Here in Tokyo with Benjamin Fulford as my mentor-guide, I am meeting people who are going to charge the world. Everything Vladimir Putin is talking about — both a post-Western economic paradigm and a post-Google Internet — is being worked on in pieces.
I am especially fascinated by the leaders of the Chinese diaspora that I am meeting, who have direct access to Xi Jinping.
PIONEERS! Be one of the first to help break the back of the two-party tyranny. Here is the draft welcome statement (site being refined this week-end, you can join and be assigned to your local group from today on).
UPDATE 1: now open. 435 groups, one for each Congressional District, twice as good as MeetUp at a quarter of the price.
Phase I of #UNRIG,[1] in which I teamed up with Cynthia McKinney to offer the provocative vision of an alt-right white guy and former spy and then non-profit educator united with an alt-left black woman and six-term Member of Congress who refused to sign the pledge to place Israel First, is over.[2] Our campaign was fatally wounded by #GoogleGestapo, a Deep State system of control and censorship that combined media hits jobs, MeetUp paid network cancellations, and hundreds of trolls who can get any person or institution labeled as a hater, spammer, or – the latest – purveyor of pornographic content. Read the article – it is the first-ever over-all description of “the system” that appears to be harmonized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on behalf of the Deep State.[3]
Phase II of #UNRIG has begun. In part because Cynthia McKinney could not leave her job in Bangladesh, in part because of a major Deep State/Zionist-led attack on #UNRIG (six ways, ninety days), our funding collapsed and I was forced to sell the RV yesterday mostly to avoid $10K in looming insurance, storage, and property tax costs for which we have no funds. Now I am re-grouping, wishing Cynthia well in Bangladesh, while focusing on bringing all the small parties (especially Constitution, Green, Libertarian, and Reform) together to demand election reform in the spring.