Journal: Spinning Afghanistan

05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Military, Peace Intelligence
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius Recommends:

Karzai Aides, Tribal Leaders Say Surge Is Wrong Strategy

KABUL — Some powerful Afghan politicians and tribal leaders have expressed doubts that more U.S. troops can turn the tide of the war, as President Barack Obama prepares to unveil a new Afghanistan strategy Tuesday.

Army Researchers Warn Against Tribal War in Afghanistan

U.S. Army’s own specialists in Afghanistan’s culture and society are warning that relying on the tribes there may be a waste of time. “Most of Afghanistan has not been ‘tribal’ in the last few centuries,” notes a recent report from the Army’s Human Terrain System at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. “In fact, many scholars are reluctant to use the word ‘tribe’ at all for describing groups in Afghanistan.”

Clear, Hold And Duct Tape

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Journal: Whaling Intercept Boat

03 Environmental Degradation, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Real Time
Whaling Intercept Boat
Whaling Intercept Boat

Los Angeles, CA- At a fundraising event in Los Angeles on Saturday, October 17th, 2009, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society unveiled their newest ocean defense vessel: the Ady Gil. The vessel, previously known as the Earthrace, is a fast, futuristic looking trimaran that recently set the world record for global circumnavigation. The vessel renaming reflects the ship’s benefactor, Ady Gil, who helped acquire the vessel.

Sea Shepherd is currently preparing for it’s 6th Whale Defense Campaign Operation Waltzing Matilda. The campaign will launch from Australia in early December with Sea Shepherd’s flagship Steve Irwin, which will be accompanied to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary by the new Ady Gil. Together, the ships and the volunteer crew will intervene in illegal Japanese whaling in Antarctica.

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Journal: Public Search of Cell and Radio

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Methods & Process, Mobile, Real Time
Public Access to Cell & Radio
Public Access to Cell & Radio

We anticipate all text messages being available for public search in the near term, joining our observation that Twitter is now a crowd-sourcing as well as a point of presence intelligence tool.

Click on the collage to search text messages from 9-11–the scope is believed to be limited (e.g. NYC only) but this is a harbinger of things to come.

The Hacktivists are working on running all radio communications among the fire and police in NYC into the CISCO digitzer, and then making that searchable.  Unlike the result in seaching for bomb or bombs in text messages, we anticipate that the radio traffic will blow people's mind, especially when visualized.

Thus does the public recapture its power–by paying attention.  Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would be proud….and this might be a good point at which to observe that Thomas Jefferson was himself one of the first American counter-culture icons, see  Counterculture Through the Ages: From Abraham to Acid House.

2001-09-11 10:04:09 Metrocall [1261437] ALPHA Anotherbomb/explosion under the world trade h
2001-09-11 10:04:54 Skytel [003927743] ALPHA|RE:Please call me. I am in my office| NYSE is also bombed. I am leaving the building. I am with HARI. Pray me.

Journal: Climate battle bill to top $300 billion–Guyana

Analysis, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Key Players, Policies, Threats
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

PORT OF SPAIN — The true cost of fighting climate change will top 300 billion dollars and developed countries may balk at footing the bill, Guyana's Prime Minister Bharrat Jagdeo said Saturday.

Leading economists have calculated that “the cost of action and mitigation would be about one percent of the global economy,” he told journalists. “This is one percent of the GDP of a 30-trillion-dollar global economy,” he estimated.

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Reference: Are Hackers Pioneers with the Right Stuff or Criminal Pathological Scum? Mitch Kabay Reprises

03 Economy, 04 Education, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Hacking, ICT-IT, InfoOps (IO), Law Enforcement, Media Reports, Methods & Process, Mobile, Real Time, Technologies

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Why Criminal Hackers Must Not Be Rewarded
Part 1: The Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

By M. E. Kabay, 11/30/2009

In 1995, I participated in a debate with distinguished security expert Robert D. Steele, a vigorous proponent of open-source intelligence. We discussed the advisability of hiring criminal hackers. Perhaps readers will find the polemic I published back then of interest today. I’m sure it will provoke vitriolic comments from the criminal hacker community.

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Worth a Look: Ushandi Open Source Crowd-Sourcing

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Geospatial, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Technologies, Threats, Worth A Look
Ushandi Home Page
Ushandi Home Page

The Ushahidi Engine is a platform that allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, email or web and visualize it on a map or timeline. Our goal is to create the simplest way of aggregating information from the public for use in crisis response.

Usahndi Visual Concept
Usahndi Visual Concept

This is a huge development, one that could lead to a more rapid creation of the World Brain with embedded EarthGame as a means of connecting all human minds with all information in all languages all the time.

See our briefing given in Denmark to think about how this might apply to the global harmonization of gifts from the one billion rich to needs of the five billion poor at the household and item level.

Reference: Open Innovation vs. Dinosaur Defenses

Articles & Chapters, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process

Abstract & Download
Abstract & Download

The Imperfect is the Enemy of the Good: Anticircumvention Versus Open Innovation

Wendy Seltzer, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 25, 2010

Digital Rights Management, law-backed technological control of usage  of copyrighted works, is clearly imperfect: It often fails to stop  piracy and frequently blocks non-infringing uses. Yet the drive to  correct these imperfections masks a deeper conflict, between the DRM  system of anticircumvention and open development in the entire  surrounding media environment. This conflict, at the heart of the DRM  schema, will only deepen, even if other aspects of DRM can be  improved. This paper takes a systemic look at the legal, technical,  and business environment of DRM to highlight this openness conflict
and its effects.

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In the full cost-benefit analysis of anticircumvention, the loss to  open innovation would outweigh the gains from this imperfect mechanism  of copyright enforcement. Treating code literally as law leaves the law with too many harmful side effects.

Continue reading “Reference: Open Innovation vs. Dinosaur Defenses”