Journal: Honduran Democracy Triumphs

08 Wild Cards, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Night Watch For the Night of 29 November 2009

As Mary O’Grady reported in the Wall Street Journal, the conduct of today’s presidential and Congressional elections is a tribute to the fortitude of the leadership in standing up to the United States and the anti-US front led by Hugo Chavez.

Preliminary official results showed Porfirio Lobo, of the opposition National Party, with 56% support with more than 60% of the tally sheets counted. Ruling party candidate Elvin Santos conceded defeat to Lobo. Election officials said more than 60% of registered voters cast ballots Sunday.

Neither Zelaya nor Marcheletti were candidates. The fact of the elections without Zelaya is the crowning achievement of Honduran democracy.

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Journal: China, Gold, Silver, and the Future

02 China, 03 Economy, Civil Society, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government
China Gold
China Gold - Full Story Online

How and why China will flood the gold market

Number is even more striking for silver

Phi Beta Iota: Three points:

1.  An audit of Fort Knox will probably disclose that USA has half its claimed holdings in gold.

2.  China is leveraging the considerable buying power of its multi-billion population in a very clever manner.

3.  China has 80% or more of all the other precious metals including those needed to create green energy, still in the ground–the rest of the world will pay dearly for them  The USA has failed to do a current strategic resources survey and has no strategy for getting into the future in any semblance of peace and prosperity for all.

Below the Fold: Reference Links on Chinese Strategic Minerals

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Journal: ClimateGate Meets Yamal Divergence

03 Environmental Degradation, Academia, Analysis, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Key Players, Media, Methods & Process, Policies, Reform, Strategy

ClimateGate and Yamal Evidence
ClimateGate and Yamal Evidence

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has outraged us for two reasons–first, the lack of integrity among the scientists and the selected United Nations officials concerned; and second, the naivete, ignorance, or corruption of government officials  all too eager to create a new Global Warming Complex that profits from carbon trades (another form of phantom wealth) while imposing severe social costs on the five billion poor.  ENOUGH.  Below the fold are the original comments of Contributing Editor Chuck Spinney, relating past Pentagon data manipulation with the data manipulation that charactizes the Climate Change movement.  It is our view that the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) should be disbanded, while the UN High Level Panel and the UN Environmental Program, both of which kept their integrity intact, are asked to create a World Brain with embedded EarthGame that can address all ten high level threats (environmental degradation is third, after poverty and infectious disease) by providing the world with information that allows the harmonization of spending across all twelve core policy areas in a manner attractive to the eight demographic challengers (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and Wild Cards such as the Congo, Malaysia, and Turkey).

Yamal: A “Divergence” Problem by Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit, September 27th, 2009
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Journal: Earth Intelligence, Climate Gate, Queen of England, and the Climate Change Fraud Network

03 Environmental Degradation, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Key Players, Non-Governmental, Policies

Earth Intelligence
Earth Intelligence

Earth Intelligence (46), as with all of our categories for journal entries, references, or reviews, can be bookmarked or selected from the menu in the middle column to follow postings on Climate Change and ClimateGate and the related fraud network.

ClimateGate is, in the words of one scientist, a mushroom cloud rather than a smoking gun.  We agree.

Queen of England has been had.  She has been made a fool of in Trinidad & Tobago.


(UK) Climategate: the whitewash begins

Breaking news from the splendid Bishop Hill. It seems the AGW establishment has launched an urgent damage limitation exercise in order to whitewash the Climategate scandal in time for Copenhagen.

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Journal: Afghanistan & Iraq–Opportunity Knocks for an Afghan Airlift and a Six-Month Muslim-Centered Multinational Multiagency “Advise & Assist” Transition Toward Departure from Both Countries

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Real Time, Reform, Strategy, Threats

NIGHTWATCH Special Report:  October in Afghanistan 27 November 2009

Taliban and other anti-government fighters have begun to go to winter quarters, in Pakistan or in Afghanistan. The fighting will drop somewhat during the winter, but in the core provinces of the Pashtun south, weather is not a factor.

Based on Taliban public statements, their attacks will remain focused on disruption of the overland truck lifeline for Afghan and NATO forces, mainly by using improvised bombs. In the face of renewed NATO resolve, the Taliban also will wait for the next opportunity to attempt to take power.

Taliban cannot defeat NATO forces, but NATO forces cannot defeat Taliban, especially without combat air support. The government in Kabul cannot survive without NATO forces, but by this time next year the Afghan forces will need more logistics and air support rather than combat soldiers, if the US and European NATO trainers are competent.

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Journal: Right on the Left and Left on the Right

09 Justice, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process
Incoherence Left and Right
Obama, Palin, and Paul

Phi Beta Iota: The incoherent insanity of BOTH the left and the right, of both those in power and those without power, is cresting.  While the Obama Administration does everything it can to emulate and extend the Constitutional violations of the Cheney-Bush regime, the far right is losing its mind completely.  Below are two items, just a taste of what happens when gerbils learn to read and write.

What Is Sarah Palin?

It seems that Palin– the attractive, outdoors-loving “hockey mom”-is popular solely because of her personality, not any specific policy positions. Notes columnist Steve Chapman “Who needs policy? In her world – and the world of legions of conservatives who revere her – the persona is the policy. Palin is beloved because she’s (supposedly) just like ordinary people, which (supposedly) gives her a profound understanding of their needs.” When dissecting political cults of personality, it would seem that Palin has become the Republicans’ Obama–handsome, charming and a human comfort blanket for partisans.

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Journal: China May Demand Physical Gold

02 China, 03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Ethics, Government


Gold could be about to get disorderly also as it approaches the key $1200 call option strike. The strong rumour is the large $1200oz Dec call owner is the Peoples Bank of China. Gold traders increasingly believe that China will force physical delivery of 2.8moz of gold instead of the usual cash settlement. My contacts suggest short-term mayhem may be about to break out in gold for a few days as those who have sold the call and get exercised scramble to buy physical for delivery.   To put this in context 2.8moz is around 80 tonnes of gold. Yes, it's that big and you can see why there is short-covering everywhere in gold.

Phi Beta Iota: If John Mack becomes Secretary of the Treasury, we anticipate China having a subtle but respected influence on the US Treasury as a condition for selective cover-ups, and China managing the situation so it ultimately gets compensation for all the gold stolen by Japen and confiscated by the US to create the Treasury Black Eagle Trust and Golden Lily slush funds.  China did NOT sign the San Francisco Treaty and is on solid ground.  We respect John Mack, he might possibly be the first truly multinational Secretary of the Treasury, and if he can make a commitment to Open Money and Real Wealth as a future path for the global economy, he could conceivably be the single most important person in the 21st Century.  For background see

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