Marcus Aurelius: SecDef to McCain on Sequester + RECAP on DoD Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Commerce, Corporations, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Hill Letters & Testimony, IO Impotency, Military, Office of Management and Budget, Officers Call, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, True Cost, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Marcus Aurelius

Invite your attention to pages 5 thru 7 of attached which outlines in very clear terms the likely FY 2013 and longer term impacts on the Department of Defense and the Joint Force of the impending sequester brought about by this week's dereliction of duty on the part of the Senators and Representatives making up the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction.

SecDef Panetta to Senator McCain on Sequester (PDF 2 pages)

Phi Beta Iota:  Panetta-McCain may be the toxic replacment to Cheney-Warner.  The letter is without merit.   The acquisition system is so broken now the Navy and Army cannot build anything coherently–the Navy still lacks Naval Gun Fire and the Army still lacks an infantry weapon able to out-gun  the Taliban, while the Air Force continues to stink at close air support and lack both an intra-theater adequacy of lift and a long-haul heavy lift capability (or the ability to be effective above 6,000 ft).  DoD, in short, is a mis-managed mess and Panetta has no idea how to go about fixing that, nor does he want to.  Lockheed Martin and others are quite happy with the way things are, where 50% of every dollar is waste but that waste is profit for them because it includes their overhead.  It is true that the current laws mandated by Congress make it difficult for any Cabinet Secretary to cut waste–this is the same Congress that mandated we pay 100% asking price for Medicare drugs instead of the more common global standard of 2% for generic wholesale.  As long as Congress remains corrupt, and the SecDef remains corrupt, there is no fixing this problem.  The FACT is that we have to cut one trillion a year (what we are borrowing), not one trillion over ten years.  The FACT is that DoD would be much stronger if it could combine both intelligence and integrity and actually create the four forces after next, at a much reduced cost, that those with intelligence and integrity have been discussing for decades, and with greater intensity, since the mid-1990's.

See Also:

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Owl: NORTHCOM Invading USA with Shock Troops?

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Who? Who?

After today’s column by Justin Raimondo, in “Notes in the Margin,” he recounts some unusual happenings regarding a soldier policeman charged with espionage. But the story gets much stranger with the mention of the Northcomm connection during the recent US Emergency Alert System testing.

Raimondo’s says:

“The strange case of Army Specialist William Millay, a 22-year-old military policeman from Owensboro, Ky., continues to mystify. Millay was arrested and charged with espionage, but the military and the DOJ are keeping their cards pretty close: reports indicate he gave military secrets to a “foreign power,” but the country is not specified. Now we learn that he was nabbed because of emails scooped up by NSA snoops that warned his mother to “prepare for the end of the world.” Associated Content reports:

“Millay had growing concerns over a massive military buildup of NorthCom. This buildup is said to include troops and equipment being shipped in from Afghanistan, Japan and South Korea through the Alaskan base and then to “staging areas” in the US. NorthCom was created on October 1, 2002 after 9/11. NorthCom is charged with protecting the United States homeland in support of local, state, and federal authorities. This support is limited by the Posse Comitatus Act . AFNORTH would take charge of the situation or event in the case of national emergencies, natural or man-made.

“Specialist Millay believed that the redeployment of these tens of thousands of US troops to America was “somehow” related to the November 9 testing of the United States Emergency Alert System (EAS) that is occurring “coincidentally” with a vast number of disaster drills and exercises being planned for the same time period.”

Does Alex Jones know about this?”


See Also:

Strange case of Kentucky soldier charged with espionage

Strange Case of Kentucky Soldier Charged with Espionage (alternate)

Joint military/homeland security defense exercise underway

Vigilant Shield Tests Homeland Defense Processes

Chuck Spinney: Questioning US/NATO War on Libya

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Military
Chuck Spinney
An excellent critique of the Libyan adventure. CS

Who said Gaddafi had to go?

Hugh Roberts

London Review of Books, Vol. 33 No. 22 · 17 November 2011

So Gaddafi is dead and Nato has fought a war in North Africa for the first time since the FLN defeated France in 1962. The Arab world’s one and only State of the Masses, the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriyya, has ended badly. In contrast to the bloodless coup of 1 September 1969 that overthrew King Idris and brought Gaddafi and his colleagues to power, the combined rebellion/civil war/ Nato bombing campaign to protect civilians has occasioned several thousand (5000? 10,000? 25,000?) deaths, many thousands of injured and hundreds of thousands of displaced persons, as well as massive damage to infrastructure. What if anything has Libya got in exchange for all the death and destruction that have been visited on it over the past seven and a half months?

Read full analysis.

Robert Steele: Waterboarding Morons — A Social Cancer

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Ethics, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

It is difficult for any intelligent moral citizen to stand by and watch their country self-destruct.  Between the ideological idiots on the extreme right and the mere idiots on the extreme left, America is in a pickle.  Elsewhere I have posited a solution for 2012.

Here I am obliged, from a sense of duty to the Republic that has been betrayed by our serving flag officers and senior executives, to point to and then demolish a book that is beneath contempt among real professionals, but all the rage among the loosely-educated and macho-shit crowd–this sadly includes a number of ranking Special Operations Force (SOF) officers that should know better.  It came out in early 2010 and crap from this book is now making the rounds among the wing-nuts of the right and the uniformed officers that have never actually done any form of successful clandestine intelligence or counterintelligence.  I refer to Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama is Inviting the Next Attack.

Here is a copy of the garbage that is circulating now via email among military officers:

Setting the Record Straight: Courting Disaster, by Marc Thiessen

And now to set the record straight for honest folk:

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Waterboarding Morons — A Social Cancer”

Theophilis Goodyear: Russia’s Chief Military Officer on Nuclear War Soon

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 10 Security, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Military

Russian military chief: War risks have grown

Associated Press, 17 November 2011

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's chief military officer says the nation is facing an increased threat of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that may grow into an all-out nuclear war.

Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff, pointed at NATO's expansion eastward and said Thursday that the risks for Russia to be pulled into local conflicts have “risen sharply.” He added, according to Russian news agencies wires, that “under certain conditions local and regional conflicts may develop into a full-scale war involving nuclear weapons.”

Read more.

John Robb: Understanding Pathogenic Behavior

03 Economy, Blog Wisdom, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Sense-Making, Military
John Robb


Within human social and economic systems, pathogenic behavior is spreading.  This is particularly true among powerful, successful, and wealthy people (finance, economics, politics, etc.) in the developed world.  What specifically do I mean by pathogenic?  An ever greater number of these people are adopting behaviors that are actively hostile to the human systems we rely upon.  They actually think it is OK to put these systems at risk for personal benefit.  This is very dangerous.  Given the massive amounts of network, technological, and financial leverage that's currently available to these people, even a single bad actor can wreak global havoc like never before (as in, they could cause an economic collapse that's so severe that it could kill more people than every war we've ever had to date, combined).

So, why is this happening and how can we prevent it?  This has been a tough section of the book I'm currently writing.  Fortunately, I think I'm starting to unravel it.   Here we go.  In order to understand why some bad actors are willing to do grievous harm to the complex systems they rely upon, we need to visit the cutting edge of microbiology.  Let's start that exploration with a look at an amazing article by Brett Finlay in the Scientific American called, “Stopping Infections: The Art of Bacteriological Warfare.”

Good, Neutral, and Bad Bacteria

Continue reading “John Robb: Understanding Pathogenic Behavior”