Stephen E. Arnold: Confidence in US Education: 46 Companies Have Doubts

04 Education, Academia, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Officers Call
Stephen E. Arnold

Confidence in US Education: 46 Companies Have Doubts

I read “Top 48 US Companies Files Legal Challenge to Block H-1B Visa Changes.” The write up states:

Nearly 46 leading US companies and business organizations, including tech giants Apple, Google, Twitter and Facebook, representing and working with key sectors of the US economy, have filed an amicus brief that supports a legal challenge to block upcoming rule changes to H-1B visa eligibility.

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Movie (1:37:40) A Thousand Pieces — Featuring Joe Flynn, Cathy O’Brien, Robert Steele, John DeSouza, Robin Gritz — on CIA, FBI, NSA Corruption — Narrated by Sean Stone

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

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A Thousand Pieces is a staggering look into the abyss of systemic corruption at the very top of the CIA & FBI. The film exposes the gritty details of illegal programs such as “Cointelpro” which targeted leaders like Martin Luther King & Malcom X, to CIA intelligence operations like “Northwoods” and “Mockingbird”, uncovering potential plans to use “false flag” events and mainstream media propaganda to control the American people.

A Thousand Pieces is a shocking and hard-hitting investigative documentary, exposing the darkest secrets of the FBI and CIA, and asking the question, isn’t it time to reform some of the most corrupt government agencies in American history?

Text summary, Steele Extracts Free, Options Below the Fold

Continue reading “Movie (1:37:40) A Thousand Pieces — Featuring Joe Flynn, Cathy O'Brien, Robert Steele, John DeSouza, Robin Gritz — on CIA, FBI, NSA Corruption — Narrated by Sean Stone”

Worth a Look: Matthew Books & Messages

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Matthew's Messages

Sample Messages:

November 2, 2020

Energy field of potential activity; what Earth needs; predictions; vibrations; dark ones’ lifeprint reviews; emergence of truths

October 1, 2020

Balanced energy; feminine energy; Illuminati; conflict outcomes; lightworkers’ choices; holographic invasion; “prison planet”

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Matthew Books & Messages”

Steven Vervaecke: Time to Dump Globalist Time, Go Local Time

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Time zones are for the convenience of the globalists.  Local everything, its the future. its shining trough in the most unexpected ways.

It's Time To Dump Daylight and Standard Time and Go Local Time

The pandemic has accelerated the trend toward timelessness.

The problem is that when we run our lives on Railway Time, most of us are out of sync with the true solar time. On October 30th as I am writing this, the sun will set in Boston at 5:39. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Eastern Time Zone in Detroit, it will set at 6:27; people leaving work at 6:00 are facing two completely different conditions at exactly the same time. Why should people in Boston come home in the light and those in Detroit in the dark?

Read full article.