Review (Guest): Margin of Victory by COL Steve Patarcity as Published by Center for Military of Military History

5 Star, Force Structure (Military), Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Public), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Public Administration, Strategy, Survival & Sustainment
Amazon Page

Margin of Victory

“Margin of Victory: Five Battles that Changed the Face of Modern Warfare” by Douglas Macgregor.  Naval Institute Press. 2016, Hardcover, 268 pages, $34.95.

“Margin of Victory” is about change, intelligently and soberly recognizing the need for that change regardless of preconceived notions and the consequences of failing to do so.  Each of the conflicts analyzed by Macgregor, all seemingly unrelated at first glance, center on his repeated premise that victory will depend on lessons learned that will drive accepting change and implementing the hard decisions that must accompany transformation – notably in technology, people, strategy and organization.  While history provides perspective that must be considered, holding on to outmoded concepts or failing to properly leverage what’s been learned will ultimately lead to decisive defeat.

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Ed Jewett: Review of Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men – The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Science & Politics of Science, Technology (Bio-Mimicry, Clean)

The Baylonian dragon of chaos
“sirrush” or mušuššu (??? )

There is a book published in 2011 which will provide background and textual substance to the news of the Chinese CRISPr creation of twins, the Neanderthal project on PBS and this recent discussion about cosmic fascism.

Amazon Page

It is Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell and I commend it to you.

It is about “ancient accounts of chimeras and monsters”, and “genetic engineering technology” — including “the engineered creation of mankind itself”.  Religions were promoted by these elite engineers “as tools of cohesion, conquest, and a considerable degree of obfuscation; as “commerce and contact between civilization and grew — often fostered by these very same elites —so to did religious agendas change, often violently, but just as often subtly.“

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Review: The Kremlin’s Candidate (Espionage Fiction)

5 Star, Intelligence (Government/Secret)
Amazon Page

Jason Matthews

5 Star Weakest of the Three But a Fine Conclusion

This is the final of three books written by a CIA clandestine operations officer who in my view has created a most extraordinary trilogy that not only should be required reading for every aspiring spy, but is recommended for every citizen as well. This is CIA at its best, with all of its problems revealed alongside its priceless contributions to the USA.

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Review: Explosive Growth – A Few Things I Learned While Growing To 100 Million Users – And Losing $78 Million

5 Star, Information Technology, Intelligence (Public), Intelligence (Wealth of Networks)
Amazon Page

Cliff Lerner

5 Star Combines Lessons with Reading Recommendations

I'm starting to think about how to spend $200M to create an alternative to #GoogleGestapo that connects the President to 200 million eligible voters, and this book jumped to the top of the pile.

It is a fast pleasant read and it delivers both the expected lessons and an unexpected bonus, a very fine integrated list of books he read and gathered lessons from. I've read most of them but it was — for those who do not read as much as I do — a fine added value.

Here are a few items that stood out:

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Ed Jewett: Book Review – Microcosm and Medium by Joseph Farrell — A Mind Control Prophylactic

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ

There aren’t many things that get my anger and paranoia out for a walk on a rainy weekday afternoon than reading about advances being made by the military-industrial empire having to do with mind control.

I like to be left alone to determine the direction of my life, so I find Joseph Farrell’s Microcosm and Medium to be a breath of fresh air, first for its new information, then for some analysis by someone with advanced intelligence and terminal degrees, and thirdly for its approach to hope for humanity. There are things we can do to prevent the cell doors of tyranny from slamming shut.

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Review: The Great Revolt – Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Capitalism (Good & Bad), Congress (Failure, Reform), Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research, Democracy, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Information Society, Justice (Failure, Reform), Media, Misinformation & Propaganda, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Religion & Politics of Religion, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Page

Salena Zito and Brad Todd

5 Star Insights Into How and Why Trump Won — Complements Our Towns

The authors combine experience as a national political analyst for reputable media organizations with national-scope Republican advertising and opinion research. The book offers deep insights into how and why Donald Trump captured so many “Reagan Democrats” at the same time that he attracted many eligible non-voters back into the election process.

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Robert Steele: Could Robert Gates Create a Smart Nation as Chancellor of the Republic? Review of A Passion for Leadership by Robert M. Gates

5 Star, Intelligence (Government/Secret)

Could Robert Gates Create a Smart Nation as Chancellor of the Republic?

5 stars – Real potential at the intersection of education, intelligence, and research

American Herald Tribune, 3 July 2018

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