Owl: Merkel Plans War with Russia — Enabling ISIS, Creating Army, Who Assassinated NATO’s Head Auditor?

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

BREAKING: I believe I have uncovered evidence that Angela Merkel is intentionally allowing ISIS to operate in the EU

The author of this detailed article purports to show German Chancellor Angela Merkel has deliberately and consciously allowed ISIS to operate within German borders for the express purpose of destabilizing Germany and Europe enough to force much deeper EU integration that would be controlled by Germany.  In addition, German control would extend to occupying other European countries under the cover of containing ISIS attacks. The author shows evidence that NATO is covertly supplying a new EU Army that will take on the role of a European occupier. This article contains extensive links to what appears to be reliable sources, and of particular note, it highlights the likely murder several days ago of Yves Chandelon, the Head Auditor of NATO, who may have been in the process of blowing the whistle on NATO supplying the EU Army.

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Norie Huddle: Jesus Today — New Now!

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Norie Huddle

From Ecuador with Love — Resurrecting Jesus

New People, New Story, New Game, New Toys, New Money, New Vision

Today, December 25, celebrates the birth of a remarkable man. A little over 2000 years ago, Jesus brought us a message of peace and love, with simple words: “I and my Father are one,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “Even so as you do unto the least of them, so also you do unto me,” and “I am the light and the Way,” and – the big one if we choose to take on the assignment that each of us is offered – “Go thou and do likewise.”

Jesus Talks to Trump Below the Fold

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Fixing Intelligence II: Seven Precepts (PORTAL) – Of Immediate Use to the New Acting DNI

#OSE Open Source Everything, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Strategy, Threats
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Fixing Intel II: Seven Precepts (PORTAL)

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Whoever Donald Trump picks as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), that person will be a placeholder and incapable of supporting the President with decision-support across all threats, policies, and budgets absent a Presidential decision to completely re-build and re-direct the the US Intelligence Community (US IC). As now constituted the US IC is an achipelago of out-of-control dysfunctional fiefdoms whose sole purpose in life is to keep the secret money moving while providing a foundation for Deep State operations against US politicians including the President and inclusive of the active protection of criminals and terrorists as well as the leveraging of US military assets and bases overseas to run drugs, guns, money, and children.

Below should be  read with my more recent open letter to the President and my new book on REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: 30 Years in the Wilderness.

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Owl: Michel Chossudovsky – Coup Being Led by Banks, Neoconservatives and Military-Industrial Complex Favoring War with Russia — Trump Backed by Main Street and Business Favoring a Foreign Policy of Peace and Commerce

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Electoral College Vote. Towards a December 19 Surprise?

In a previous article entitled Constitutional Crisis, Movement to Undermine President-elect Donald Trump’s Accession to the White House? I focused on the process of confrontation between the Trump and Clinton factions leading up to the Grand Electoral College Vote on December 19th.

We are not dealing with “class conflict”. What is at stake are rivalries, confrontations and deep divisions within the elite structures with regard to America’s global military agenda. While Hillary is the candidate of the US Military Industrial Complex, her hawkish foreign policy agenda does not directly serve the interests of a large segment of corporate America including a sizeable sector of the oil industry.

Continue reading “Owl: Michel Chossudovsky – Coup Being Led by Banks, Neoconservatives and Military-Industrial Complex Favoring War with Russia — Trump Backed by Main Street and Business Favoring a Foreign Policy of Peace and Commerce”

An American Grand Strategy: Evidence-Based, Affordable, Balanced, Flexible (Re-Inventing National Security Book 1)

5 Star, Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Amazon Kindle Page

The American Republic is out of balance — collapsing from poor governance and the triumph of special interests over the public interest. There are two root causes — the corruption of the US political process that disenfranchises sixty percent of the public and blocks Independents and small parties from ballot access, and a dysfunctional intelligence architecture that lacks integrity — as Henry Kissinger has observed, intelligence is not necessary to the exercise of power (as practiced by the elite-driven US national security state) and is often useless.

No one since President Ike Eisenhower and Project Solarium has ever attempted an official honest, comprehensive, and coherent formulation of a grand strategy that balances ends, means, and ways for all government functions, not only in the national security arena, where the military is consuming 60% of the disposable budget in 2015, but across the domestic front as well.

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Global Reality: Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations (Re-Inventing National Security Book 2)

5 Star, Atlases & State of the World, Complexity & Resilience, Ethics, Geography & Mapping, Government, Military, Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Kindle Page

Reality bats last — the US military has not been designed in the context of a Grand Strategy, nor has it been designed with any attention at all to Global Reality.

The US military is too slow, too heavy, too expensive, too complex, and spread too thin to be effective — it cannot deter, defend, or defeat. From the F-35 in the US Air Force to the USS Gerald Ford in the US Navy to the varied cancelled and cumbersome systems of the US Army, the US military is good for one thing and one thing only: enriching the military-industrial complex and the banks behind that complex.

Continue reading “Global Reality: Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations (Re-Inventing National Security Book 2)”

Re-Inventing the US Army: Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership (Re-Inventing National Security Book 3)

5 Star, Ethics, Force Structure (Military), Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Kindle Page

We have, with the election of Donald Trump,a once-in-a-century opportunity to rethink, reinvent, and reinvest in our national military concepts, doctrine, human capital, organizations, technologies, and command structures, while eradicating much of the waste that is characteristic of a “government specifications cost plus” approach to contracting. Donald Trump won against all odds, against both parties, without the support of the military-industrial complex. Donald Trump is “unshackled” (his word) – his instincts on costly foreign entanglements and the utility of organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are on display.

Wars are won or lost in the decade or two before those wars begin. Whether countries have a Grand Strategy or not; evaluate all high-level threats or not; devise a coherent force structure in which all services and civilian agencies are complementary, inter-operable, and sustainable or not; invest in the human factor for leadership and solider agility or not – these will determine the outcome of future wars a decade or two before the first shot is fired.

Continue reading “Re-Inventing the US Army: Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership (Re-Inventing National Security Book 3)”