Weak Signals: DoD Information Operations First Steps

Advanced Cyber/IO, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Methods & Process

Navy Intel Chief: Information Dominance Must Balance Firepower

By Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service, 6 January 2011

WASHINGTON (NNS) — “Information as warfare” requires operational commanders to employ intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to dominate the information realm even as they direct combat actions, the Navy's senior intelligence officer said Jan. 5.

Vice Adm. David J. “Jack” Dorsett, the director of naval intelligence and deputy chief of naval operations for information dominance, spoke to defense writers about what he called a shift from an Industrial Age military force to an Information Age force.

“We're great at strike warfare – dropping bombs,” Dorsett said. “It's now time for the Navy, and frankly the U.S. joint forces, to step up and start dealing with information in a much more sophisticated manner than they have in the past.”

Adm. Gary Roughead, chief of naval operations, announced in October 2009 the Navy was combining its intelligence directorate, communications networks and related information technology capabilities into the information dominance organization.

Read complete article….

Phi Beta Iota: Ms. Karen Parrish has done a superb job with this interview, which is rich in candid detail.  What it makes clear is that Navy (as well as the Army) are making major changes in concepts & doctrine toward integration intelligence, communications, and information technology and as this article documents even starting to think about processing, dissemination, and exploitation.  Both appear to be focused on machine collection and machine processing and not yet appreciative of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) across the fifteen slices and eight tribes as well as multinationally (M4IS2).

Rest of article also below line–it's worth saving.

Continue reading “Weak Signals: DoD Information Operations First Steps”

Reference: Network Neutrality…Why Not…+ RECAP

Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Autonomous Internet, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Earth Intelligence, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), International Aid, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Methods & Process, Mobile, Open Government, Policies, Real Time, Reform, Standards, Strategy, Threats
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

A note about “network neutrality”

by jonl on January 10, 2011

This is something I posted in the “state of the world” conversation with Bruce Sterling on the WELL…

I give talks on the history and future of media, and on the history, evolution, and history of the Internet. I gave the talk this week to a small group gathered for lunch in a coworking space here in Austin, and after hearing the talk a technologist I know, Gray Abbott, suggested that I say more about the coming balkanization of the network as the most likely scenario. The Internet is a network of networks that depends on cooperative peering agreements – I carry your traffic and you carry mine. The high speed Internet is increasingly dependent on the networks of big providers, the telcos or cable companies like AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, Time Warner, and Comcast. They all see the substantial value supported by their networks and want to extract more of it for themselves. They talk about the high cost of bandwidth as a rationale for charging more for services – or metering services – but I think the real issue is value. When you see Google and Facebook and Netflix making bundles of money using your pipes, you want a cut. And if you’ve also tried to get into the business of providing content, it’s bothersome to see your network carrying other competing content services, including guerilla media distribution via BitTorrent.

Continue reading “Reference: Network Neutrality…Why Not…+ RECAP”

US Loses Face & Standing with China & Pakistan

02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 05 Iran, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Government, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Methods & Process, Military, Officers Call, Policy, Strategy, Threats

NIGHTWATCH Extract China-US: Special comment. International news services broadcast video and translations of Chinese Minister of Defense Liang insulting and hectoring the US, represented by the Secretary of Defense. The Chinese tasked Secretary Gates to defend and to explain to the Chinese why the US sells weapons to Taiwan and conducts naval training in the Yellow Sea. China demanded they stop. Instead of rejecting the Chinese demands and leaving, Gates tried to defend what needs not defense in Asia – US national policy.

A couple of points are worth noting. The tongue lashing Gates endured at a Singapore conference last year by a Chinese general clearly was no accident. That insult focused on the same issues as the latest.  Gates should have walked out of the Singapore meeting last year and should have walked out of today's session. It remains unclear what the US hoped to gain that merited humiliation.

China is not ready to be a cooperative partner in international security affairs as some analysts contend; resents and resists the tutelage or guidance that some analysts think the US must offer; and has no intention of becoming more open in response to US requests if only because the US wants it so badly.


Phi Beta Iota: See our Memorandum on Chinese Irregular Warfare.  The US Government has hit bottom in terms of lacking legitimacy at home and credibility abroad.  Ideology is not a substitute for intelligence, and civility is not a substitute for cultural understanding.

US bends to Pakistan's wish

By M K Bhadrakumar Asia Times Online

The unscheduled visit by United States Vice President Joe Biden to Islamabad this week underscores Washington's embarrassment and anxiety that it stands excluded from a regional initiative on Afghan peace process that could be about to take off. The rapid sequence of events over the past fortnight has taken Washington by surprise.

Read entire analysis of role played by Turkey, Russia, and Iran…

DefDog Comment: Most insurgencies last past 10 years it almost always requires a political settlement….thus we are seeing what could have been accomplished at the beginning by understanding the Pashtun and sitting down, Jirga style, and asking for UBL, who was granted sanctuary under the Pasthun Honor Code, Pasthunwali…..no cultural understanding has resulted in a 10 year waste…

Phi Beta Iota: The US Government is suffering from multiple disconnects–from its public, from reality, from strategic analytics, from cultural intelligence–from ANY intelligence relevant to all challenges at all levels–and finally, from integrity.  Integrity is what allows well-intentioned people to cope with ambiguity.  When they give up their integrity, they yield the field to those with political, ideological, and financial ambitions, and the public interest suffers–as does the welfare of our Armed Forces in harm's way.

See Also:

Journal: Politics & Intelligence–Partners Only When Integrity is Central to Both

Secrecy News Extract: CIA Open Source on Pakistan

Corruption, Government, Methods & Process


“A review of the Pakistani media during October 2010 indicates that there is less talk of imminent political change.”  That is the rather pedestrian conclusion of a brief report (pdf) that was prepared last November by “Open Source Works,” a previously unknown initiative of the CIA Directorate of Intelligence.

Open Source Works “was charged by the Director for Intelligence with drawing on language-trained analysts to mine open-source information for new or alternative insights on intelligence issues.  Open Source Works' products, based only on open source information, do not represent the coordinated views of the Central Intelligence Agency.”

The recent report on Pakistan seems to be the first Open Source Works document to have reached public hands, though it is more of a digest of recent news and opinion than what would properly be termed an intelligence product.  A copy was obtained by Secrecy News.  See “Pakistan Leadership Watch: October 2010,” CIA Directorate of Intelligence, November 8, 2010.

Phi Beta Iota: In light of Chuck Spinney's many posts on Pakistan and Afghanistan (using only English-language sources), and the reality that Pakistan is about to explode, the abyssmal limitations of this report merit gloomy note.  It's been 18 years since Joe Markowitz first got a DCID on OSINT–and this is what we have to show for it?

Evolution and Social Change I

03 Environmental Degradation, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Strategy

Prior Conversations Leading Up to This One:

Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II

Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part III

Journal: Get America Working-A Conversation Part IV Enter usfruct (husbandry of the planet) and Spiritual Ecology

Tom Atlee:

Dear Alexander,

I'm afraid I don't have much useful to offer to Robert's initiative at this time.  But I wanted to briefly note, for you and others, that evolutionary science writer Connie Barlow and former fundamentalist evangelical Christian minister Michael Dowd offer another, complementary, angle on evolution and religion (including their own thoughts on the relevance of evolutionary psychology) at Thank God for Evolution and The Great Story.

Michael is translating Christian theology into terms not only consistent with but expressive of a sacred understanding of science-based evolution.  (He half jokes that he is a CreaTHEist, while Connie is a CreAtheist!)  He is currently doing some remarkable interviews with luminaries in the field of Evolutionary Christianity.  At the very least, their work should provide you with some additional juicy quotes…

Review: Thank God for Evolution–How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World

Review: Earthspirit–A Handbook for Nurturing an Ecological Christianity

Continue reading “Evolution and Social Change I”

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Trusted Bodyguard Executes Governor in Pakistan for Being a Blasphemer–Observations on Meaning for Church & State

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 04 Education, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, History, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Peace Intelligence, Reform, Strategy

Pakistan: An elite police commando from the provincial police force who was assigned as a bodyguard for the governor of Punjab Province murdered the governor today in Islamabad. The commando dropped his weapon and surrendered to the police, bragging that he was proud he killed a blasphemer. With that, Pakistan's political crisis deepened.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH Extract: Trusted Bodyguard Executes Governor in Pakistan for Being a Blasphemer–Observations on Meaning for Church & State”

Reference: Steele at Huffington Post Updated

About the Idea, Articles & Chapters, Blog Wisdom, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, InfoOps (IO), IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Worth A Look
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Comprehensive Architect, Prime Design

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Posted: January 4, 2011 02:08 PM

Cyber-Intelligence — Restore the Republic of “Of, By, and For”

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Posted: December 26, 2010 10:00 AM

Infinite Wealth for All

Below the line:  prior posts on the Virtual Cabinet–who, what, why, how, when….

Continue reading “Reference: Steele at Huffington Post Updated”