John Steiner: Michelle Bachman Right on the Vacines – Gardasil HPV is demonstrably bad

06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, Civil Society, Corruption, Government
John Steiner

Vaccination Safety Choice: Lives ruined, “Gardasil Girls” abandoned by CDC/ manufacturers/ media – CHECK OUT CA BILL re 12 yr olds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 15, 2011

Contact: Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota / Nancy Hokkanen 952-831-3777 GOP Debate Spotlights Vaccination Safety, Choice

Lives ruined, ³Gardasil Girls² abandoned by CDC, manufacturers & media

ST. PAUL, MINN. ­ Vaccine consumers were shortchanged yet again by media¹s
selective reporting of Rep. Michele Bachmann¹s HPV vaccine comments from Monday night¹s Tea Party debate. Whatever one¹s opinion of Republican Presidential candidate Bachmann, the seriousness of vaccine injury was lost to many journalists indulgences in bias, jingoism and ignorance.

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Owl: Financial Terrorism in USA Against USA by Wall Street and 400 Specifically Named Most Wealthy

03 Economy, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Book Lists, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, True Cost, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Who? Who?

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion

Editor’s Note: The following report includes adapted excerpts from David DeGraw’s book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.”

Release Date: 9.28.11

Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America
By David DeGraw, AmpedStatus Report


The following report is a statistical analysis of the systemic economic attacks against the American people.

Currently, at least 62 million Americans, 20% of US households, have zero or negative net worth.

Recently, the National Academy of Science released their latest findings, backing up my claim by revealing that 52,765,000 Americans, 17.3% of the population, lived in poverty in 2009.

In 2005, 25.7 million Americans needed food stamps, currently 45.8 million people rely on them.

…counting the total number people in need of employment, you get a current unemployment rate of 22.5%, which is an all-time record total of 34 million people currently in need of work.

Continue reading “Owl: Financial Terrorism in USA Against USA by Wall Street and 400 Specifically Named Most Wealthy”

John Robb: Can Middle Class Be Saved? Too Late.

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
John Robb

Great article.  Starts with Citigroup's Plutonomy report (the report has been ruthlessly removed from the Web by Citi's lawyers) — wherein they show that, in the US, the middle class doesn't really exist.  In reality, there are only two groups, a small percentage of rich households (that drive all consumption and investment) and the rest (that live hand to mouth).  The last time this happened (in the 1920s) a global depression was the inevitable result

Can the Middle Class Be Saved?

The Great Recession has accelerated the hollowing-out of the American middle class. And it has illuminated the widening divide between most of America and the super-rich. Both developments herald grave consequences. Here is how we can bridge the gap between us.

By Don Peck

The Atlantic, September 2011

Read article….

Koko: Bloomberg & Soros Do Wrong Thing Righter

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Methods & Process, Reform

Can George Soros, Michael Bloomberg save New York's troubled young men?

CSM, 4 August 2011

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a $127.5 million plan Thursday to help young black and Hispanic men. The effort includes money from financier George Soros and his philanthropy.


Socioeconomic and Health issues



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Koko signs:  Smart men both, but neither of them has a holistic understanding of system design.  In the jungle, connectivity matters.  King of the Reflexive Practice Jungle, Dr. Russell Ackoff, would say this is a magnificent example of doing the wrong thing righter.  Paying to connect these young men to a broken system makes no sense–funding them to build a new system to displace the broken one–now that is reflexivity.  Good intentions, bad design.  We have just two questions.

1.  Has anyone asked the young men what they want?

2.  In the context of a city failing the resilience test and likely to experience near-catastrophic unemployment in the middle class over the next ten years, is there a strategy for resilience?

See Also:

Continue reading “Koko: Bloomberg & Soros Do Wrong Thing Righter”

UN + Start-Up Seek to Get Poor Online with Cell Numbers

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 04 Education, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, Hacking, Key Players, Mobile, Non-Governmental, Real Time

Startup Aims to Get the Poor Online With Phone Numbers

By Stephen Lawson, IDG News

U.K. startup Movirtu plans to help 3 million or more people in poor countries use mobile services by giving them personal phone numbers, not phones.

Working with a U.N.-affiliated initiative called Business Call to Action (BCtA), Movirtu will offer the numbers, which it calls mobile identities, through commercial carriers in developing countries in Africa and South Asia. People in those countries who typically borrow phones from others will be able to log into the carrier's network and use their own prepaid minutes and bits of data.

The service is called Cloud Phone, though it operates within a carrier's own infrastructure rather than on the Internet as a classic cloud service would. Having a personal mobile identity can save users money in two ways, according to Ramona Liberoff, executive vice president of marketing, strategy and planning at Movirtu. First, they can use mobile services without buying a phone, which is a luxury even at US$15 or $20 for people making $1 or $2 per day.

Second, the cost of prepaid service from a carrier typically is less than what consumers in those countries pay someone to borrow a phone, she said. Though it's customary in many of these countries to lend a phone to someone in need, the borrower is also expected to pay the lender for the usage. The average savings from using regular prepaid service instead is estimated at about $60 per year, Liberoff said.

The service will help people to use mobile banking, insurance and farming assistance services as well as make phone calls, Liberoff said. Some of these services currently can only be delivered to individuals and not to someone sharing a phone. Personal mobile identities could be a boon to NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that want to use mobile technology.

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See Also:

Continue reading “UN + Start-Up Seek to Get Poor Online with Cell Numbers”

DefDog: The Clash of Generations by Tom Friedman

03 Economy, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War
DefDog Recommends....

Interesting perspective—especially the common focus on justice against crony capitalism.

The Clash of Generations


Published: July 16, 2011


Indeed, if there is one sentiment that unites the crises in Europe and America it is a powerful sense of “baby boomers behaving badly” — a powerful sense that the generation that came of age in the last 50 years, my generation, will be remembered most for the incredible bounty and freedom it received from its parents and the incredible debt burden and constraints it left on its kids.

. . . . . . .

I was struck by one big similarity between what I heard in Tahrir Square in Cairo in February and what one hears in Syntagma Square today. It’s the word “justice.” You hear it more than “freedom.” That is because there is a deep sense of theft in both countries, a sense that the way capitalism played out in Egypt and Greece in the last decade was in its most crony-esque, rigged and corrupt deformation, letting some people get fantastically rich simply because of their proximity to power. So there is a hunger not just for freedom, but for justice. Or, as Rothkopf puts it, “not just for accounting, but for accountability.”

Read full article at Friedman's page….

See Also:

Clash of generations: Britain will be rent, not by class warfare, but by an age divide, a new book argues

The Economist, Feb 11th 2010 | from the print edition

David Willetts, The Pinch: How the Baby Boomers Took their Children’s Future—and Why They Should Give it Back (Atlantic Books, 2011)

DefDog: US Mass Psychosis? $14 Billion on Antipsychotics

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence
DefDog Recommends....

Mass psychosis in the US

How Big Pharma got Americans hooked on anti-psychotic drugs.

James Ridgeway, 12 July 2011

Al Jazeera

Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the United States, surpassing drugs used to treat high cholesterol and acid reflux.

Read rest of story…

Phi Beta Iota:  The industrialization of agriculture, and the industrialization of “medicine,” have poisoned the Western population, the USA most of all.  The degree to which toxins and other poisons are allowed by law is now criminally insane.