Search: bin laden at the white house in 2000

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Bin Laden Show 19: White House Photo Ops

A better search is <bin laden condi rice>.  Here is the photo, still one of Condi's favorites (and just as valid as the 935 lies she helped tell to get us to go to an elective three-trillion dollar war, invasion, and occupation of Iraq).

The US Government will continue to be corrupt until people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and Condi Rice are held accountable for their lies and high crimes against the public.  And of course Barack Obama and his Cabinet–one bird, two wings, same shit.  We also need to hold accountable all those who violated their oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, domestic and foreign.  We do not seek vengeance, only truth & reconciliation.  “…until you get the truth out on the table, no matter how ugly, you cannot deal with it.”  Bob Seelert

Reference (Poem): Nightmare for Future Reference

Blog Wisdom


by Stephen Vincent Benet

That was the second year of the Third World War,
The one between Us and Them.
Well, we've gotten used.
We don't talk much about it, queerly enough.
There was all sorts of talk the first years after the Peace,
A million theories, a million wild suppositions,
A million hopeful explanations and plans,
But we don't talk about it, now. We don't even ask.
We might do the wrong thing. I don't guess you'd understand that.
But you're eighteen, now. You can take it. You'd better know.

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Libya, Water, and War + RECAP

08 Wild Cards, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making
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Libya: Water Emerges as a Hidden Weapon

Sunday 29 May 2011

by: Simba Russeau, Inter Press Service

Photo: Libyan postcard artwork representing the Great Man-Made River project. (Photo: sludgegulper)

Cairo – Libya’s enormous aquatic reserves could potentially become a new weapon of choice if government forces opt to starve coastal cities that heavily rely on free flowing freshwater.

Restorative Justice–Starting with Veterans

09 Justice, Civil Society, Law Enforcement, Military
Who, Me?

Veterans Court Seeks Alternate Justice System in Philadelphia

truthout, Sunday 29 May 2011

by: John Grant, This Can't Be Happening

John Fleming is a 58-year-old African American born and raised in Philadelphia who served in the Army from 1969 to 1972 maintaining nuclear weapons in silos in Germany.

It was 10:45 AM on Friday outside Courtroom 1006 in Philadelphia’s Criminal Justice Center. Fleming had been “caught with an illegal substance.” Instead of taking his chances in the regular court system in Philadelphia, he had volunteered to participate in Philadelphia’s Veterans Court.

Bugles Across America: Rightious Stuff

Worth A Look

Bugles Across America, NFP was founded in 2000 by Tom Day, when Congress passed legislation stating Veterans had a right to at least 2 uniformed military people to fold the flag and play taps on a CD player. Bugles Across America was begun to take this a step further, and in recognition of the service these Veterans provided their country, we felt that every Veteran deserved a live rendition of taps played by a live Bugler. To this end, we are actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

Bugles Across America now has over 7500 bugler volunteers located in all 50 states and growing number overseas. Since the Department of Veterans Affairs is expecting more than 1/2 million veterans to pass every year for the next 7 years, Bugles Across America is ALWAYS recruiting new volunteers

Snapshot: Venezuela

07 Venezuela

Washington’s war on Chavez

By Stephen Lendman, Tehran Times, May 30, 2011

Since George W. Bush took office in January 2001, efforts to oust Hugo Chavez failed three times.

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Nonetheless, disruptive activities continue, including malicious propaganda, CIA subversion, funding opposition forces, sanctions, and militarizing the region, notably in Colombia as well as gunboat diplomacy by reactivating the Latin American/Caribbean Fourth Fleet for the first time since 1950 despite no regional threat.

Chávez’s star wanes

By Benedict Mander in Caracas, Financial Times, May 29 2011

When the Colombian pop star Shakira vigorously denied press reports that she had lavished President Hugo Chávez with an autographed red guitar during a recent tour of Venezuela, it was one more sign of how toxic the controversial leader’s image has become.

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Nevertheless, Mr Chávez’s central dream of achieving regional unity in order to stand up against the US “empire”, has seen some advances. He has spearheaded the establishment of the Union of South American Nations, and now the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, both of which exclude the US.

Review: The Arab Revolt and the Imperialist Counterattack

4 Star, Atrocities & Genocide, Congress (Failure, Reform), Consciousness & Social IQ, Corruption, Country/Regional, Culture, Research, Diplomacy, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), History, Impeachment & Treason, Insurgency & Revolution, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Justice (Failure, Reform), Military & Pentagon Power, Misinformation & Propaganda, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Threats (Emerging & Perennial), Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized), War & Face of Battle
Amazon Page

James Petras

4.0 out of 5 stars TImely, Deep Historical Insights, Some Gaps & Biases, May 29, 2011

I would normally wait but in the absence of any reviews want to just praise this book as timely, with deep historical insights, and a few gaps and biases as well as no index, the latter almost always causes me to remove a star. The book has been rushed into print and suffers from that rush, but I fully anticipate that a second edition will be fleshed out, add an index, and be a full five star contribution. This is a print on demand book (Amazon's superb CreateSpace offering) and only 78 pages, it is properly priced and that I find especially commendable.

The author is nothing less than a superior analyst with very high integrity, and his historical knowledge, as well as his historical contributions to non-fiction literature, cannot be denied.

Among the core findings that I appreciate are the author's early focus on the complete ignorance of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [and of course also the Departments of State and Defense] with respect to both the opposition leaders (all of them, not just the normal suspects] and the underlying preconditions of revolution across all dimensions.

Continue reading “Review: The Arab Revolt and the Imperialist Counterattack”