Steven Aftergood: CRS on Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content (#GoogleGestapo)

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency
Steven Aftergood

Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content

Currently, federal law does not offer much recourse for social media users who seek to challenge a social media provider’s decision about whether and how to present a user’s content. Lawsuits predicated on these sites’ decisions to host or remove content have been largely unsuccessful, facing at least two significant barriers under existing federal law.

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Yoda: 95,613 Whistleblower Complaints, Trillions Lost, Nothing Done by the US Department of Defense

Peace Intelligence

According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, in fiscal years 2013 – 2018, the Department of Defense Inspector General (DOD IG) received 95,613 whistleblower complaints. As trillions of tax dollars in military spending have gone unaccounted for, the DOD IG has been receiving an average of 15,936 complaints per year.

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The Saker: Zionist Racism — Understanding Anti-Semitism

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism”

This kind of religious racism is mostly taught in Orthodox Yeshivas and, of course, in various Haredi institutions in Israel. For these ignorant Jews any such explanations of the causes of antisemitism in world history are not only offensive (blaming the victim) but also completely unfair (“my family never said any such things!”). Second, while this kind of, frankly, demonic teachings have only been taught in religious circles, they nevertheless also have had a deep impact upon the outlook of many (but not all!) secular Jews many of whom might never have been told that all Christians deserve to be executed, but who still will have a profound and almost knee-jerk repulsion towards Christianity. The distance between Rabbi David Bar-Hayim and Sarah Silverman and her famous quoteI hope that Jews did kill Christ, I’d do it again in a second” is very, very short.

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State of the Nation: Presidential Alert – Stop 5G or Lose Florida

03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

5G CATASTROPHE: Mr. President, you leave us no choice!

An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President:

We are a group of very concerned citizens who reside in Florida. Our health, environmental and political network is deep and wide across the entire state.

All of us worked arduously to elect you in 2016 by helping to secure the deciding 29 electoral votes of Florida.

Now to the essential point of this open letter: the 5G roll-out must be shut down. Surely you have read and heard enough of the hard scientific evidence by now that you know 5G is dangerous to the extreme.

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Gareth Porter: How the U.S. Navy Sold the Vietnam War with Lies About Anti-Catholic Atrocities

Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence
Gareth Porter

How the U.S. Navy Sold the Vietnam War

Dr. Tom Dooley, whose best-selling book “Deliver Us From Evil” helped create a favorable climate of opinion for U.S. intervention in South Vietnam, has long been linked to legendary CIA officer Edward G. Lansdale and his black operations in Vietnam between 1954 and 1955. But the real story about Dooley’s influential book, which has finally emerged from more recent scholarly research, is that it was engineered by an official of the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Command, Capt. William Lederer.

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Berto Jongman: The Role of Academia as a Moderating Influence on Secret Intelligence Agencies

Academia, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Can Israeli intelligence be used to avoid unnecessary wars? – analysis

Academia may be helping depoliticize spy agencies.

But as the study notes, growing into and dialoging with academia goes far beyond empowering multiple intelligence agencies to give differing viewpoints.

It means releasing more information into the public sphere and enduring more public and systematic criticism from academics who are not necessarily looking to save the intelligence community from embarrassment.

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