Worth A Look: YouTubes on Alternative Understanding

Worth A Look, YouTube

This documentary World Government Election Fraud 2012 briefly covers many topics about government, politics, energy, sovereignty, sustainability and self sufficiency (not being dependent on the nanny state) to get everyone past the disinformation.

Part I:  YouTube (14:59)

Part II:  YouTube (15:00)

From the same source:

Anonymous: A message to the rich

Economic Doomsday 2012 – When will America Collapse?

Phi Beta Iota:  In our view, 2012 is an opportunity to achieve non-violent revolutionary reform such that we can rapidly redirect toward resilience and sustainability.  Public intelligence combined with public integrity is the lever.  All signs are that 2012 will be lost, another worse economic crash will occur in 2012, and there will violence in America such as has not been seen since the Watts and Rodney King riots.

Worth a Look: New Movie on 9/11 “A Violation of Trust?

Worth A Look
Movie Web Site

A New 9/11 Investigation – Coming to a Theater Near You?

Hollywood Stars Seek to Make Feature Film Focused on WTC Demolitions

Howard Cohen
January 23, 2012

A Violation of Trust(formerly titled “Confession of a 9/11 Conspirator”) is a feature film project that is willing to do what the world’s governments and legal bodies are unwilling to do – open a real investigation of 9/11 for the entire world to see. It dramatizes the first day of “The President’s New Investigation of 9/11”, with actors performing from a tightly-written, factually-accurate script that pits the 9/11 Commission Report and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reports against the work of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Ray Griffin and the scientific research highlighted by leading 9/11 truth organizations, including Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

The filming of “A Violation of Trust” will be performed on a single set, depicting the investigation’s public hearing room. The single-set approach provides the most intense platform for the actors and the script to involve the audience. The film’s compelling drama, forceful images and real-time video clips will be woven into its often contentious question-and-answer dialogue to create opportunities for conflicting views that will be argued both passionately and in a scientific and logical manner.

Read full description of planned film.

See Also:

9-11 Truth Books & DVDs (33)

Marcus Aurelius: VIDEO Extreme Prejudice – CIA Whistle Blower [then Congressional staffer] Susan Lindauer PDX 911Truth

Mini-Me: Two References on 9/11 & High Crimes + RECAP

Worth A Look: Understanding 9/11 and 9/11 RECAP

Worth a Look: The People’s Money – How Voters Will Balance the Budget and Eliminate the Federal Debt

Book Lists, Policies, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

PART ONE: The Political Class
1.  What the Political Class Thinks Voters Think
2.  How the Political Class Deceives

PART TWO: How Voters Would Spend the People's Money
3.  How Voters Would Fix Defense
4.  How Voters Would Fix Social Security
5.  How Voters would Fix Medicate and Health Care
6.  How Voters Would Fix the Tax System
7.  How Voters Want to Be Generous

PART THREE:  How Voters Would Save the People's Money
8.  Ending Corporate Welfare
9.  Giving the People a Return on Investments
10.  Tightening the Belt of the Beltway
11.  Adding it All Up

CONCLUSION: The End of the Political Class

Phi Beta Iota:  This book will be released on 31 January 2012.  It has been ordered and a full review will be provided right away.  This may be one of the most exciting books to be released in 2012, and one of the most relevant, for it is certain to break the back of the political class with transparency and truth.  The fact is that the two-party tyranny is corrupt and Congress in criminally neglectful of the public trust.

David Swanson: Recommended Book on Green Earth

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Capitalism (Good & Bad), Complexity & Catastrophe, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Country/Regional, Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Economics, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Intelligence (Public), Justice (Failure, Reform), Misinformation & Propaganda, Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Priorities, Public Administration, Science & Politics of Science, Stabilization & Reconstruction, Strategy, Survival & Sustainment, Threats (Emerging & Perennial), True Cost & Toxicity, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized), Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity, Worth A Look
David Swanson

How Much Is an Earth, and Do You Have One in Extra Large?

A new book suggests that “It's the economy, stupid,” may be more than political strategy; it may also be the key to environmental sustainability. The book is Green Washed: Why We Can't Buy Our Way to a Green Planet, by Kendra Pierre-Louis. The argument developed is not just that the consumer choices of an individual won't save the planet without collective action, but also that the only collective action that will save us is abandoning the whole idea of consumer choices.

Pierre-Louis lays the groundwork for her argument by walking us through the hazards of supposedly environmental approaches to numerous fields. First is clothing, in which a big trend is toward organic cotton. While reducing pesticides is all to the good, Pierre-Louis writes, growing cotton — any cotton — is a rapid way to exhaust the earth's stores of fresh water. Among the preferable proposals the author suggests is creating or altering your own clothing so that it means more to you and you throw it away less rapidly. The low-hanging fruit in improving our clothing practices is in quantity, not quality: buy less clothing!

Amazon Page

Next comes diet. Our poisonous farming practices are killing the Mississippi River, exhausting our underground water supplies, drying up the Colorado (on this I recommend the 3-D movie “Grand Canyon Adventure”), eradicating biodiversity, eliminating soil, and consuming fossil fuels. Genetically modified crops are outrageous failures on their own terms, resulting in increased, rather than diminished, use of pesticides and herbicides. Last week, I would add, the Obama administration approved new Monsanto corn despite 45,000 negative public comments and 23 positive, corn that will mean the widespread use of a major ingredient in Agent Orange as herbicide. According to Pierre-Louis, we cannot ethically shop our way out of this, not even by buying local, and we couldn't even if products were meaningfully labeled and the accuracy of the labeling was verified. Instead the easiest solution lies in the fact that, in the United States, we throw away 40 percent of the food we buy. Stop doing that! Start buying and using only what you need.

Continue reading “David Swanson: Recommended Book on Green Earth”

Worth a Look: Future of Occupy Newsletter

Worth A Look

“Occupy will never die; Evict us, we multiply!”

Welcome to The Future of Occupy newsletter!

As the movement enters a new phase of its development, having many sites evicted or facing eviction, we dedicate the first issue of FoO to one of its potent life-giving forces, the General Assemblies. Here you will find blogposts about the processes and evolution of the GAs, collaborative thinking, and a set of core declarations from some of the major occupations.

Monthly Downloads
Every month, newly posted key documents (as pdf's) will be available for download. This month, you can download From the “99%” – The New Common Sense and What is next for the Occupy Movement? Download PDF's

Selected Headlines:

Under Assemblies what might national, European and global governance look like?
General Assemblies: the primordial soup of social life in the 3rd millennium
Collective Thinking is an essential part of our movement
Beyond Protest: the way of People’s Assemblies
Occupy as a new societal model and ways to improve it
How Occupy innovates and gives new meaning to “mass communication”

