David Maxwell: Partnership, Respect Guide U.S. Military Role in Philippines

05 Civil War, 09 Terrorism, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
David S. Maxwell
David S. Maxwell

Maxwell, David. “PARTNERSHIP, RESPECT GUIDE U.S. MILITARY ROLE IN PHILIPPINES,” World Politics Review, Feature Report on Economy of Force: Training U.S. Partner Militaries, February 5, 2013, pp. 16-19.

Any successes Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (OEF-P) may have achieved rest on five pillars. First, a thorough strategic to tactical assessment that informed the strategy and campaign plan, as well as continued assessment throughout the duration of the mission. Second, a deep understanding of unconventional warfare, and the ability to counter it with what is known as “foreign internal defense.” Third, established, long-term relationships and a sustained commitment over time by the U.S. military and U.S. country team. Fourth, respect for host-nation sovereignty and effective interagency collaboration. And fifth, support from conventional forces in key areas such as intelligence, communications, logistics, engineering, medical, aviation and additional personnel for individual staffs.

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Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part III – Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Capabilities-Force Structure, Geospatial, ICT-IT, Leadership-Integrity, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Political, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, True Cost
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part III – Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017.

Part III in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series.

Robert David Steele

This is the author’s preliminary draft of the third of three monographs focused on the future of the US Army as an expeditionary force in a complex world that is rapidly decentralizing while also facing major development challenges.

Amazon Kindle

We have, with the election of Donald Trump,a once-in-a-century opportunity to rethink, reinvent, and reinvest in our national military concepts, doctrine, human capital, organizations, technologies, and command structures, while eradicating much of the waste that is characteristic of a “government specifications cost plus” approach to contracting. Donald Trump won against all odds, against both parties, without the support of the military-industrial complex. Donald Trump is “unshackled” (his word) – his instincts on costly foreign entanglements and the utility of organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are on display.

Wars are won or lost in the decade or two before those wars begin. Whether countries have a Grand Strategy or not; evaluate all high-level threats or not; devise a coherent force structure in which all services and civilian agencies are complementary, inter-operable, and sustainable or not; invest in the human factor for leadership and solider agility or not – these will determine the outcome of future wars a decade or two before the first shot is fired.

If the US Army does not re-invent itself, it will absolutely not win the next war.

DOC: EIN 7FV42 ERAP Steele Vol 3 Reinventing the US Army 2.5 LINKS

Full Text with Links Below the Fold

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Doug Macgregor: The Reconnaissance-Strike Group – Statement to the National Commission on the Future of the Army

04 Inter-State Conflict, 10 Security, Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Col Dr. Douglas Macgregor
Col Dr. Douglas Macgregor



The Reconnaissance-Strike Group Proposal

By Douglas Macgregor, EVP, BMG LLC

Taylor Building, 2530 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA

18 November 2015

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Berto Jongman: Benghazi – Leon Panetta Lied, Clinton Refused Pentagon Offer of Timely Help

Corruption, Government, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!

An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces were available and within reach to provide help to the compound that was under siege.

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James Kitfield: How Mike Flynn Became America’s Angriest General

08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

james-kitfieldHow Mike Flynn Became America’s Angriest General

He was one of the most respected intelligence officers of his generation. Now he's Donald Trump’s national security alter ego, goading a crowd to lock Hillary Clinton up. What happened?

James Kitfield, Politico,

Inside military and intelligence circles it was understood that McChrystal, along with another ousted former general, David Petraeus, were the preeminent generals and wartime field commanders of their generation of officers, and the manner of their dismissal struck many as insulting. As did the treatment of Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn.   . . .

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Owl: Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails Being Released 1 November — Proves Treason by Hillary Clinton, Complicity by Obama, Lynch, & Comey UPDATE 1

#Events, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Who? Who?
Who? Who?

Clinton Campaign About to Be Splattered Into a Million Pieces

by Release of 33,000 Illicitly Destroyed Emails Showing Influence Peddling Quid Pro Quos and Other High Crimes as Well as Racism, Committing Felonies on Camera

Anonymous sources on 4chan are saying that Wikileaks has Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails, and what’s in them will mean the end of her candidacy and maybe obliterate the Democratic Party. According to link above, the planned release of the material is November 1st, in 4 or 5 sets. Teasers: Money funneled to ISIS, Obama rattling the war drums against Russia to distract from what’s in the leaks, Hillary on racist rants against black subordinates, bribes to media and election officials. Break out the popcorn when it arrives!


Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Year Old Could Surface — Jeffrey Epstein a Mossad Agent, Lolita Island Was a Pedophile Entrapment Site

Copy of teaser emails, comment, and more links below the fold.

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