Worth a Look: The Infrastructurist

03 Economy, 07 Health, Worth A Look
Sewer Economics
Sewer Economics

Here is the bit that got our attention:

What’s the financial argument? You reap $7 dollars in economic rewards for every dollar you spend in basic sanitation. That makes it a really, really good investment. In the developing world, it may cost a couple hundred dollars to install a decent latrine, but think of what you save in terms of health costs and what you would otherwise lose when your workers are off with dysentery or whatever. And in developed world we’re learning that if you don’t continue investing in infrastructure you just going to pay a lot more later. It’s that simple.

Author Rose George
Author Rose George
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

We have added this site to the Righteous Site blogroll.  There are gems–and humor, throughout–that reflect a remarkable public intelligence in relation to national infrastructure.

What is clear is that “the numbers” that are presented to the public for any given public works project are those that favor the decision that has already been made, one based on corporate numbers that seek to spend public funds to create capabilities that extract profit from the public at public expense.

Public intelligence is how we get government back into the business of sserving the public rather than serving as the wealth transfer mechanism from individual taxation to corporate profiteering.

Journal: 9-11 Truth Movement–Hanging Fire, Still Explosive

09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Government, Media
Full Story Online
Full Story Online


By MAXINE SHEN August 28, 2009

Read Full Story Online First.  Then below Response (provided here because original is behind a Facebook Password Access page).:

The 9/11 Official Story Runs Out of Steam?

NY Post's Best
NY Post's Best

by Sander Hicks (pictured in insert by Post at right)

(NEW YORK) You know the world is really coming to an end when the New York Post lets this reporter, a leading 9/11 Truth investigator, be the lead source in their review of the new anti-Truther documentary.  The National Geographic Channel’s “9/11: Science and Conspiracy” debuts tonight, Monday, August 31. It is so pathetic, it should be scored a victory for the truth movement.

“9/11 Science and Conspiracy” is fundamentally-misconceived, half hearted, poorly planned, slapped together, badly written, mis-cas, and self-defeating. It contains four scientific “experiments” pulled off in the New Mexico desert by a bunch of pyrotechnic geeks, the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC).

Continue reading “Journal: 9-11 Truth Movement–Hanging Fire, Still Explosive”

Journal: True Cost of Hybrids, Dumb Government

03 Economy, 05 Energy, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Government, True Cost Meme
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Steve Gorman

Sun Aug 30, 2009

As hybrid cars gobble rare metals, shortage looms

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The Prius hybrid automobile is popular for its fuel efficiency, but its electric motor and battery guzzle rare earth metals, a little-known class of elements found in a wide range of gadgets and consumer goods.  . . . . . . .Worldwide demand for rare earths, covering 15 entries on the periodic table of elements, is expected to exceed supply by some 40,000 tonnes annually in several years unless major new production sources are developed.

Phi Beta Iota: The peresistent refusal of the White House and Congress in particular, all governments in general, to create strategic centers that can provide unclassified decision-support in the context of a strategic analytic model that embraces “true cost” accounting and “cross-policy cost harmonization” means that the USA in particular, and all governments generally, are “dumb” and are therefore in automatic betrayal of the public trust. Current references:  Intelligence for Everyone; Fixing the White House; Human Intelligence; The Ultimate Hack.

Journal: Facebook Toys with Facsism

11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Full Story OnLine
Full Story OnLine


Published: August 26, 2009
The Medium:Facebook Exodus

Leif Harmsen, once a Facebook user, now crusades against it. Having dismissed his mother’s snap judgment of the site (“Facebook is the devil”), Harmsen now passionately agrees. He says, not entirely in jest, that he considers it a repressive regime akin to North Korea, and sells T-shirts with the words “Shut Your Facebook.” What especially galls him is the commercialization and corporate regulation of personal and social life.

. . . . . . .

“The more dependent we allow ourselves to become to something like Facebook — and Facebook does everything in its power to make you more dependent — the more Facebook can and does abuse us,” Harmsen explained by indignant e-mail. “It is not ‘your’ Facebook profile. It is Facebook’s profile about you.”

Journal: Why Do We Need a CIA At All?

10 Security, Government
Full Story Online
Full Story Online


Monday, August 31, 2009

By Adam Goldman and Pamela Hess

Secret CIA program used Blackwater recruits

“The question remains: Why do we need Blackwater?” said Charles Faddis, a former department chief at the CIA's Counter-terrorism Center who retired in 2008 and was not involved in the secret program. “I remain mystified. This is quintessential CIA work. You wonder what it means that the CIA has to rely on Blackwater? Why are we still funding the CIA?”

Phi Beta Iota: Restore CIA ownership of the South-Central Campus (or give it back to the estate that granted it to CIA in perpetuity); three SMALL towers there with an over-arching top floor: DNI; Open Source Agency; Multinational Decision-Support Agency.  Turn CIA HQS into a technical collection agency with one floor per discipline.  Split the CIA analysts between DIA (two all-source analytic centers per floor in now vacated DNI spaces) and Open Source Agency.  End all contracting of inherently-governmental functions.  Re-boot the clandestine service with an emphasis on multinational clandestine operations run out of regional multinational field stations.  CIA has been so badly-managed by a series of Directors going back to George Bush the Pater, it might as well not have existed all these years.  How's that for an epitaph?

Journal: US Foreign Policy Toward Honduras Uninformed, Intrusive, Embarassing

02 Diplomacy, Government

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

US prepares further sanctions against Honduras

Phi Beta Iota: This borders on infantile idiocy.  Honduras has a Supreme Court ruling against the ousted President.  What we have here is the US still having a big stick but having lost its mind.  The Department of State is either embarrassingly stupid, or so politicized that ideological bullies in the partisan ranks are calling the shots.  Either way, we all lose.

Worth a Look: Free Currencies Flow Project Now Open

Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Policies, Reform

With a tip of the hat to Jean-Francouis Noubel, a pioneer of both Collective Intelligence and Open Money, we point today to the just-launched FLOWPLACE.

Free Currencies
Free Currencies

Do not fail to listen to the short briefing.  The money economy, based on secrecy, scarcity, and information asymmetries, is on the way out.  The open economy, empowering the five billion poor with transparent open means of creating, recording, sharing, and exchanging value, is on the way in.

Four briefings by Robert Steele that might help understand the enormity of the possibilities are Open Everything (GNOMEDEX), Open Everything (UNICEF), The Ultimate Hack (Engineers), and The Ultimate Hack (Denmark).