Review: Countdown to Socialism by Devin Nunes

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Civil Society, Culture, Research, Impeachment & Treason, Misinformation & Propaganda
Amazon Page

5 Stars — Tiny Book, Fast Read, Powerful!

This is a series of short essays in a half size tiny book.  It is a fast read but it is powerful — an American manifesto against treason.

The sections are Outside the Swamp; Collusion Delusion; The Fake News Complex; The Disinformation Funnel; and Information Desert.

He is strongest on the degree to which the Democrats, the CIA and FBI, and the media — both mainstream and social — have become a cancer within America.

He fails to see that the United Kingdom is our enemy — MI-6 and MI-5 were full participants in the treason against our President, and the UK needs to be held accountable for that act of war.

As I write this MI-6 and MI-5 are holding an internal review to determine what was said on every encrypted voice call to Brennan and Comey. They now know that we have all of those calls “in the clear” and in his own good time President Trump is going to bring the UK a Day of Atonement — perhaps including an end to the Commonwealth and freedom for each of the countries now enslaved by the UK and its controlled the Rothschild owned City of London.

Spin up the fat lady.  Time for a song.

Review: Ireland 1845-1850 – The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It “Perfect” (the British) by Chris Fogarty

6 Star Top 10%, Atrocities & Genocide, Crime (Government), Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)

6 Star — Pioneering Work Overcomes 200 Years of Lies by British, Catholic Church, and USA

This book is the full equivalent of Ernst Zundel's work disputing the British-Zionist holocaust myth, but in the opposite direction. Or it could be compared to the cover-up of how the Allies murdered 11 million Germans AFTER they surrendered.

This book proves, without equivocation being possible, that the British starved up to 6 million Irish citizens to death by robbing the Irish of their abundant and varied agricultural output and exporting it while blaming one failed crop for the resultant starvation.. The cover-up of this genocide continues to this day.

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Review: The Stakes – America at the Point of No Return by Michael Anton

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Culture, Research

5 Stars – How the 1% Stay in Power

This is a solid book that can be read quickly or slowly.  I chose the speed route, and below I provide the essence of the book.

Core point: everything about our society including the federal government, universities, religions, non-profits, and corporations, is designed to keep the 1% in power with the right to loot the 99% at will, with complete impunity.

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Review: The Plot to Change America by Mike Gonzalez

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Culture, Research
Amazon Page

5 Stars — Core Issue But Ignores a Lot

This is a quick read and ably presented with two focus points: legalized immigration to the wrong standards and illegal immigration as a means of watering down the values and voice of the original demographic blocks (genocided Indians, enslaved blacks, and the white majority); and contrived identity politics funded by the Deep State and its agents (e.g. Rockefellers, Soros) in order to constantly divide & conquer & diminish.

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Review: Kleptopia – How Dirty Money is Conquering the World by Tom Burgis

5 Star, Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Capitalism (Good & Bad), Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Justice (Failure, Reform)
Amazon Page

5 Star – Microcosmic Look Hit Job on Trump

The book loses a 6th star for not providing the larger context (the Wall Street banks alone have stolen $100 trillion and laundered $100 trillion in the past decade) and for a weak hit job on Donald Trump, but on balance I am in awe of this book and admiring of the author's gifted research and equally gifted ability to tell the  story.

This is one of the  top ten books on money laundering and how dirty money funds dirty power.

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Review: The Politics Industry – Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy

3 Star, Civil Society, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Crime (Government), Democracy
Amazon Page

3 Stars — A Crap Book with Zero Value

There was a time when Michael Porter was moderately innovative and interesting.  No more. This is a crap book that totally mis-represents reality. Just as Robert Reich's crap book blames the bankers without reference to the Deep State and the Red Mafiya/Zionist traitors, this book blames the two-party tyranny as if they were the masters rather than the servants of the Deep State and the Red Mafiya/Zionist traitors.

The authors provide exactly one serious thought in this book:

QUOTE (3-4): Washington is working exactly as it is designed to work, and delivering exactly the results it is designed to deliver.

CORRECT.  $16 billion a year to cover up the theft of $20 trillion a year, more of less.  Unfortunately, they get the first number and don't see the real puppet masters connected to the second number — George Soros, for example.

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Review: The System – Who Rigged It, How We Fix It by Robert B. Reich

3 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Capitalism (Good & Bad), Congress (Failure, Reform), Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform)

3 Stars — Corrupt, Deceptive, Mediocre

This is a very corrupt and deceptive book, a mediocre book, that suggests that greedy Wall Street bankers are  to blame for everything including the corruption (no mention of blackmail) of politicians who serve the 1% and screw the 99% with impunity.

The author will make quite a bit of money with this shit book. It is 30 years late, superficial, has no index, and totally avoids discussing the real threat.

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