Black on Black: Cornell West Nails Barack Obama

01 Poverty, 07 Other Atrocities, Academia, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Policies
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For blacks, a rift over Obama

Two Princeton scholars clash over the president's record, but the real divide is between assimilation and racial unity.

By Erin Aubry KaplanLos Angeles Times, June 19, 2011 

It was the kind of insular, issue-driven, black-on-black debate that ordinarily doesn't attract the media spotlight, even on the slowest news day. But thanks to the unprecedented profile of Barack Obama, the most famous black person in modern history, this one got hot.

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The Obama Deception: Why Cornel West Went Ballistic

Chris Hedges, 16 May 2011

The moral philosopher Cornel West, if Barack Obama’s ascent to power was a morality play, would be the voice of conscience. Rahm Emanuel, a cynical product of the Chicago political machine, would be Satan. Emanuel in the first scene of the play would dangle power, privilege, fame and money before Obama. West would warn Obama that the quality of a life is defined by its moral commitment, that his legacy will be determined by his willingness to defy the cruel assault by the corporate state and the financial elite against the poor and working men and women, and that justice must never be sacrificed on the altar of power.

Read rest of above article….

Phi Beta Iota: Cornell West is a Nobel-level philosopher (when the Nobel is not being pimped by Nowegian politicans).  He has kept his integrity when white men like Larry Summers and half-white men like Barack Obama have lost theirs–if they ever had it.  This discussion is NOT about race.  It is about integrity.  West wins, Obama loses…as do we all.

See Also:

Review: Democracy Matters–Winning the Fight Against Imperialism (Hardcover)

Review: Betrayal: How Black Intellectuals Have Abandoned the Ideals of the Civil Rights Era

Review: Waiting for Lightning to Strike–The Fundamentals of Black Politics

Reference: Legitimate Grievances by Robert Steele

Reference: On the Issues from Abortion to War & Peace

Non-Geek Digerati Anti-Intellectualism

Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, History, info-graphics/data-visualization, IO Impotency, Key Players, Methods & Process, Misinformation & Propaganda, Policies, Policy, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Reform, Research resources, Serious Games, Standards, Threats, Tools, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Larry Sanger

Is there a new geek anti-intellectualism?

Is there a new anti-intellectualism?  I mean one that is advocated by Internet geeks and some of the digerati.  I think so: more and more mavens of the Internet are coming out firmly against academic knowledge in all its forms.  This might sound outrageous to say, but it is sadly true.

Read lengthy post with links…

Robert David STEELE Vivas


Robert David STEELE Vivas: Digerati are not geeks.  They are adept at social media, a process, rather than the substance of any discipline.  Their scorn for the mandarins of knowledge would not be possible if academia had not lost its soul, sanctioned massive intellectual corruption, and fragmented itself to the point of irrelevance.  The serious educational literature (not something the digerati read) is clear: inspiration and innovation

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emerge faster, better, and cheaper from minds that are prepared, to include a foundation of memorization and a deep familiarity with the thinking of those who have come before.  The digerati point of view half-right and is embodied in Smart Mobs, Wisdom of the Crowd, Everything is Miscellaneous, and Maria Popova's latest thought, that “information curation is the new authorship.”  The digerati approach splits the roles of originator of an idea and connector of an idea down, and assumes that “the collective” can replicate and even surpass the individual human brain, without recognizing that the whole is only as good as the sum of the part foundation plus whatever the collective adds.  My own finding re Wikipedia is that the mob destroys intellectuals.  My own efforts to enhance the Open Source Intelligence page there were destroyed by idiots that “assumed” that because I pointed to so much (to many of the 800 people whose work is there including the 144 that received Golden Candle Awards) I was “self-promoting.” The digerati are fragile and very shallow, and by Larry Sanger's very interesting account, a new form of neo-Luddite.  The academy is corrupt and fragmented–we are in an era where all forms of organization have lost their soul and whatever semblance of philosophical context they may once have possessed.  We are suffering from the Paradigms of Failure that I discussed in the pre-amble to ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig (EIN, 2008).  There is only one option leading to stabilization & reconstruction:  INTEGRITY.  The digerati aren't–as a general rule–very appreciative of holistic thinking or in-depth expertise–they are a spoiled generation badly in need of some personal suffering and exposure to global reality–IMHO.

Joint US-Russia Assessment Nuclear Terrorism

06 Russia, 08 Proliferation, 10 Security, Academia, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, IO Technologies, Military, Peace Intelligence, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Technologies
Berto Jongman Recommends...

“First Joint U.S.-Russia Assessment of Nuclear Terror Threat”

Study Warns of Multiple Dangers, Calls for Urgent Action

June 6, 2011

Belfer Center Programs or Projects: The US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism

Learn More

Phi Beta Iota: This is a good initiative, something we should have been doing for decades.  However, it does not go far enough.  No such study can be credible without the participation of Brazil, China, Iran, Israel, and Pakistan, as well as major “interested parties” such as South Africa and Turkey.  In short, we are long over-due for a Multinational Decision-Support Centre that does M4IS2 on all topics.

GIS Coming Of Age–Tufts 2011 GIS Expo

Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, info-graphics/data-visualization, IO Sense-Making

Phi Beta Iota: All of the posters (use link) are expandable and printable. Below are just a few examples. Visit the 2011 GIS Poster Expo Gallery for all the others.  These are generally GIS 2.0, and do not yet focus on “deltas” between collected data sets (e.g. Chinese investment and corruption), nor do they question standing assumptions (e.g. that wind farms are the answer vice individual windmills).

Identifying Strategic Protest Routes for Civil Resistance
Identifying Strategic Protest Routes for Civil Resistance

Chris Sall
Climate Change Vulnerability: Mekong River Delta, Vietnam_

Patrick Neeley
Salt Lake Country Accessibility Model

Kirsten Wallerstedt
Chinese Investment in Africa: Good or Bad?

Jessie Pearl
Ground Source Heat Implementation in Massachusetts

Nicole Henretty
Food Security in Guatemala after Tropical Storm Agatha

Samantha Harris
Suitable Locations for Wind Farms in Mat-Su Borough, Alaska

New Concept: Holding Experts Accountable

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Ethics

(AP) – 25 May 2011

ROME (AP) — Seven scientists and other experts were indicted on manslaughter charges Wednesday for allegedly failing to sufficiently warn residents before a devastating earthquake that killed more than 300 people in central Italy in 2009.

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First Habitable Planet Confirmed by French

08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Academia, Earth Intelligence, Strategy

Greg Tito | 17 May 2011

Escapist Magazine

French scientists believe that a planet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581 could sustain life similar to Earth.

Twenty light years away is a small red star. Orbiting this sun are six planets that range in size from slightly smaller than Earth to about the size of Neptune. Several of these planets fall within the star's “Goldilocks” zone, neither too hot from proximity to the star nor too cold from being too far. If a planet is too hot, all water would be steam but if its too cold then it would be ice, neither of which can support life. Luckily, a group of astronomers from the National Centre for Scientific Research in France believe that the fourth planet – unimaginatively labeled Gliese 581d – is just right.

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Australia to Microsoft: You’re Fired

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Collaboration Zones, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Strategy, Technologies
Marc Bailey

Marc bails out Macquarie Uni on business intelligence

HTML5 business intelligence developed by Australians

James Hutchinson

ComputerWorld, 16 May 2011

Marc Bailey wants to kill the spreadsheet.

At least, that’s what the research fellows at Macquarie University asked for when he first stepped on board as CIO in late 2009. The proliferation of Microsoft Excel documents, changed countless times and shared between any number of siloed departments at the institution, had created “islands of data” that made one of his first challenges a seemingly insurmountable one.

Nearly 18 months later, and with nine months of development under the belt, the first release of the solution — Datamart — was pushed out to university staff in April this year. The offering, built upon Web-based software offered by Melbourne outfit Yellowfin, replaced multiple business intelligence systems and, of course, the spreadsheet.

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Bailey says the second year is all about leveraging the data often hidden under illusions of protection by university staff, and leveraging the infrastructure the IT team worked hard to replace in his first year at the institution.

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Bailey’s first year has been characterised by his challenge to form what is now known as the Informatics team and pursue technology goals centred around students and staff, rather than controlling the technology. The department has been split into nine groups, with Bailey heading the federation of those groups under his overarching strategy.

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota: Emphasis added.  This is a tremendously important initiative.

See Also:

Graphic: Business Intelligence Hits the Wall