Journal: The Rise and Sell-Out of the Enviro Establishment

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, 12 Water, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government
Chuck Spinney Recommends...
Herewith are the first two parts of Jeff St Claire's important multipart series on the systemic corruption and corporatization of the environmental movement.

A Concise History of the Rise and Fall of the Enviro Establishment

How Green Became the Color of Money

By JEFFREY ST. CLAIR, Counterpunch

Part I

New Year's Edition
December 31, 2010 – January 2, 2011

EXTRACT:  Watt, Gorsuch, Levelle and Crowell were magnificent villains for fundraising: direct mail revenues of the top environmental groups exploded tenfold from 1979 to 1981. Green became the color of money, and the rag-tag band of hardcore activists who populated the Hill in the 1970s gave way to a cadre of Ivy League-educated lobbyists, lawyers, policy wonks, research scientists and telemarketers. Executives enjoyed perks and salaries that rivaled those of corporate CEOs.

A Concise History of the Rise and Fall of the Enviro Establishment

How Green Became the Color of Money

By JEFFREY ST. CLAIR, Counterpunch

Part II

Weekend Edition
January 7 – 9, 2011


By the end of Reagan’s second term, the big environmental organizations were well-pickled in the political brine of Washington, with freshness and passion drained out.

. . . . . .

EXTRACT:  Under instructions from Bush, Lujan ordered the Bureau of Land Management to fast track the purchase of the Goldstrike Mine by Barrick Resources, a Toronto-based company controlled by financier Peter Munk. The way thus lubricated, Barrick acquired the 1,800 acre gold mine near Elko, Nevada, for the princely sum of $9,500. By the time the mine is shuttered, the Goldstrike will yield an estimated $10 billion in gold. In 1995, in consideration for his favors, George Bush was invited to join Barrick’s board of advisers.

Phi Beta Iota: The work of Jeffrey St. Claire and CounterPunch are representative of public intelligence in the public interest–the work suffers from being isolated and lacking holistic integrity–there is no means for the public to “connect the dots” or evaluate each predatory move in situ and in context.  That is the emergent challenge and opportunity of the 21st Century.

Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls

12 Water, Blog Wisdom, Book Lists
Robert David Steele

Robert David Steele

Comprehensive Architect, Prime Design

Huffington Post, Posted: January 5, 2011 21:08 PM

Last week I examined how we might create Infinite Wealth for All, but left for this week the most vital element of life on earth, Water. It is the soul of the Earth, and it is black with the sins of humanity, on the verge of becoming Lucifer's salve for Hell on Earth.

Water is–in its purified form–Heaven on Earth. The water cycle cannot be owned, but it can be destroyed. It is the ultimate manifestation of why we must, as a human species, achieve conscious evolution, integral consciousness, and an active appreciation for clarity (the truth), diversity (the sources of multiple forms of truth), and integrity (the enabler of inter-faith and multi-cultural wisdom and tolerance).

This review focuses on books about water suitable for drinking–less than 1% of the total water on the planet, most of which is oceans and a great deal of which is polluted.

Continue reading “Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls”

ClimateGate Rolling Update CLOSED

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 12 Water, Academia, Collaboration Zones, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Key Players, Non-Governmental, United Nations & NGOs
ClimateGate Rolling Update
ClimateGate Rolling Update

REMINDER:  Environmental Degradation, not Climate Change, is High-Level Threat #3.  Climate Change is less than 10% of that, and within Climate Change, mercury and sulfer are more important than carbon.  Furthermore, it is not possible to address any one threat without addressing the other nine (e.g. #1 Poverty) with harmonized policies from Agriculture to Water, so the bottom line is that these talks are isolated and worthless.  The world needs a serious global strategy with serious analytics, a commitment to understanding true costs of every product and service, and a commitment to bringing the five billion poor into a prosperous world at peace.  Anything less is a betrayal of the public trust.

19 Dec Top 10 Bad Developments For Global Warming Alarmists (HumanEvents)

Continue reading “ClimateGate Rolling Update CLOSED”

Journal: Understanding Iran…and the future of IO

02 Diplomacy, 05 Energy, 10 Security, 11 Society, 12 Water, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy, Threats

Stakelbeck on Terror | Inside Iran's Revolutionary Guards

CBN (Christian Broadcast Network), 14 December 2010

On this week's special edition of Stakelbeck on Terror, CBN News goes inside Iran's fearsome Revolutionary Guards Corps with Reza Khalili, a former member who worked undercover for the CIA to bring down the Iranian regime.

The Revolutionary Guards Corps is the most powerful and influential force behind Iran's secretive and radical regime.

Over the past 30 years, its structure has been nearly impossible for Western intelligence agencies to penetrate. Yet, Khalili put his life on the line to gather sensitive information for the CIA about the inner workings of the Iranian regime.

Watch as he shares his story in an exclusive interview with Stakelbeck on Terror.  Khalili also wrote about the experience in his book,

A Time to Betray.

Because of the nature of his work, Khalili is forced to disguise his identity and alter his voice for safety reasons.

Visit article to view an extremely thoughtful interview.

Phi Beta Iota: There is a remarkable coincidence of message between this specific witness/author and the work in the 1990's of Steve Emerson, whose 1994 PBS video on the domestic threat exposed both the ignorance of the US Government about what was going on within the US homeland, and the naivete of the US Government with respect to intentions.  Now we are seeing a persistent ignorance at the highest levels of the deeply-rooted messianic nature of the Iranian regime, a persistent naivete of the deep corruption within the arab countries as well as Israel, a persistent and blissfully self-destructive refusal to embrace Turkey as a a stabilizing Islamic power….and on and on and on.  The US Government is, in one word, IGNORANT with arrogance driving incoherence rooted in ideological naivete.  Iran (and China) should be the focus on a 360 degree “whole of government” Information Operations (IO) campaign intended to explore and then develop concepts, doctrine, plans, programs, and budget for fully integrated intelligence, information operations, operations support to multinational hybrid task forces, and communications.  The problem that we see immediately, apart from the US Government being incompetent–not trained, equipped nor organized for inter-agency or multinational operations–is that there is severe confusion, even denial, about where cyber starts and stops.  Cyber is not about bits and bytes running through computers.  It is about the mind of man–the mind of entire cultures, tribes, and regions.  In that context, cyber should be the “driver” for all kinetic plans, programs, and budgets, by dictate with the US Government and by use of shared information and shared intelligence (decision-support) across all eight tribes and all other nations both allied and not.

See Also:

18 Dec  Journal: Spies, Lies, and Diplomatic Disorder

21 Aug Odierno weighs in on Iraq's immediate future, Iran's intentions

30 Mar Iran's Intentions Are Clear

03 Feb Obama Carries Forward Carter’s Failed Iran Policy

Event: 24-26 January 2011, Paris, The Future of Urban Water: Solutions for Livable & Resilient Cities (UNESCO)

12 Water
link to event flyer (pdf)

The aim of this conference is to share knowledge on recent advances in urban water management, and to catalyse change towards more livable and resilient cities – The “City of the Future”. Increasing global change pressures, escalating costs and other risks inherent to conventional urban water management are causing cities to face ever increasing difficulties in efficiently managing scarcer and less reliable water resources. In order to meet these challenges there is a need for a paradigm shift in water management. Over the past 5 years major international initiatives such as the SWITCH project, UNESCOIHP’s Urban Water Programme and IWA’s Cities of the Future Programme, have brought together a global consortium from the fields of academic, urban planning, water utility and consulting interests. This conference will provide a platform for academics, public and private sector practitioners from both developed and developing countries to generate and exchange knowledge and understanding of the concepts, strategies, policies and technologies that contribute to sustainable urban water management. In addition the conference will support society, urban water actors, and policy makers with independent and scientifically based expert advice.

Conference flyer (PDF)

Switch homepage

Event: 25-26 March 2011, Open Minds 2011 at the Wash DC National Museum of American History

03 Economy, 04 Education, 07 Health, 12 Water, Academia, Civil Society, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Technologies
event link

Open Minds (formerly known as March Madness for the Mind) is the acclaimed annual exhibition of cutting-edge innovation from NCIIA's (National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance) best student teams. The exhibition takes place each year during NCIIA's annual conference, and is an opportunity for student teams to demonstrate their products and companies, and receive local and national media coverage. 10-15 teams are selected to participate in this high profile event, which involves an evening exhibition for NCIIA conference attendees as well as an exhibition open to the general public and an exciting video competition.

Open Minds 2011 will be held in Washington, D.C. at the National Museum of American History, March 25-26, 2011. Learn about participating 2010 teams here.

The Open Minds online application deadline has been EXTENDED until Friday, January 14, 2011.

Watch all the 2010 videos here.

Also see this list of events from Inventor's Digest