Chuck Spinney: Radioactive Rice, Big Time….

05 Energy, 07 Health, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Chuck Spinney

Radioactive Rice “Far Exceeding” Safe Levels Found in Japan

Published on Saturday, September 24, 2011 by Reuters

by Chikako Mogi

TOKYO  – Japan found the first case of rice with radioactive materials far exceeding a government-set level for a preliminary test of pre-harvested crop, requiring thorough inspection of the rice to be harvested from the region, the farm ministry said late on Friday.

Read full article.

Jon Lebkowsky: Jean Russel on Thrivability

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Jon Lebkowsky

Worldchanging Interview with Jean Russell on Thrivabiliity (2009)

In September 2009, Worldchanging published my interview with thrivability consultant Jean Russell. I’m republishing the interview here in its entirety. Jean and I have had many conversations since, and I’m persistently intrigued by her well-grounded positive vision of a world in which we humans not only survive sustainably, but thrive. (Last February, Jean arranged for Todd Hoskins to interview me – that interview’s at

Technology consultant, entrepreneur and thrivability theorist Jean Russell joined Jerry Michalski’s August 3 Yi-Tan Conference Call for a conversation about thrivability as a conceptual replacement for sustainabilty. After that talk (which you can hear via the above link), I asked Jean to join me in a brief but enlightening Worldchanging interview.

Jon Lebkowsky: Let’s start with the definition of thrivability I found at, that it’s “our path out of unsustainable practices toward a world where all people have a high quality of life, a voice, and a nurturing earth supporting them. Using whole systems approach, it demands that we evolve our way of being together, of collaborating, so that our collective wisdom and action bring forth a flourishing world and thriving life.”

What’s the origin of this definition, and what led you to start thinking about “thrivability” vs sustainability?

Continue reading “Jon Lebkowsky: Jean Russel on Thrivability”

Steve Aftergood: CIA Classified Climate Change

Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Steven Aftergood


When the Central Intelligence Agency established a Center on Climate Change and National Security in 2009, it drew fierce opposition from congressional Republicans who disputed the need for an intelligence initiative on this topic.  But now there is a different, and possibly better, reason to doubt the value of the Center:  It has adopted an extreme view of classification policy which holds that everything the Center does is a national security secret.

Last week, the CIA categorically denied (pdf) a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a copy of any Center studies or reports concerning the impacts of global warming.

“We completed a thorough search for records responsive to your request and located material that we determined is currently and properly classified and must be denied in its entirety…,” wrote CIA's Susan Viscuso to requester Jeffrey Richelson, an intelligence historian affiliated with the National Security Archive.

With some effort, one can imagine records related to climate change that would be properly classified.  Such records might, for example, include information that was derived from classified collection methods or sources that could be compromised by their disclosure.  Or perhaps such records might present analysis reflecting imminent threats to national security that would be exacerbated rather than corrected by publicizing them.

But that's not what CIA said.  Rather, it said that all of the Center's work is classified and there is not even a single study, or a single passage in a single study, that could be released without damage to national security.  That's a familiar song, and it became tiresome long ago.

Continue reading “Steve Aftergood: CIA Classified Climate Change”

Owl: Solar Flare, Nuclear Meltdowns, Earth Radiation

Earth Intelligence
Who? Who?

Severe Solar Storms Could Disrupt Earth This Decade: NOAA

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a federal agency that focuses on the condition of the oceans and atmosphere, said a severe solar storm could cause global disruptions in GPS systems, power grids, satellite communications, and airline communications.

Profound change of the near-Earth radiation environment caused by solar superstorms

SPACE WEATHER, VOL. 9, S08007, 13 PP., 2011

Key Points

  • Very strong storms may produce dramatic intensifications of the inner zone
  • Radial diffusion and local acceleration can explain dynamics during superstorms
  • Potential loss from superstorm may be devastating

Solar flare could unleash nuclear holocaust across planet Earth, forcing hundreds of nuclear power plants into total meltdowns

(NaturalNews) Forget about the 2012 Mayan calendar, comet Elenin or the Rapture. The real threat to human civilization is far more mundane, and it's right in front of our noses. If Fukushima has taught us anything, it's that just one runaway meltdown of fissionable nuclear material can have wide-ranging and potentially devastating consequences for life on Earth. To date, Fukushima has already released 168 times the total radiation released from the Hiroshima nuclear bomb detonated in 1945, and the Fukushima catastrophe is now undeniably the worst nuclear disaster in the history of human civilization.

But what if human civilization faced a far greater threat than a single tsunami destroying a nuclear power facility? What if a global tidal wave could destroy the power generating capacities of all the world's power plants, all at once?

Such a scenario is not merely possible, but factually inevitable. And the global tidal wave threatening all the nuclear power plants of the world isn't made of water but solar emissions.


John Robb: Global Adaptation Index

Earth Intelligence
John Robb

The Global Adaptation Institute is a non-profit environmental organization guided by a vision of building resilience against climate change and other global forces as a key component to sustainable development. Our mission is to enhance the world's understanding of the urgency for adaptation to climate change and other global forces through private and public investments for developing countries.

The Global Adaptation Index (GaIn) summarizes a country's Vulnerability to climate change and other global challenges on the one hand and its Readiness to improve resilience on the other hand. It aims to help businesses and the public sector better prioritize investments for a more efficient response to the immediate global challenges ahead.


Click on Image to Reach Interactive Version

Howard Rheingold: 30 Sep to 11 Nov Online & Live Course on Literacy of Cooperation

04 Education, 11 Society, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, Hacking, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Non-Governmental, Offbeat Fun, Peace Intelligence
Howard Rheingold

Announcing a new Rheingold U course: Toward a New Literacy of Cooperation

For the past ten years, I've worked with Institute for the Future to track the emergence of a new story about how humans get things done together. The old story of survival of the fittest, competition, rational self-interest is changing as new knowledge comes to light about cooperative arrangements and complex interdependencies in cells, ecosystems, economies, and humans. In 2005, I delivered a TED talk about this subject; the video has been viewed more than 182,000 times. In the same year, I co-taught a seminar at Stanford with Andrea Saveri of Institute for the Future, “Toward a Literacy of Cooperation.” This six week Rheingold U course builds on the texts, videos, and other materials developed over the past ten years. Under my direction, co-learners will inquire, collaborate, discuss, co-construct knowledge about the building blocks and conceptual frames of a new literacy of cooperation. The course will run September 30 – November 11

The syllabus
The schedule of live meetings

Continue reading “Howard Rheingold: 30 Sep to 11 Nov Online & Live Course on Literacy of Cooperation”

Mini-Me: 57 Finance Ministers Creating New Financial System–Over 50,000 Bankers to Be Held Accountable

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Key Players, Law Enforcement, Military, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Who? Mini-Me?

This begs to be noticed.  Being passed around in gold recovery circles.


by Benjamin Fulford

August 30, 2011

from Kauilapele Website

For the past week, a secret meeting of 57 finance ministers aimed at setting up a new international financial system took place in a large ship on international waters near Europe, according to White Dragon Society representatives who were there.

The meeting, hosted by Switzerland, deliberately excluded representatives from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary, France, Italy, the UK, Germany and Japan.

Countries like Russia, China and the Netherlands were among the 57 represented.

Representatives from the Pentagon and the U.S. agencies at the meeting promised to bypass the Federal Reserve board and use their access to codes for the international collateral accounts to finance the U.S. military industrial complex in conjunction with the new system.

The Swiss used their financial intelligence to refuse would-be participants who were in any way associated with either,

the Bilderberg Group

the Council on Foreign Relations

or the Trilateral Commission

Among those refused entry were Naoto Kan (still Prime Minister of Japan as of last week), IMF head Christine Lagarde and U.S. Senator J. Rockefeller.

Rockefeller was actually physically prevented from boarding the ship, according to two eye-witnesses.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: 57 Finance Ministers Creating New Financial System–Over 50,000 Bankers to Be Held Accountable”