Worth a Look: MKULTRA Never Ended (98 Pages “Fiction”)

Worth A Look
Original Source Free Online

This book is a fictional representation of true events in which names, initials, and situations have been changed to secure safety for my loved ones, professionals who have helped me at great risk, and myself.
This is the story of American corporate and governmental life today, thanks to the Cold War that spawned the CIA Operation Paperclip and MK-Ultra mind control programs.

Even the secret space program now in operation began with Nazi physics and mind control. Because all of this has been cloaked for over a half century in “national security,” the American public is oblivious to the existence of the evils now embedded in the very structure of its institutions and government agencies, like the post-9/11 Department of Homeland Security.

It is long past time to awaken the public to what victims like myself are undergoing every day and night of the week at work and at home.

Phi Beta Iota Copy: Book Fiction 98 Pages Advanced MK Ultra by Jian Liang

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.

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Berto Jongman: CIA Archives — 13 Million Searchable Pages

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Unearthing CREST: CIA's Declassified Archives

After our three-year lawsuit led to the public release of 13 million pages of declassified CIA records, we've begun a daily-deep dive into the depths of the Agency's seven-decade history.


Our three year saga to release 13 million pages of CIA secrets


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CounterPunch: The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

Erik Molvar is a wildlife biologist and is the Laramie, Wyoming-based Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project, a nonprofit group dedicated to protecting and restoring watersheds and wildlife on western public lands.

List only, click above to read full article.

  1. Industrial oil and gas drilling is compatible with healthy wildlife populations
  2. Nobody wants to see the sage grouse (or anything else) listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
  3. Logging, grazing, or fuelbreaks can stop big fires
  4. Wild horses are the real threat to western rangeland health
  5. Ranchers are the real environmentalists
  6. Predators are killing our wild game (or our profits) and their numbers need to be “managed”
  7. When the next boom hits, the good times will return
  8. Ranching is the cornerstone of western rural economies
  9. The oil, timber, and livestock industries have the right to extract private profits from public lands
  10. Local control would result in better management of western public lands

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Steven Aftergood: CRS on Global Democracy, USA a Flawed Democracy

Cultural Intelligence
Steven Aftergood


Democracy as a political system has not advanced around the world in the past decade and by some measures it has actually declined, a new report from the Congressional Research Service observes.

The obstacles are not all located abroad. Unlike its predecessors, the Trump Administration does not include democracy promotion as part of its national security strategy, CRS noted. And for the first time last year, the Economist Intelligence Unit categorized the United States as a “flawed democracy.”

See Global Trends in Democracy: Background, U.S. Policy, and Issues for Congress, October 17, 2018.

Berto Jongman: Josh Lefkowitz – Undressing Online Collection Strategies…

IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

Collection Strategies: The Key Differentiator Among Threat Intelligence Vendors

Useful paragraph:

Because many of the adversaries who frequent these forums don’t operate in English, gaining access can only be done by human analysts with the necessary linguistic skills. And in many cases, simply being fluent in Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Turkish, Farsi, Spanish, French, or other languages isn’t enough—analysts also need a keen understanding of the cultural nuances, social norms, idioms, and slang that exist within such communities. Despite promising advances in artificial intelligence and automation, such tools aren’t yet capable of mimicking the level of human expertise required to collect data from these types of sources.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Josh Lefkowitz – Undressing Online Collection Strategies…”