Where Does the Money Go?

01 Brazil, 02 China, 03 Economy, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, Budgets & Funding, Government, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth

The Top Ten Foreign Holders of U.s. Debt in November 2009:

Country Amount

China, Mainland                                                            $789.6 billion
Japan                                                                                 $757.3 billion
U.K.                                                                                    $277.5 billion

Oil Exporters                                                                  $187.7 billion
(including Ecuador,
Venezuela, Indonesia,
Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
the United Arab Emirates,
Algeria, Gabon, Libya,
and Nigeria)

Caribbean Banking Centers                                       $179.8 billion
(includes the Bahamas,
Bermuda, Cayman Islands,
Netherlands Antilles,
Panama, and British Virgin Islands)

Brazil                                                                                   $157.1 billion
Hong Kong                                                                        $146.2 billion
Russia                                                                                  $128.1 billion
Luxembourg                                                                     $91.7 billion
Taiwan                                                                                 $78.4 billion

Source: Department of the Treasury/Federal Reserve Board as reported in CRS report The Federal Government Debt: Its Size and Economic Signifcance, Feb. 3, 2010. http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL31590_20100203.pdf.

Reference: Advanced Cyber-IO (First Cut)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Computer/online security, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, DoD, Government, Military, Monographs, Officers Call, Policies, Real Time, Threats

The below was inspired by a close look at the evolving concept of cyber-commands.  In our judgment, LtGen Keith Alexander, USA and those in charge of the various service cyber-commands are headed for spectacularly expensive failure, minor operational successes not-with-standing.  The officers concerned are well-intentioned, precisely like their predecessors who chose to ignore precisely the same insights published in 1994–they simply lack the intestinal fortitude to break with the past and get it right for a change.  What they plan is the cyber equivalent of “clear, hold, build,” and just as mis-guided.  They are out of touch with reality and will remain so.  They will all be happily retired long before the predictable recognition of their failure occurs, and the next generation of young flags will make the same mistakes again…and again…until we get an honest President with an honest Office of Management and Budget (OMB) able to demand and enforce integrity across the board.

Draft Monograph on Cyber-Command

See Also:

Continue reading “Reference: Advanced Cyber-IO (First Cut)”

Diversity Magic–Breakthrough Possible

About the Idea, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Diversity, like fire, is a powerful part of life. Let us use it well on our shared journey, weaving our unique stories into new possibilities around the great shared fire of life.


by Tom Atlee


Our use of the word “diversity” primarily to address issues of
racism, classism, sexism, and other oppressive isms has blinded us to the fact that diversity is a vast fact of life, deeply embedded not only in humanity but in natural systems and in the very fabric of the universe.

Diversity, like fire and genius, can be problematic. And like
fire and genius, diversity has creative power we can use to
make life better.

Continue reading “Diversity Magic–Breakthrough Possible”

Transpartisan Dialog on Corporations

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corporations, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Reform
Michael Ostrolenk Recommends...

Transpartisan dialog on corporate power: Americans as citizens, consumers and employees

I hosted a transpartsian dialog with Lisa Graves, Tim Carney, Arnold Kling and Dean Baker at the “Movement for the People.” conference in Washington DC on January 21st, 2011.  It was quite enjoyable.

Read full report….

See CSPAN3 video here

Congressional Research Service (Not)

Cultural Intelligence, Government

Secrecy News Extract


Daniel P. Mulhollan, director of the Congressional Research Service, told CRS staff last week that he will be retiring in April.  Mr. Mulhollan, who joined CRS in 1969, has been director of the congressional support organization for the past 14 years, making him its longest-serving leader.

Although the basic parameters of CRS operation are set by Congress, Mr. Mulhollan's departure may encourage reconsideration of some particular CRS policies that he favored.  These could include, for example, the CRS posture of strict neutrality, the deliberate erosion of CRS expertise in recent years, and perhaps the policy of barring direct public access to CRS reports.

“Dan loved CRS, and he worked hard to keep it above the Hill's political fray,” said one CRS analyst.  “He kept CRS from suffering what GAO did– getting downsized because it was viewed as too friendly to one political party.”

But a former CRS analyst saw the issue of CRS impartiality differently:  “In 2003, Dan invented a new standard of ‘neutrality' that prohibits any analyst, no matter the weight of evidence, from stating that one position is stronger than another.  The result is a remarkable watering down of CRS reports, a trend that has been noticed not only by congressional staff but by readers outside of Congress.  Neither CBO nor GAO follows the standard of ‘neutrality',” the former analyst said.

Another question is whether CRS should provide greater depth of analytical expertise or whether it should emphasize basic tutorials and reference services geared particularly towards new members and younger staffers.

The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 mandated the appointment of highly qualified Specialists and Senior Specialists at CRS to be “available for special work” for congressional committees and members, on topics such as American government, foreign policy, economics, and others.

Under Mr. Mulhollan, these top two levels of CRS expertise have atrophied.  “Not since 1989 has CRS hired a Senior Specialist,” according to a former analyst.  In 1988 there were 18 of them.  “The number is now down to four, with all facing retirement.”  Similarly, in the late 1980s there were 38 research Specialists.  “The number is now down to five, with all close to retirement.”

“In short, Dan over his reign has wiped out the two top levels of analytical competence” at CRS, the former analyst said.  He has allocated their slots and salaries to “full-time administrators who have never done analytical work.”

A current CRS analyst said the future of the organization would have to be different from its past, and that sophisticated subject matter expertise may not be the main thing that Congress is looking for.  “CRS is famed for being apolitical and expert, but some congressional staff also find it a bit stodgy.  For example, the CRS website lacks full text search, and it doesn't have podcasts or videos.  It's just a heap of long, dry reports, and often what the staffers need are primers or short essays.”

As for the policy of blocking direct public access to CRS reports, Congress is responsible for that, but it was firmly embraced by Mr. Mulhollan.  (On various occasions since the 1990s, he expressed disapproval of FAS due to our continuing practice of publishing CRS reports online.)  His successor could conceivably help to facilitate a change of direction in this area.

Before his departure, Mr. Mulhollan is expected to name an acting director, “someone who likely will continue his management policies and practices,” according to one observer.  The appointment of a new CRS director will be up to the Librarian of Congress.

Phi Beta Iota: In combination with the televised comments of Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in the 2003-2005 timeframe, what is clear is that CRS and CBO have both been castrated by Congress and are neither allowed nor expected to actually report the truth with all its nuances.  CRS and CBO have been corrupted from within.

RUSSIA: Suicide Bomber, Intel Not Shared

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

Russia: At least 35 people were killed by the suicide bomb at Domodedovo airport. Airport representative Elena Galanova issued an official statement in which she said the blast struck the international arrivals hall in the common area, to which citizens who are not passengers have access. Consequently, the explosion occurred outside the baggage claim area, close to people who may not have been passengers.

Ria Novosti reported that Russian security services had received warning of a possible terrorist attack on Moscow's Domodedovo airport, a law enforcement source said, but airport authorities denied receiving any warning.

Comment: Multiple news services reported that the head of the bomber was found intact. That is always the signature of an explosive vest worn by the suicide bomber. Pakistani media have made that observation repeatedly. They always find the head.

The features of the head were described as resembling an “Arab,” which could also match the features of a Chechen or a Caucasian.

One point that is clear is that Russian airport security is so poor that it failed to detect a person wearing an explosives vest. If the Ria Novosti report proves accurate, the failure to communicate threat information to airport authorities — who had the ability to make low cost quick security upgrades, but were not given the opportunity– makes Russian intelligence cooperation comparable to that of the US in 2001.

Phi Beta Iota: This is yet another early warning.  The solution to suicide terrorists “dying to win” (as well as WikiLeaks) is very straight-forward: legitimacy.  Absent legitimacy, violence will grow, with 2012 expected to be a turning point year.  There are not enough weapons (or counterintelligence and security professionals with brains) to keep the masses down.  The meek will inherit the Earth, but first the less meek will wreak havoc.

45 Social Entrepreneurs Showcase at “Unreasonable Finalist Marketplace”

01 Agriculture, 01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Academia, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Gift Intelligence, microfinancing, Technologies
Explore the projects


January 20, 2011

The Unreasonable Institute Empowers the Public to Choose the Next Wave of High-Impact Social Entrepreneurs

Global donations will determine which entrepreneurs gain admission to esteemed mentorship program

BOULDER, Colo.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Starting Jan. 20, 45 social entrepreneurs will showcase their ventures in an online platform called the Unreasonable Finalist Marketplace (http://marketplace.unreasonableinstitute.org/). For 50 days, people from around the world are invited to vote with their wallets on the most viable ventures. The first 25 of the 45 finalists to raise $8,000 in the Marketplace will earn access to the highly acclaimed six-week mentorship program at the Unreasonable Institute. At the Institute, these social entrepreneurs undergo rigorous training sessions, including personal and entrepreneurial skill development, intensive workshops and hands-on guidance from leading thought leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs and investors.

The 45 finalists were selected from more than 300 applicants in 60 countries. Each applicant had to present a financially self-sustaining venture that has the ability to scale to serve the needs of at least 1 million people and demonstrates customer validation through sales or pilots. The finalists this year include a Chinese engineer with a prototype for waterless composting toilets; a 2010 CNN Hero from Kenya who has distributed over 10,000 solar lanterns; and an American inventor with a water purification system that can roll up to the size of a ruler.

Continue reading “45 Social Entrepreneurs Showcase at “Unreasonable Finalist Marketplace””