Cyber-Security Politics, Business, Ethics…

02 China, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Computer/online security, Corruption, Cyberscams, malware, spam, Government, InfoOps (IO), Mobile, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Technologies
DefDog Recommends....

Is it just me, or does it appear that we're okay with selling our cyber-soul to China (and Russia), as long as we can also blow tens of billions on US firms pretending to do cyber-security?

Report: Despite status as U.S. security threat, China's Huawei partnering with Symantec, April 27, 2011

The Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies, which has been linked to the Chinese military, is working with the U.S. software security giant Symantec, which is engaged in securing hundreds of thousands of U.S. computer systems against outside intrusions, according to a report last week in the Diplomat newsletter.

The report said “China and Russia are leveraging U.S. multinational corporations' economic requirements to accomplish strategic goals that could quite plausibly include covert technology transfer of intellectual property, access to source code for use in malware creation and backdoor access to critical infrastructure.”

Huawei was blocked from buying the U.S. telecom 3Leaf last year by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and also was blocked in 2008 from buying 3Com over security concerns. The U.S. National Security Agency also stepped in to dissuade AT&T from buying Huawei telephone equipment.

Despite those actions, Huawei formed a joint venture with Symantec in 2007 called Huawei Symantec Technologies Co. Ltd. (HS), the report said. Huawei is the majority partner with 51 percent ownership, with the entity being headquartered in Chengdu, China.

The report said a 2008 report identified HS as developing “China's first laboratory of attack and defense for networks and applications.”

The result is that Symantec is assisting China's cyber development of computer warfare capability.

The report was produced by cyber security expert Jeffrey Carr, author of Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld (O'Reilly, 2009).

Phi Beta Iota: The US Government compounds its lack of a strategic analytic model and the requisite integrity to actually pay attention to whatever findings might emerge, with an abysmal inattention to the most basic aspects of counter-intelligence, not just within government, but across the private sector, which does not actually take counter-intelligence seriously either.  Creating a Smart and Safe Nation is not difficult–it requires only a uniform commitment to intelligence and integrity across all boundaries.

Overcoming the political divide, but not through facts!

03 Economy, 04 Education, 06 Family, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Misinformation & Propaganda
John Steiner

This is a great analysis of how the liberal/conservative political divide persists, and a suggested path to solving it. By Ethan Zuckerman at the Berkman Center.

Great quote up front:

“You don’t lead with the facts in order to convince. You lead with the values — so as to give the facts a fighting chance.”

04/25/2011 (11:41 am)

Overcoming political polarization… but not through facts

A recent New York Times poll suggests that Americans are in a dark mood. 70% of people think the country is moving in the wrong direction, a number not seen since the peak of the Great Recession two years ago. Their frustration may stem from higher gas prices or continued unemployment, but at least some commentators believe that a key factor is popular frustration with a dysfunctional government that doesn’t seem able to address the issues the US is facing.

Read entire piece with many links….

Phi Beta Iota: This has been upgraded to a reference.  Brother Steiner has brought forward one of the most elegant reviews of the conflicts between beliefs, values, facts, and needs that we have seen.  This is a deep and broad article whose substance–and the links therein–merit appreciation by all who wish to advance the public's common interest.

From the Pentagon? More Education, Fewer Guns?

03 Economy, 04 Education, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy, Threats

An excellent read from credible sources in the vein of Phi Beta Iota articulated reforms.  Oh, and by the way, surprisingly this was written (in part, this is a two-author article) by a fellow naval intelligence professional (and more surprising is the fact it comes from a senior navy intelligence officer …. not something I would have expected, given how wed to cold-war ideals most of the senior leadership is…

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The Pentagon’s ‘Mr. Y’ And National Security

Two Special Assistants to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen say (unofficially) it’s time, strategically, to spend more on education and less on guns. We’ll hear them out.

See Also:

Continue reading “From the Pentagon? More Education, Fewer Guns?”

Simultaneous Policy: Two Interviews

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Open Government, Policies, Real Time, Reform, Serious Games, Strategy, Threats, Tools

1. Simpol – John Bunzl – Interview Part One (April 15, 2009)


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See Simpol's Founder, John Bunzl, explain Simpol on Youtube, Part 1.   (about 5 minutes)

2. Simpol – John Bunzl – Interview Part Two (April 15, 2009)


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See Simpol's Founder, John Bunzl, explain Simpol on Youtube, Part 2.   (about 5 minutes)

De-Programming the “American Hologram”

07 Other Atrocities, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), IO Impotency, Policies, Reform
Jock Gill

It is not about politics.  It is about the “American Hologram”, as Joe Bageant calls it:

“All Americans, regardless of caste, live in a culture woven of self-referential illusions. Like a holographic simulation, each part refers exclusively back to the whole, and the whole refers exclusively back to the parts. All else is excluded by this simulated reality.”

The Great American Media Mind Warp: A Feast of Bullshit and Spectacle

Of course Joe, who died recently, is pretty far out there.  But his notion of the Hologram, which has become almost sacred in some parts of our culture, is pretty accurate.  Compare and contrast, for example, main stream media with Rachel Maddow.  She reports, I am told, on the negative receptions GOP members get at their so called town hall meetings.  But the MSM?  Or look at Wikileaks on Gitmo vs the MSM on Gitmo.  Or look at the failure of the MSM to link the decline of the dollar to the price of gasoline.

So what we need is a counter-narrative that strips the current hologram of its power to delude and anesthetize. IE, until we see through the hologram and realize it is naked, as it were, we are not going to get much meaningful change.  Change is not what the powers that be want, which of course is why they promote consumption, celebrity and entertainment over all.  A nation of zombies, who don't even know they are being duped, is what they want.

This is not rocket science and is well known, but so far no one has been able to articulate a sufficiently compelling alternative narrative.

See Also:

Massimo Pigliucci on Ignorance Today

AMERICA: Y UR PEEPS B SO DUM? Ignorance and courage in the age of Lady Gaga

Journal: USA Theater of Politics Adds a Side Show

Review: Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

2008 ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig

Reference (2003): Augmented Social Network

Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), IO Mapping, Methods & Process, Policies, Reform, Serious Games, Standards, Threats, White Papers
Venessa Miemis

NEW: Archived & Expanded at P2P Foundation/ASN

this paper covers a lot of the ground we've been discussing here [at Google Group Next Net] about what kind of intentions a ‘next net' would facilitate. worth a read.

Augmented Social Network: Building Identity and Trust into the Next-General Internet by Ken Jordan, Jan Hauser, Steven Foster

as presented at the Planetwork conference on “Networking a Sustainable Future” in San Francisco on June 6, 2003

as published First Monday, Volume 8, Number 8 – 4 August 2003

Phi Beta Iota: The current approaches to “identity” are vestiges of the industrial-era commoditization of humans and the fragmentation of the commons.  In the 1990's the Hackers Conference (Silicon Valley) discussed trust and identity authentication in combination with anonymnity (or better, invisibility).

Reference: Opening the World–Social networks and the formation of free [prosperous] communities

Advanced Cyber/IO, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), International Aid, Key Players, Methods & Process, microfinancing, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Strategy, Threats, Tools
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