Journalists, Media Professionals Donating Frequently to Federal Political Candidates

Government, Media
source article

Journalists, Media Professionals Donating Frequently to Federal Political Candidates this Election Cycle
By Megan R. Wilson on September 14, 2010

Last year, Christopher Hayes gave $250 to the congressional campaign of a good friend, Alabama Democrat Josh Segall. That’s hardly noteworthy, but for one factor: Hayes is the Washington, D.C., editor of The Nation, a left-leaning news magazine that covers U.S. politics. And his political donation is not an anomaly in journalism, where donating to or otherwise advocating for politicians is often taboo – if not prohibited outright by some news companies.

Hayes is one of 235 people who identified themselves on government documents as journalists, or as working for news organizations, who together have donated more than $469,900 to federal political candidates, committees and parties during the 2010 election cycle, a Center for Responsive Politics analysis indicates.

People identifying themselves as working for hard news outlets such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, the New York Post, News Corp., Vanity Fair and Reuters are among the listed donors. Also listed are employees from outlets offering lighter fare — ESPN, Vogue — or community news. Some have donated thousands of dollars.
The average contribution per person identified is eight times Hayes’ amount, and because of some big-spending media professionals, that number is slightly skewed upwards — with the median amount donated coming in at $500. Sixty-five percent of all identified donations went to Democrats, the Center’s research indicates.

To download an itemized spreadsheet of self-identified journalists and other people working for news organizations, click here: Media Donations 091410.xls

Journal: Tim Berners-Lee Says “Free Internet for All”

About the Idea, Autonomous Internet, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, IO Sense-Making, Key Players, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats, Topics (All Other)
Tim Berners-Lee Calls for Free Internet for All -- Full Story Online

BBC 15 September 2010 Last updated at 05:58 ET

Tim Berners-Lee calls for free internet worldwide

The inventor of the Web has called for everyone to have access to his creation for free.

Tim Berners-Lee said that he would like to see everybody given a low-bandwidth connection “by default”.

He said the web could be instrumental in giving people access to critical services such as healthcare.

Currently, he said, just one-fifth of the world's population has access to the web.

“What about the other 80%?” he asked the audience at the Nokia World conference in London.

Tip of the Hat to Pierre Levy at LinkedIn.

Phi Beta Iota: Sir Tim is on target but misses the critical point, which is that the Internet is already free, what is NOT free is the handheld device needed to access it.  Earth Intelligence Network and its 24 co-founders are committed to the idea of free cell phones for the five billion poor, along with national call centers that educate them “one cell call at a time” while also providing access to the kinds of Internet application that the Grameen AppLab is creating.

Journal: Open Mobile, Open Spectrum, Open Web

Augmented Reality, Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Geospatial, Methods & Process, Mobile, Real Time, Reform, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Tools
Open Moko Home

Openmoko™ – Open. Mobile. Free.

Openmoko™ is a project dedicated to delivering mobile phones with an open source software stack. Openmoko is currently selling the Neo FreeRunner phone to advanced users and will start selling it to the general public as soon as the software is more developed.

Phi Beta Iota: We've had our say on “Open Everything” GNOMEDEX and again at “Open Everything” UNICEF, and it just keeps getting better and better.  The cell phone is the principle device for Hacking Humanity, in part because it enables micro-everything including directed micro-giving and micro-trading with Open Money.

Below are two related items:

Updated Chart on Mobile Phone Applications (by sunset eastern)

Trip Report from Burning Man's Open Cellular Network

EXCERPT: Today I bring you a story that has it all: a solar-powered, low-cost, open source cellular network that's revolutionizing coverage in underprivileged and off-grid spots. It uses VoIP yet works with existing cell phones. It has pedigreed founders. Best of all, it is part of the sex, drugs and art collectively known as Burning Man. Where do you want me to begin?

The Open Source Subnet
Cell towers that blend vs. those that offend

“We make GSM look like a wireless access point. We make it that simple,” describes one of the project's three founders, Glenn Edens.  The technology starts with the “they-said-it-couldn't-be-done” open source software, OpenBTS.

Search & Worth a Look: Iraq Veteran Rings

Citizen-Centered, Military, Searches, Worth A Look
Home Page for Rings

This is interesting for two reasons:

1)  Our first thought was that returning veterans were forming small criminal rings to survive in the absence of jobs being available.  That is still a potential threat, on top of all the gang members that joined the military for the express purpose of gaining advanced training and liberal access to weapons and munitions.

2)  Second, this is the same web site that sells service rings for $45, and those we recommend highly, but the “culture of war” seems to be captured by this offering, with one big caveat as pointed out by Marcus Aurelius in an earlier post–only a tiny segment of our population–and virtually NONE of our political leaders–is a war veteran.

Reference: Business Intelligence Blogs

Blog Wisdom, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process
# Business Intelligence Sources Registration? Recommended by
3 BeyeNetwork No Rachel Delacour
2 No Rachel Delacour
2 No Rachel Delacour
BitPipe Business Intelligence No Naveen Gumgol
Data Administration Newsletter No Bruce Bond-Myatt
iWareLogic Oracle (BI & EBS) No Abhishek Sharma
MAIA Intelligence Blog Yes Dhiren Gala
Oracle BI Blog No Taher Hakami
Prologica Forums—Dashboards Plus No Sree Jallipalli
Ralph Kimball Yes Steve Fiske
Spagobi the Open Source Business Intel Suite Yes Gabriele Ruffatti
Visual Business Intelligence No Hrvoje Smolić

Tip of the Hat to the listed respondents at LinkedIn Business Intelligence Group.

Journal: YouTube Time Machine, Future of Education

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Historic Contributions, History, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), International Aid, IO Mapping, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Key Players, Maps, Methods & Process, Mobile, Open Government, Policies, Reform, Research resources, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, YouTube

YouTube Time Machine

YouTube Time Machine

Right now the Categories include, in this order:  Video Games,  Television,  Commercials,  Current Events,  Sports, Movies,  Music.

Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine this in all languages, available on the cell phone, as an educational tool that also harnesses the cognitive surplus–the distributed intelligence–of the Whole Earth.  Our view of YouTube is now such that we consider it more important than Google.

Also see (use search at top of leanback page)

Journal: Consortium Seeking Multilingual Web Standards

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Standards

Full Story Online

Multilingual Web should be a priority for India: W3C chief

Six months into his new job, Jeffrey Jaffe, Chief Executive Officer of the World Wide Web Consortium has his work cut out

The World Wide Web Consortium or W3C, as it is better known, is where the industry meets to set standards for the Web. And Jeffery Jaffe – an IT industry veteran who held prominent positions at Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies), IBM, and more recently at Novell – as its CEO not only oversees the W3C's largest project in progress ( HTML5 standards group) but is also trying to ensure that the Consortium sharpens its focus on multilingual web standards for countries like India.

Tip of the Hat to Marjorie M K Hlava at LinkedIn.

Continue reading “Journal: Consortium Seeking Multilingual Web Standards”