politics, Priorities, Public Administration, Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity
Amazon Page

Michael Lewis

6 Stars Presidential Transitions Matter and President Trump Blew It — With Follow-on Consequences

Although I am a huge fan of President Trump — I wrote the first article on how he could win (“Counter-Coup: How Trump Can Win,” CounterPunch, 14 August 2018) and went on to write the 30 piece Trump Revolution Series, I also believe in learning from the mistakes of others — this book has a great deal to offer the next President.

Early on in the book we learn that then candidate Trump did not want a presidential transition team and refused to assign campaign funds for it. When he was persuaded by Chris Christie that he needed one and Christie offered to raise funds separately, Trump assented, only to blow a fuse when he learned Christie had raised $9 million.

QUOTE (21): “Trump was apoplectic, actually yelling, You're stealing my money! You're stealing my fucking money! What the fuck is this?

The book offers one capstone understanding and five insights that every presidential candidate should take deeply to heart:

Continue reading “Review: The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis”

Ed Jewett: Preliminary Evalutation of Thousand Island False Flag — DHS Campaign Against Veterans

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call

Tales of Iron Wars, or The Kill-The-Country Two-Step

Phi Beta Iota: the entire document is below in full text and also as a downloadable Word document. Bottom line: this was a false flag operation setting the stage for disarming veterans based on allegations of PTSD and medications. This needs to be stomped by President.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Preliminary Evalutation of Thousand Island False Flag — DHS Campaign Against Veterans”

Stephen E. Arnold: Journal Subscription Doomsday

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Journal Subscription Doomsday Is Upon Us

China might have the great firewall when it comes to blocking access, but another infamous digital wall is the great academic paywall a.k.a. subscription paywalls that block access to scientific and academic journals. That could all be changing. Researchers everywhere are shocking and gasping at the thought of have free access to expensive research materials. Could this be the sound of celebration? Nature fills us in on the details in the story, “Radical Open-Access Plan Could Spell End To Journal Subscriptions.” Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Journal Subscription Doomsday”

ALERT: NATO Trying to Start WWIII Post Updated

Peace Intelligence

President Trump is saying he might not meet President Putin privately at the G-20 meeting.  This is a mistake.  They should meet with translators only, no bureaucrats and especially not arch-Zionist and suspected pedophile John Bolton. If you think my warning is worthy of sharing, click on the below link and share that link (not this one).  Updates don't trigger email broadcasts which is why I am taking this special measure and will delete this post once it is sent.

Robert Steele: Deep State is Starting World War III UPDATE 2: NATO Using Ukraine Provocations to Start WWIII