Robert Steele: #GoogleGestapo is Seditionist, Discriminatory, & Making Undeclared Illegal Contributions to the Democratic Party

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War
Robert David STEELE Vivas

LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election

Hats off to Breitbart for the above leaked video and their detailed text analysis.

When #UNRIG, I, and Cynthia McKinney were attacked “six ways in ninety days” by the varied elements of #GoogleGestapo under the clear direction of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL, the Zionist secret police), I filed a federal lawsuit and took other actions — the story is told here. There is no question but that the elements of #GoogleGestapo — Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, YouTube, and lesser lights including are seditionist — they are actively seeking to conduct propaganda operations against the American public; they are disciminatory, in clear concerted (that means conspiracy and triple damages) efforts against both conservative and progressive voices and against Free Speech generally; and they are making massive undeclared illegal contributions to the Democratic Party and  agents of foreign powers, notably ADL, which is getting millions and millions of dollars in “free” services that violate civil and other rights of ADL “targets.” The Attorney General should be mandating a RICO investigation against all of them, and enforcing Title 7.


William Binney & Robert Steele at CATO: 9/11 False Flag NSA Shut Down Watered Down Thin Thread Down Precisely to Prevent Revelation of US Persons Involved in the False Flag event

Corruption, Government, Military

NSA: Ordered to NOT Examine Data that May Prove 9/11 “False Flag” Terrorism?

On September 4, 2018 at DC's Cato Institute, a panel discussion was held regarding “The NSA and the Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned.” Karl Golovin (a retired U.S. Customs special agent and 9/11 responder asked: If U.S. Persons (intelligence, military or political) stage “False Flag” events, is NSA precluded by law from capturing related “signals” (communications) involving those U.S. Persons? William Binney answered “No,” (and to paraphrase) such communications are definitely captured in NSA databases, but whether NSA personnel ever examine such data is another issue. Spectator Robert David Steele, seated behind Golovin, audibly interjected: “That's why ThinThread was shut down.”

Continue reading “William Binney & Robert Steele at CATO: 9/11 False Flag NSA Shut Down Watered Down Thin Thread Down Precisely to Prevent Revelation of US Persons Involved in the False Flag event”

Review: Bernie or Bust – Pioneers of Electoral Revolt

4 Star, Democracy
Amazon Page

Mush with Three Pieces of Edible Sausage

@BernieOrBust with Patrick Walker

4 stars

While this book is valuable as an early overview of the how and why of the Sandernista revolution, it is also extremely tedious.

Among the best points of the book are its articulation of all the frustrations with “Establishment Democrats” that led to the growth of dissidents enchanted with Sanders, including its condemnation of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as being neoliberal rather than progressive; and its overall illumination of why #WalkAway is exploding today.

Continue reading “Review: Bernie or Bust – Pioneers of Electoral Revolt”

Steven Aftergood: Army Admits Intelligence Sucks

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Steven Aftergood


U.S. Army operations increasingly depend on intelligence to help confront adversaries who are themselves highly competent, the Army said this week in a newly updated publication on military intelligence.

Future operations “will occur in complex operational environments against capable peer threats, who most likely will start from positions of relative advantage. U.S. forces will require effective intelligence to prevail during these operations.” See Intelligence, Army Doctrine Publication 2-0, September 4, 2018.

The quality of U.S. military intelligence is not something that can be taken for granted, the Army document said.

Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: Army Admits Intelligence Sucks”

Robert Steele: UK Taking Lead on Syria False Flag

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Family, 06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Military, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Donald Trump chose not to act publicly (he may be acting privately) against the perpetrators of the 9/11 false flag, the various FEMA CAPSTONE false flags on US soil, and the “allies” (UK, Zionist Israel, Saudi Arabia) executing false flag chemical attacks in Syria. This is not acceptable. Our President clearly has a timeline and we anticipate that he will take down Bush-Cheney and then Obama-Clinton with military tribunals, but in the interim the public — the voting public evaluating how to vote in November 2018 — needs more active public signs of good faith from the President on the matter of false flag attacks that threaten the 2nd Amendment at home and peace abroad.