Gordon Duff: An Alternative View of the Benghazi False Flag Murder of US Ambassador

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Gordon Duff

Imaginary Planes, Imaginary CIA Armies, All Invented as Election Ploy

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (with Top US Intel Specialists)

Veterans Today, 26 October 2012

A trained team of up to 120 [foreign] special forces personnel with radio jammers and heavy weapons killed the US ambassador.  There were only two America CIA employees in Libya.  The news stories are all fabrications.

The killing of Ambassador Stephens in Benghazi has become a ghoulish election ploy played by Fox News, Huffington Post and others.  All are printing and broadcasting conjecture, total falsehood and the usual biased and unreliable garbage they are famous for.

. . . . . . . . .

The ambush at Benghazi required careful coordination.  There was no Al Qaeda involvement and there has never been any history of Al Qaeda on the ground in Libya.  Moreover, intelligence insiders use the term “Al Qaeda” when looking for money from “congressional critters” too stupid to know that the CIA has always run “Al Qaeda” as a way of avoiding explaining why dozens of small organizations and even friendly intelligence groups will, for obscure reasons, attack American targets.

Read full article.

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Gordon Duff: Benghazi Story Revisited — Military-Style Operation, Set-Up By Terry Jones, GOP and Romney Campaign Complicit? + Benghazi RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Gordon Duff


Military-style tactics seen in US Consulate siege

Read full article.


Terry Jones Loses it Again, Sets up the Film (YouTube 2:43)


Newsweek Cover Alleged to be Actors


Death Photo of Ambassador Dragged by Mob in Hands of Romney Campaign Instantly

Read full article by Gordon Duff.

Continue reading “Gordon Duff: Benghazi Story Revisited — Military-Style Operation, Set-Up By Terry Jones, GOP and Romney Campaign Complicit? + Benghazi RECAP”

Steve Aftergood: Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals Deepens Its Lack of Integrity – “Negative Reciprocity” Means Unsigned Unsworn Summary Statements from CIA — Itself Notorious –Can Kill a Contractor’s Career – UPDATED

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Officers Call
Steven Aftergood


In the world of security clearances for access to classified information, the term “reciprocity” is used to indicate that one executive branch agency should ordinarily recognize and accept a security clearance that has been granted by another executive branch agency.

This is not just a nice, cost-efficient thing to do, it is actually a requirement of law.  Under the 2004 intelligence reform law, “all security clearance background investigations and determinations… shall be accepted by all agencies.”

This requirement for mutual recognition and acceptance applies equally to the higher order clearances of the intelligence community, where reciprocity is intended to promote employee “mobility” throughout the intelligence system, according to the 2009 Intelligence Community Directive 709.

So possessing a clearance from one agency should simplify the process of access approval at another agency.  But the opposite is not supposed to be true.  If an agency refuses for some reason to recognize the clearance granted by another agency, that refusal is not supposed to incur loss of clearance in the original agency.

Officially, such “negative reciprocity” is not an authorized, legitimate security clearance practice.  And yet there are signs that it is being adopted within the Department of Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA), which rules on contested security clearance cases.

A new paper by attorney Sheldon I. Cohen describes a series of DOHA rulings in which a perverse form of negative reciprocity has been used to justify the denial or revocation of a security clearance, to the obvious detriment of due process.

“While the burden of proof has always been placed on the employee by the DOHA Appeal Board to show why he or she should be granted a security clearance, until now there was a modicum of a right to confrontation, and a right to challenge the evidence presented by the government,” Mr. Cohen wrote.

But in a ruling he describes, “anonymous redacted reports and other agency's decision are enough to deny or revoke a DoD clearance regardless of contrary evidence.”

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Mini-Me: REPLAY Future of the USA in 3 Parts

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Hacking, Military, Office of Management and Budget, Officers Call, Policies, Threats
Who? Mini-Me?


The future of the USA – 2012-2016: An insolvent and ungovernable United States (first part)

Thus, according to LEAP/E2020, the 2012 election year, which opens against the backdrop of economic and social depression, complete paralysis of the federal system (3), strong rejection of the traditional two-party system and a growing questioning of the relevance of the Constitution, inaugurates a crucial period in the history of the United States. Over the next four years, the country will be subjected to political, economic, financial and social upheaval such as it has not known since the end of the Civil War which, by an accident of history, started exactly 150 years ago in 1861. During this period, the US will be simultaneously insolvent and ungovernable, turning that which was the “flagship” of the world in recent decades into a “drunken boat”.

To make the complexity of the current process understandable, our team has chosen to organize its anticipations around three key areas:

1. US institutional deadlock and the break-up of the traditional two-party system
2. The unstoppable spiral of recession/depression/inflation
3. The breakdown of the US socio-political fabric

Read rest of analysis.

Below the line: the other two parts of the series.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: REPLAY Future of the USA in 3 Parts”

Berto Jongman: Top 10 Whistle Blowers

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman

Top 10 Most Influential Whistleblowers

The subject of insiders — or “whistleblowers” — is somewhat tricky; anyone on the inside is often presumed to be compromised by their former allegiance. Nonetheless, the nature of government work is rooted in compartmentalization. So, perhaps the best indication as to whether whistleblowers have something valid to say is the level of persecution they have endured.

The following whistleblowers have endured a varying degree of pushback from the system, but are still around to reveal key points of information that make us all question what we are being told by our government and the corporate media.

List Only, In Order Presented:

01 Jesslyn Radack, Department of Justice
02 Thomas Drake, National Security Agency
03 William Binney, National Security Agency
04 Matt Klein, AT&T for the National Security Agency
05 Sibel Edmonds, Federal Bureau of Investigation
06 Susan Linauer, Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Justice
07 Anthony Shaffer, Department of Defense
08 Joe Banister, Internal Revenue Service
09 Bradley Manning, Departments of Defense and State
10 Julian Assange, WikiLeaks

Read snapshots and watch individual videos.

Chuck Spinney: Predictable Meltdown in Afghanistan – Strategic Decrepitude and Lack of Integrity Go Hand in Hand

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Lessons, Military, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney

The below BBC report, Afghanistan's ‘green on blue' collapse of trust,  places the fatal flaw in the McChrystal plan used by Mr. Obama to justify the Afghan surge in 2010 — namely General McChrystal's failure to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the plan to rapidly build up the Afghan Army/police — into sharp relief.

This flaw was unconscionable for at least two reasons:
First, Obama's surge was premised on achieving quick results that would enable a rapid withdrawal of the “surge” force.  That withdrawal that has now take place, despite the fact the surge did not achieve its desired result, namely weakening the Taliban to a level where it would be forced to parley on our terms.
Second, our disastrous experience with South Vietnamese army should have taught the American military the fallacy of rapidly building up a huge army, cut out of whole cloth, in America's own high-cost, logistics-intensive image.  Armies — at least successful ones — take time to build and must be compatible with the culture from which they emanate.
That this fatal flaw was easy to see well before the fact. For example, I wrote about it  herehere,  here, and here in 2009 and early 2010, before the surge took effect — and I was not alone.  
This grotesque oversight proves the post-Vietnam reforms touted by the US military and the Reagan Administration (which chose to throw money at the problem) were entirely cosmetic and did not get to the roots of the malaise that led to our defeat in Vietnam, notwithstanding the parades, yellow ribbons, and juvenile braggadocio that accompanied  our rout of Saddam's tin pot army in 1991.  Kosovo (for reasons explained in Domestic Roots of Perpetual War), the 2nd Iraq War (the existence of which gave made a lie of our claim of a decisive victory in 1991), and now our clear defeat in Afghanistan are or ought to be lessons to the contrary.  They certainly would be treated as such in a healthy society that endeavors to correct its errors instead of compounding them by sweeping them under a rug.

Yoda: Muslim Rebels and Philippine Government Agree on Peace

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Good news this is.

Philippines, Muslim rebels agree on peace pact

EILEEN NG, Associated Press, JIM GOMEZ, Associated Press | Sunday, October 7, 2012 | Updated: Sunday, October 7, 2012 8:44pm

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippine government and the country's largest Muslim rebel group have reached a preliminary peace deal that is a major breakthrough toward ending a decades-long insurgency that killed tens of thousands and held back development in the south.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III said the “framework agreement” calling for an autonomous region for minority Muslims in the predominantly Roman Catholic nation was an assurance the Moro Islamic Liberation Front insurgents will no longer aim to secede.

The agreement, announced Sunday and to be signed Oct. 15 in Manila, spells out principles on major issues, including the extent of power, revenues and territory of the Muslim region. If all goes well, a final peace deal could be reached by 2016, when Aquino's six-year term ends, officials said.

“This framework agreement paves the way for final and enduring peace in Mindanao,” Aquino said, referring to the southern Philippine region and homeland of the country's Muslims. “This means that the hands that once held rifles will be put to use tilling land, selling produce, manning work stations and opening doorways of opportunity.”

He cautioned that “the work does not end here” and that details of the accord still need to be worked out. Those talks are expected to be tough but doable, officials and rebels said.

Rebel vice chairman Ghadzali Jaafar said the agreement provides a huge relief to people who have long suffered from war and are “now hoping the day would come when there will be no need to bear arms.”

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