Journal: Zbigniew Brzezinski BRILLIANT on Haiti Now

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Uncategorized

Zbigniew Brzezinski, appearing on CNN with Fareed Zakaria today, Sunday, 24 January 2010 at 1300, has just turned in the single most brilliant and statemanlike precise (on Haiti) that we have been privileged to witness in over a decade.

We've been down on Brzezinski during that period because he has not given up his compulsion to punish the Russians, push the Chinese back, and generally assume that Epoch A leadership will allow the US–and the Obama Administration that he has been advising on foreign and national security policy–to continue to weild the “Big Stick” that we can no longer afford.

We don't take that back,  but we stand in praise of the single most intelligent, most urgent, and most helpful public statement we have heard in a long time.  Below are our notes on what he said.

+  Frustrated, no one visibly in charge

+  Relief effort is slow moving, lacks evidence of direction

+  Total government collapse requires a UN Trusteeship immediately

+  Haiti has Human Capital, a “remarkable resource” with an “impressive tradition of self-development.

Phi Beta Iota: Of course it helps to have him agree with what we have been saying from day one, see the specific headlines below and the rolling update last.  Haiti is an OPPORTUNITY.  No one now in charge appears to have the correct Epoch B mind-set, this is what needs to change Monday.  No more excuses.  We need to treat Haiti as the global opportunity to change the way we do business.

Journal: Haiti History, Interim Report, Prognosis

Journal Haiti: Silly Question–Regional Traffic Management? Strategic Resettlement?

Reference: Reverse TIPFID for Haiti

Journal: Haiti Earthquake Unconventional C4I

Journal: US Response to Haiti Reveals Old Mindsets

Journal: Haiti Highlights Death of US C4I

Journal: Haiti Multinational Decision-Support Challenge

Journal: Haiti–Ready for a Rapid-Response Open-Source-Intelligence-Driven Inter-Agency Multinational Multifunctional Stabilization & Reconstruction Mission…

Journal: Haiti Earthquake CAB 21 Sequence of Events

Journal: Haiti Rolling Directory from 12 January 2010

Journal: Haiti Update from Marine Eyes On–America is Shaming Itself and Opening Door to a Crime Against Humanity of Catastrophic Proportions

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Uncategorized

Chuck Spinney

Attached is an important eyewitness assessment of the current situation in Haiti.  It was written by William McNulty, a retired marine who is a volunteer member of Team Rubicon, a self-financed and self-deployed group of former Marines, soldiers and health care professionals currently providing emergency relief in Haiti.

McNulty paints a grim picture of condition in Haiti and especially, as he puts it, “… the impotence of western power to deal with disasters/emergencies;for either out of lack of compassion, political correctness, or because the institutions set up to take care of emergencies are so overburdened with layers of bureaucracy that they are ineffective.”

Phi Beta Iota: Team Rubicon is a self-financed and self-deployed group of former Marines, soldiers and health care professionals currently providing emergency relief in Haiti.  Unlike the Red Cross and others, they do not skim 50% for overhead, they are there now, and every penny goes straight into Haiti.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Deputy TL McNulty, AAR. “This is a disaster on a catastrophic scale!” , please read and pass on!

2010-01-24 13:57

Short After Action Review due to time-constraints…more to follow. I´m currently in Santo Domingo about to hop a flight back to DC.

For the last six days I was operating in refugee camps in the worst hit areas of Port au Prince. I was the Asst Team Leader for Team Rubicon, a team of former Marines, soldiers, firefighters, doctors, and nurses operating in the supposed ´denied areas´ of Port au Prince. We were – and the team continues to be – FIRST RESPONDERS to wounds now over ten days old.

. . . . . . .

Sensationalist journalism prevented aid from getting to Port au Prince.   . . .   There were no mobs of bandits, the media was wrong. But…if the world doesn´t get there fast, there will be. People get very desperate without food and water. I would too. But since bureaucratic institutions are reactive, not proactive (by their very nature), the irresponsible journalism and circular reporting of the traditional media made even the military scared to respond in a timely fashion. I was personally told by a friend of mine at SOUTHCOM to not deploy until the security situation improved. He´s a very good friend and good at his job, but couldn´t have been more wrong.

. . . . . . .

Immediately remove anyone in the military chain of command who becomes part of the problem, or move them off base and into town so they can learn the hard way.   . . .  This is a disaster on a catastrophic scale, and it doesn´t have to be this bad. Hold your leaders responsible.

Read the original post at Team Rubicon Blog.

Journal: Haiti Rolling Directory from 12 January 2010

Journal: Haiti History, Interim Report, Prognosis

01 Poverty, 07 Other Atrocities, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence

To Heal Haiti, Look to History, Not Nature (New York Times)

On Jan. 1, 1804, when Dessalines created the Haitian flag by tearing the white middle from the French tricolor, he achieved what even Spartacus could not: he had led to triumph the only successful slave revolt in history. Haiti became the world’s first independent black republic and the second independent nation in the Western Hemisphere.

Alas, the first such republic, the United States, despite its revolutionary creed that “all men are created equal,” looked upon these self-freed men with shock, contempt and fear. Indeed, to all the great Western trading powers of the day — much of whose wealth was built on the labor of enslaved Africans — Haiti stood as a frightful example of freedom carried too far. American slaveholders desperately feared that Haiti’s fires of revolt would overleap those few hundred miles of sea and inflame their own human chattel.

Haiti Numbers (Daily Gleaner Canada)

* Number of homeless in Haiti: 2 million, European Commission estimate.

* Total death toll roughly 200,000, estimate by the European Union, quoting Haitian officials.

* Other aid: UN World Food Programme has distributed 1.4 million ready-to-eat food rations, says 100 million will be needed over next 30 days to reach three million people in desperate need.

Major aftershock hits Haiti; assessment team making contact (Baptist Press)

The team arrived in Port-au-Prince Wednesday (Jan. 20) after a 17-hour, 160-mile trip in a four-vehicle caravan from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

More than 40 significant aftershocks have hit since the Jan. 12 quake killed an estimated 200,000 people, injured 250,000 and left 1.5 million homeless.

The truck drivers are less and less willing to [drive into the city] as the situation in Port deteriorates.

Officials are concerned that the desperation people feel will boil over into violence. Looters by the hundreds have been fighting each other with broken bottles, clubs and other weapons over whatever goods they can still find in damaged stores.

Haiti DR planning slated Jan. 26 in Miami (Baptist Press)

Another assessment team member, Don Gann, disaster relief director for the Mississippi Baptist Convention, said the situation in Haiti remains fluid, chaotic and difficult. “[T]he traffic in Port-au-Prince is unbelievable,” Gann said. “Today, it took us three hours to go seven miles.

“There are security issues the teams need to be aware of. The situation is still precarious. A medical team or a feeding team could be overrun just because the people here have such great needs.”

Another assessment team member, Don Gann, disaster relief director for the Mississippi Baptist Convention, said the situation in Haiti remains fluid, chaotic and difficult. “[T]he traffic in Port-au-Prince is unbelievable,” Gann said. “Today, it took us three hours to go seven miles. ”

Haiti Earthquake update: cardboard communities

In this Haiti Earthquake update, The Christian Science Monitor reports that Haitians are building new homes after the earthquake with little more than cardboard and plastic in refugee camps. It's estimated that there are 250 such camps in existence.

The rich have left Haiti's capital city of Port-Au-Prince, leaving the poor to fend for themselves. Haiti Earthquake relief efforts are building, but with 3 million people in need of aide and a crumbled infrastructure, it's a challenge.

Update From Haiti: A Little Hope Today

Today felt like we made more progress and were able to create a little hope. We received some food from the United Nations and the Sisters of Charity, but most isn't getting to the people. Most is still in warehouses

Updates on the Crisis in Haiti

The volume of cases was truly overwhelming. We ran 2-3 operating rooms for 12-14 hours at a time, and didn’t even make a dent in the case load.

He added that “it was somewhat unclear” who was in charge of bringing patients injured to the hospital from hte earthquake zone. “

Update on the Progress of the US “Invasion”

Members of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit launched two helicopters to resupply a U.N. distribution site with water.

Then came the earthquake victims, injured one week ago, ferried onboard by several helicopters. In all, the ship took in 19 patients after getting three Tuesday.

Phi Beta Iota Prognosis: In our over-all experience, absent a sea change in how the world community is approaching this, at least half the aid will be stolen or misappropriated; half the remaining aid dollars and materials will never get to the Hiatians at all.  The prospects of a plague, riots, and other human break-downs increase every day.  At this point in time neither the US nor Brazil nor the Cubans appear to have any of the following:

1.  Multinational Information-Sharing and Sense-Making Center

2.  Multinational Strategy, Operations Plan, or Tactical Lines of Engagement

3.  Phase Plan for leveraging every air and sea entry point that makes sense

4.  Phase Plan for actually getting minimal water and food to each of three million people for each of the next 30, 60, 90 days

5.  Strategy, Campaign Plan, or Logistics for applying aid dollars to the bottom-up reconstruction of Haiti in a manner that aggressively relocates 400,000 people not to temporary camps but to permanent opportunities with a virtually infinite supply of building materials aided by every Red Hat, See Bee and Army Engineer unit we can muster.  This needs a Berlin Airlift degree of seriousness, a Marine Expeditionary Force level of complex simultaneous attention to detail, and a Whole of Government Multinational Engagement mind-set that we are simply not seeing.

6.  We know that the US Government is trying to share imagery and other information with selected partners both national and non-governmental but we don't see a coherent island-wide Information Operations (IO)  endeavor, and we see ZERO in the way of “Strategic Communications” outlining in militarily precise terms where the bodies are, what percentage have been fed, etcetera.  The absence of this information causes us great sadness, for it suggests that in all probability the US military is not treating this matter with the deep seriousness that it merits from a multinational public information-sharing and sense-making point of view.

Journal: Haiti Rolling Directory from 12 January 2010

Journal: Haiti–Ready for a Rapid-Response Open-Source-Intelligence-Driven Inter-Agency Multinational Multifunctional Stabilization & Reconstruction Mission…

01 Brazil, 01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 07 Venezuela, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, 12 Water, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Methods & Process, Mobile, Real Time
Full Story Online

AP: Injured Haitians plead for help after quake

Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital Wednesday after the strongest earthquake hit the poor Caribbean nation in more than 200 years crushed thousands of structures, from humble shacks to the National Palace and the U.N. peacekeeping headquarters. Untold numbers were still trapped.

Destroyed communications made it impossible to tell the extent of destruction from Tuesday afternoon's 7.0-magnitude tremor, or to estimate how many were dead among the collapsed buildings in Haiti's capital of about 2 million people.

France's foreign minister said the head of the U.N. peacekeeping mission was apparently among the dead.

Full Story Online

Phi Beta Iota: This is precisely what was briefed recently to the DIA Multinational Intelligence Fellows and earlier in Tampa to the Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) and unnoticed by DIA as well as declined by CENTCOM as a transition model toward a Multinational Decision Support Center.  The US Government does well enough with little things that can be handled by one agency, or one thing that must be handled by multiple agencies, but it does not do well as all with many things that must be handled by many players on a no-notice basis.  The reason: a C4I system that is high-side unilateral expensive and largely useless past one big contingency.  The solution: a global grid that is unclassified (commercial-level security) and open to everyone.  DIA has enormous potential as a hub for Multinational Engagement and defense-rooted open source exploitation that also impacts on the QDR and acquisition while providing Combatant Commanders with relevant unclassified intelligence for COIN and other challenges.

See Also:

Continue reading “Journal: Haiti–Ready for a Rapid-Response Open-Source-Intelligence-Driven Inter-Agency Multinational Multifunctional Stabilization & Reconstruction Mission…”

Journal: Tea Party Going National & Moving Money

01 Poverty, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Citizen-Centered, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Methods & Process, Reform
Convergence Happens Here

Massive and astonishingly rapid Convergence is emergent in the USA, and the Tea Party–now morphing from numoerous dispart local organizations in to a national network of networks–is  the center of the Perfect Storm.

To left is orginal art by Damien M. Jones, available for sale in print.  Do check out his entire collection.

Here is a short list of the convergence elements we are seeing in motion:

Evolutionary Activism

Co-Evolution & Bio-Mimicry & Bio-Capital

Natural Capitalism & No Logo Buy-Cotts

Panarchy, Holistic Darwinism, & Non-Zero (Win-Win)

Open Source Software, Open Source Intelligence, Open Spectrum

Pedagogy of the OppressedAll Rise (Politics of Dignity),

Wealth of Networks & Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid

Blessed Unrest, Voice of the People, Populism in America

Continue reading “Journal: Tea Party Going National & Moving Money”

Reference: Walter Dorn on UN Intelligence in Haiti

01 Poverty, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Ethics, Government, InfoOps (IO), Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Military, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence, United Nations & NGOs
Walter Dorn on UN Intelligence in Haiti
Walter Dorn on UN Intelligence in Haiti (MINUSTAH U-2)

UPDATE:  Superceeded by final published version a tReference: Intelligence-Led Peacekeeping

Phi Beta Iota: Dr. Walter Dorn is one of a tiny handful of truly authoritative academic observers of UN intelligence, a pioneer in his own right, and perhaps the only person who has followed UN intelligence from the Congo in the 1960's to the creation of new capabilities in Haiti and elsewhere in the 21st Century.  He is the dean of UN intelligence authors.  See also Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Walter Dorn.

Journal: BBC Dishonest on ClimateGate

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Media

Copenhagen summit urged to take climate change action

The arguments made by climate change sceptics

European media on climate summit

Phi Beta Iota: BBC reporting on Copenhagen and Climate Change has been consistently dishonest.  We have urgent questions about how BBC is funded and how it does quality assurance.  The core failing of Copenhagen, apart from its being based on fraudulent politicized science that is beneath contempt, is the fact that there is no Strategic Analytic Model and there is no attention being paid to the much wiser and more useful findings of the High Level Panel on Threats, Challenge, & Change.  Poverty causes more environmental damange than corporations–poverty and infectious disease are both more important than Environmental Degradation BUT Envrionmental Degradation in ALL its forms is more important than everything else.  It's time for a massive audit of the BBC, they are not serving the British or global public as well as they could or should.