Journal: DoD, WikiLeaks, JCS, Security Ad Naseum…

07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Media, Methods & Process, Military, Officers Call, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy

Defense News August 23, 2010

Experts: DoD Could Have Prevented WikiLeaks Leak

By William Matthews

While senior Pentagon officials resort to bluster in hopes of preventing the WikiLeaks website from posting any more secret Afghan war documents on the Internet, security experts say there is a lot the U.S. military could have done to prevent the classified documents from being leaked in the first place.

Steps range from the sophisticated — installing automated monitoring systems on classified networks — to the mundane — disabling CD burners and USB ports on network computers.

“The technology is available” to protect highly sensitive information, said Tom Conway, director of federal business development at computer security giant McAfee. “The Defense Department doesn’t have it, but it is commercially available. We’ve got some major commercial clients using it.”

Full Article Below the Line (Not Easily Available on Internet); Lengthy Comment Follows Article

Continue reading “Journal: DoD, WikiLeaks, JCS, Security Ad Naseum…”

Search: mapping community values

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Geospatial, InfoOps (IO), IO Mapping, Maps, Policy, Reform, Searches, Tools

Here is what comes up on Phi Beta Iota, followed by additional “human in the loop” suggestions.

Review : Global Shift–How A New Worldview Is Transforming Humanity

Here is what you were probably looking for:

Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services

A couple more links we like (remember, US still does not have 1:50,000 charts for 90% of the world):

Mapping Communities:  Ethics, Values, Practice (PDF,  2005)
Understanding Your Audience and Your Community – Mapping Software that Reveals Key Characteristics (HTML, 2008)
Good practices in participatory mapping (PDF, 2009)
Community-mapping projects for sustainability (HTML, 2009)
Community Asset Mapping (HTML, 2010)

Amazon Links:

Value-Stream Mapping Books (focus on business process value mapping)

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: mapping community values”

Search: Information Mapping (2010 Update)

Augmented Reality, Budgets & Funding, info-graphics/data-visualization, IO Mapping, Maps, Methods & Process, Searches, Tools, True Cost

Below is updated information followed by the original response.

With the permission of Robert Horn, a co-founder of Earth Intelligence Network and also the “owner” of the term “information mapping,” we have posted his seminal work in easy to download and exploit segments:

Reference: Mapping Hypertext (1989)

Latest example of Robert Horn's work:

Reference: Sustainable World by 2050

Below: Two “New Media” Programs, One Pace-Setting Informatics Program, Comment, and original 2009 search response.

Continue reading “Search: Information Mapping (2010 Update)”

Journal: Human-Centered Computing (Not…)

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), IO Multinational, Open Government, Reform

Human-centered computing should be–but is not today–about connecting all humans with all information in near-real-time, while providing back office tools that elevate the human brain and more properly plan information and communications technologies in a support role.  See for example our Citizen-Centered Graphics and all of the OSS/EIN Books.  Where the emergent meme is off-target is in focusing on the relationship of the computer to the individual, rather than the whole.  Hacking Humanity is the new meme.


Human-Centered Computing (Wikipedia)
Human-Centered Computing Cluster (HCC)
Human-Centered Computing in Education (Links)
Human-Centered Computing: A Multi-Media Perspective (PDF circa 2005)


Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education
Review: Making Learning Whole–How Seven Principles of Teaching can Transform Education
Review (Guest): Cognitive Surplus–Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated
Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution
Review: Consilience–the Unity of Knowledge
Review: The Unfinished Revolution–Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do For Us
Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem–The Annotated Edition

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Technology & Web 2.0 to 4.0

Worth a Look: CrowdMap (Beta)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Citizen-Centered, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, Historic Contributions, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), International Aid, IO Mapping, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Maps, Methods & Process, microfinancing, Mobile, Officers Call, Open Government, Policy, Reform, Research resources, Technologies, Tools, Worth A Look

Crowdmap (Liquida)

Crowdmap allows you to…

+ Collect information from cell phones, news and the web.
+ Aggregate that information into a single platform.
+ Visualize it on a map and timeline.

Crowdmap is designed and built by the people behind Ushahidi, a platform that was originally built to crowdsource crisis information. As the platform has evolved, so have its uses. Crowdmap allows you to set up your own deployment of Ushahidi without having to install it on your own web server.

See Also:

Graphics: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool

Reference: How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence

Journal: Tech ‘has changed foreign policy’

Continue reading “Worth a Look: CrowdMap (Beta)”