Journal: ClimateGate–“The Trick” Explained

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Earth Orientation, Ethics, Key Players, Political
Phi Beta Iota: Please do read the entire original.  Below are only the original fraudulent chart from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the blow-up exposing the fraud–the green line ends at 1960 and the IPCC asks you to believe that it continues upwards but hidden by the other lines.
IPCC 2001
IPCC 2001
Green Line Ends
Green Line Ends

Journal: ClimateGate Suppression Continues–Academy Wants Gore’s Oscar Back

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Key Players

U.N. to open “climategate” probe, Issa criticizes Obama's refusal to investigate

The UN has announced it will open an investigation into climate research as a result of the CRU e-mails and documents that became public last week. The UN said it is luanching the probe because some of the research in question touches on related work either completed or promoted by its own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

An Inconvenient Truth: Al Gore, Climategate and Copenhagen

Al Gore has canceled a scheduled event to speak in Copenhagen and promote his new book Our Choice. Attendees who purchased tickets to hear the former US vice president and climate change speaker present his book in Denmark, will have to seek refunds for their ticket purchases.

Climategate: Academy members demand Gore's Oscar be returned

Gore won an Oscar for his climate change documentary in 2007 which in light of leaked emails from 2,500 political hacks posing as scientists, criticism is rapidly growing against Gore and his qualifications for earning the award.

Does ‘Climategate’ kill Copenhagen?

Climategate will have a “huge impact” on the global-warming summit, said Saudi Arabia’s top climate negotiator, Mohammad Al-Sabban, to BBC News. “It appears from the details of the scandal that there is no relationship whatsoever between human activities and climate change,” so curbing carbon emissions will only hurt countries economically. We’ll only consider “no cost” proposals.

Time Covers Up For Climategate

Time Magazine is uncritically parroting a fabricated defense for one of the most damaging emails in Climategate, the one in which Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia boasted of repeating a “trick” to “hide the decline” in temperatures as indicated by tree ring data.

Climategate? What Climategate?

Democratic committee chairmen ignored the evidence of scientific skullduggery at the influential research unit, even as its head Phil Jones stepped aside this week to make way for an investigation.   …   After the hearing, Rep. Sensenbrenner said the refusal of committee Democrats or President Obama's representatives to take the leaked emails seriously indicated that the “the President's science advisers are at the bottom of the whole climate change debate,” and just as intent as the East Anglia scientists in not having a full and open airing of the issue.

Climate Gate Scandal Cybernet Fraud

The hacked emails of the scientists made people consider that they have been modifying their scientific studies to have some political gains. Yet, most of the leading dailies did not focus much on the Climate Gate scandal and the subsequent cybernet fraud.

Phi Beta Iota: When the celebrity status of Al Gore made it clear he would be considered for the Nobel, we wrote to the Nobel Committee urging them to instead recognize Lester Brown, Herman Daly, Paul Hawkin, and Anthony Lovins, who along with the Meadows (Limits to Growth) have been the real pioneers of Earth Science.  Climate Change is a scam, and we would not be surprised to learn that its primary proponent behind the scenes,  a Canadian energy entrepreneur, might be the Maddoff Ponzi Scheme artist of the new phantom wealth being “traded” under the Climate Change fraud.

Worth a Look: MicroPlace Giving to the Poor

11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Gift Intelligence, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence, Real Time, Threats
MicroPlace Giving to Poor
MicroPlace for Poor

Level of poverty

Financial  My financial return 1% – 3% | 4% – 6%

When I get repaid Anytime | < 1 yr | 1 – 3 yrs | > 3 yrs

My money is going to Single institution | Multiple institutions

Support small coffee growers in the mountains of Nicaragua

Support Fair Trade Coffee Farmers in Tanzania

Phi Beta Iota: Evidently an EBay initative with a PayPal front end, this impresses us.  Subject to audit, it is precisely what we were thinking of (see our Denmark Briefing) as a means of connecting the one billion rich (80% of whom do not give to charity now) with the five billion poor at the household item level of need.  The major FLAW with with implementation is that it relies on intermediaries that will suck off 50% or more of the actual value.  Still needed: the Global Range of Needs Table. This would also benefit from a Twitter application and a near real time “close by can do easy” option.

Reference: Measuring Success and Failure in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism–US Government Metrics of the Global War on Terror (GWOT)

08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Academia, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Government, Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence
cover schmid
Full Chapter Online

Alex P. Schmid, one of a handful of trully expert scholars in the field of terrorism and counter-terrorism, and his colleague Rashmi Singh, have created a summary that is devasting on multiple fronts.  The “Global War on Terror” or GWOT has lasted longer than World Wars I and II combined; the money expended (the authors do not include the military costs of occupying Afghanistan and Iraq) has been enormous, and in all that time, no one has defined the metrics by which to measure the endeavor.  The chapter in included in  After the War on Terror: Regional and Multilateral Perspectives on Counter-TerrorismStrategy

See also:

Search: Strategic Analytic Model

Search: QDR “four forces after next”

Journal: PowerShift–Infrastructure Independence

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Policies

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Power Shift:  New battery could change world, one house at a time

The prize is the culmination of 10 years of research and testing — a new generation of deep-storage battery that's small enough, and safe enough, to sit in your basement and power your home.

It promises to nudge the world to a paradigm shift as big as the switch from centralized mainframe computers in the 1980s to personal laptops. But this time the mainframe is America's antiquated electrical grid; and the switch is to personal power stations in millions of individual homes.

Continue reading “Journal: PowerShift–Infrastructure Independence”

Journal: Weak Signals–Triple Crash?

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Key Players

George Green's Home Page
George Green's Home Page

Phi Beta Iota: Reprinted in full to allow emphasis and easier reading.  Original source at logo, “as is.”  Recommended by our physical gold colleagues.


Several financial events this week indicate something big is about to happen, something that may make the 2008 credit crisis seem rather benign.  First, the IMF announced that it is liquidating its gold holdings, the world's 3rd largest stash after the US and Germany.  Buyers included the governments of India, Sri Lanka and Mauritius.  Do you think the IMF would be selling gold at a market bottom?  Bubble #1 about to burst- Gold.

Continue reading “Journal: Weak Signals–Triple Crash?”

Journal: Flawed Analogies Bush the President?

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Chuck Spinney Sends….

Last night President Obama crossed the Rubicon and made the Afghan War his war.  Will this decision come back to haunt him?  Juan Cole argues that this is likely to be the case, because Obama's escalation decision is based on a flawed analogy.

Reasoning by analogy is powerful albeit particularly dangerous form of thinking.  A valid analogy can unleash the creative mind to see new connections that were previously not seen, but a false analogy can capture the imagination and cause one to see and believe visions of things as they are not.  False analogies are perhaps the most powerful mental engine for taking an otherwise rational decision maker off the cliff.  Nevertheless, The courtiers in the Court of Versailles on the Potomac, addicted as they are to snappy sound bytes, love analogies, the more simple minded the snapping sound, the better.

Juan Cole, professor of modern Middle Eastern and South Asian history at the University of Michigan

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

author of widely read blog Informed Comment explains how Obama has been taken to the cleaners and induced to bet his Presidency by buying into the fatally flawed Beltway Consensus that (1) the Iraq Surge was an unambiguous success and (2) its corollary, namely the analogy to Afghanistan that posits a similar kind of surge will produce a similar “success” in Afghanistan.  Cole makes his argument by using the simple technique of describing and comparing likenesses and differences, something Obama and his advisors should have done.

Phi Beta Iota: The Salon story is complemented by the below blog from the same author.

Top Ten things that Could Derail Obama's Afghanistan Plan

10. The biggest threat of derailment comes from an American public facing 17 percent true unemployment and a collapsing economy who are being told we need to spend an extra $30 billion to fight less than 100 al-Qaeda guys in the mountains of Afghanistan, even after the National Security Adviser admitted that they are not a security threat to the US.

Continue reading “Journal: Flawed Analogies Bush the President?”